Wednesday, March 2, 2011

He's Wearing A Pink Tux

of everyday life takes its course ...

After I had last Friday you published my interim report as a little filler, there is finally hope the interesting part, the news of my everyday life now occurring in Geraldton.
Unfortunately, the last entry again so long ago that I had to watch it until this entry again in order to know where I'm actually stand still and continue where I have to. In German: The good intention you went as fast as possible to provide reading material back again into thin air. The reason is quite simple: Although I am currently employed and all things pretty much have the ears, I enjoy my life right now Australian much what it is for me more serious, makes me and sat down to write these entries. However, I also know that I'm in a certain "writing mood" has to be, all here to make as interesting as possible.
Before I was last Monday to move at all, me and Sandra Thomas have further ado to the "House-sitting" clamped. While they had to do in Perth private, so I have been taking care of the dog and two cats.

My weekend program that was not yet filled, however, because on Saturday we went to the service of my future work Football clubs, as it was expected a team from Perth before we wanted to present themselves as best as possible. Of course, by me, after two training sessions, not expecting there to appear, but given the fact that they want me to meet with the membership fee, I took it for granted seen a little hand to create and help clean up. Apart from the clean-up, there the gates were still the collar, got that fresh metal hooks and thus the network will no longer be taped must:) did conclude it then the Australian version of a stadium sausage, which in this case "Sausage-Sizzle" calls. Here it turns a kind of Thuringia, which laid on a piece of toast to loose, from steamed onions covered and infused with barbecue sauce. Conclusion: Thumbs up for the German Stadium sausage:)
Sausage Sizzle
After I met with the Australian Football made a little familiar, it went on Monday afternoon to my future host family which I have already been met on the sailing ship. I am in good hands! Apart from a nice house with a great ocean view I have two dogs, a guinea pig and 7 hens expected, which makes the family even more interesting. Because I've landed here with a very nice, athletic and enterprising family - my time in Geraldton, we therefore promising. This went on Wednesday after school straight to the pool. While Connie was at swimming lessons have Lisa and I moved our cars. You're going to wonder why it is all about the swimming pool when a sea directly outside the front door has? I've also thought:)
then went back on it then a sunset trip on a sailing ship, which, as I pointed out, pretty much regular. Such a short hand Wednesdays simply an invitation via SMS will be sent to some friends out who can ask not to appear twice:) If, after all, a wonderful way to spend your evening.
Lisa explained to the kids,
as the "Solar Cooker" does

The next morning, the alarm clock brought me back into everyday life back, which despite the school curriculum is not completely uninteresting. As I mentioned before, I am very happy to have landed on a rather unusual school, because I get to know this apart from the academic school system or another. For example, was the past week more under the aspect of "environment" than they already do have in this school. On the "Meat-free Friday" and the "waste-free Wednesday" on Thursday still followed by the construction of a "Solar Cookers" and the teaching of proper recycling, which can be found here in Australia rather rare. So Monday should the children try meat-free lunch boxes to bring, and Wednesdays you care to use as much recyclable material as possible, apart from the lunch box actually runs through the whole day.
Construction of Solar Cookers for me was as environmentally-conscious engineers very interesting. Even if the materials were kept relatively simple, could be vermittlet the kids how effective solar power can be actually when you try to use them. were allowed to shoot with an empty pizza box, aluminum and plastic foil, black paper, tape and a piece of the kids from the Lighthouse Room test their technical skills. Since in many parts of Australia's reliance on the sun, the cooker could be the next day and then tried before what many turn out to enthusiasm.
was the weekend, after a long dry spell, once again the focus is on football, because on Saturday I had a little training deficit despite my first game for over 7 months. Surprisingly, I was announced on Thursday after the training that I managed to jump directly to the first team, what I'm obviously very happy. But before the late lunch was at 35C ° on the lawn, I had to buy previously ne white trousers and red neck. So I got my first 90-minutes for the "Reds" was delivered more or less successful. These are my demands on myself, which can be rather modest, the current conclusion and not the opinion of the team mates who were very satisfied. Sports journalist is still not on my forehead:)

2. Team
After game there was still a plate of pasta for all players and of course some Bierle. That evening, it remained for many not only for a few beers, because for some of the team, including me, we went to a birthday party. From there on in the Breakers club, which is usually more of a pub and then last stop was the Vibe, one of two nightclubs in Geraldton, of which I am, where my memories will last back and got passed in the early morning hours.
we now skip the hung-over Sunday and we will continue with the Monday:) Yes, on Monday I have tested the gym, of which I get a gift from Renee, visitors have a card. On this day, I am but rather approached the dumbbells and weights and cardiovascular equipment the less, as my legs from the game and the overloading of the past weeks were very difficult still.
the rest of the previous week, I find my time at school or spent on planning my vacations. Although I do a little traveling in the north, but can travel with $ 100 pocket money a month to finance relatively poor, so I make the trip thus rather depends on whether I am in the weeks to get a cash job or just what my family makes.
Since we are then again at the end of my Weekly Review arrived. On the next you can look but you really, because apart from the School-Camp, which takes place tomorrow, I take my family on a trip with exciting. From Friday to Monday with the fact we are sailing on the open sea and sail out to the so-Abrolhos Islands, which lie about 70 km from the coast. Your so you can look forward to an exciting report and interesting pictures!
The readership of my town I wish conclude with a fun carnival!
Although not want to listen to hers, but that I would now like:) Greetings Dani

Butalbital/apap/caff Tb Tev

OP-A taste

On Tuesday I had
the opportunity to attend a hysterectomy (removal of the uterus). Kwami, mentoring of volunteers in Agou, had invited me to his job at the hospital in Bethesda Agou-Nyogbo (main setting of the book "Fufu is not a food of the gods" by Dieter Jacobi). He works as an anesthetist. The invitation I am only too happy followed, as it has always interested me, is operated as here.

By and large, it is like here. There are a patient, an anesthesiologist with a helper, a helper or two surgeons and a knight. The devices are less modern and plentiful, but it has everything work.

operating room
The difference is that patients who are running in the operating room, it does not necessarily clean everything from windows and doors are made of wood, there is less disposable products, particularly as medical and surgical gowns - Shawls terms. Most patients who undergo surgery on the lower body get a Peridualanästhesie, an anesthetic into the spine, that is, they are awake throughout the surgery. In our patient is told as the uterus, which was full of fibroids removed. It took almost three hours. I know not sure I would have coped with that. Even a difference. Patients are not treated with kid gloves here so as with us. Since it is often quite ugly. "Stand up but not like that!", "This could be much worse." The patient must pay yourself any drug, too. If he can not afford pain medication, you have to make way it is. Teeth and bite.
Throughout his may sound in such a way as if many patients screaming and whining in hospital. Is not so! You care for everyone. The trouble is that many come quite late, if they have really badly. They often tried first with herbs, Tea, medicine men. This may in some cases certainly help, but sometimes you can just give the medicine only relief.
Let's go back to the patient. If she wants to bury her uterus, she may take home. Another difference.

Rami (volunteer),
Yannick (nurse anesthetist) and I total
me, the day in the operating room fallen very good, it was really interesting and the whole team was really nice and open. If I get permission, I will every Tuesday (Tuesday and Thursday are operating days) go to the hospital. The variety is good and you can still learn a lot. At the same time I can spend the rest of the day in Nyogbo village, where there usually a few degrees cooler (or rather not so hot), and especially you can recover from dust and noise in Kpalimé.

Otherwise, time passes rapidly, from Saturday to Sunday, I celebrate my 25th Birthday. There is a big party, the preparations are in full swing. I feel that my host mom is under a lot of power. It must be perfect everything!

Friday, February 25, 2011

Will Someone Know If I Remove A Tag On Facebook


Last weekend have I written the above-mentioned interim report / Interim report for my organization in Germany, I would not deprive you. However, I believe that these words of my readers seem very well known and can only be regarded as a small summary for the last half year.
I also have already received an answer to my organization, who were very satisfied with the report, which surprised me a bit personally, as I noticed when ask around, forcing many volunteers working on their report.
Another week summary follows in the next few days.

To my personal progress report for the first half of my voluntary social year to draw in Australia, I have an adventurous, interesting and informative time to look back. My first project took place namely in the Australian bush, isolated from civilization, I spent together with Christopher Kuhn and Maximilian Schuessler, both volunteers of ICJA, my first 5 months, 120km north of Broome in an indigenous community. I chose this project because I really wanted to learn about the indigenous culture, which was thus the main reason for choosing this project. To my disappointment, this project failed, however, and so were described as following certain expectations not met (Now the description of this project has been altered).
With my arrival has been found out that the community not really an is indigenous, because apart from the three of us volunteers lived there only Mario, which original Italian, as well as Norman, who is born in Australia but has no indigenous roots. In the past lived and worked there though Aboriginals, which gradually disappeared, however, and thus, the project outputs indigenous wrongly so. The main activities should be related to the instant entertainment and community development, which also came out pretty good so far too, but I personally do not like the idea behind, to transform the community into a campsite for tourists, which are authorized to pose as an indigenous community, nor make unauthorized. To pursue this goal was expected of us volunteers very hard physical work, which includes work as a volunteer for me not to such an extent. Furthermore, the single-minded pursuit of the plan, and the sometimes thankless handling leave me feeling rather than cheap labor and less as volunteers. Although my expectations are however some things gone differently, I have seen it as a challenge to adapt to situations and to find the best compromise for all parties involved. The best example of this is the extreme limit of my privacy have been. Besides the fact that they were already required daily with the people to work together and connect in contact with them, I had to share my room for 10 weeks with Max. Thus, there was no place to which I was able to pull me back, what was for me in my life possible. Again and again it came so to conflict, which had to be solved, however, since one had to finally get along.
can generally say that I now many things that previously were of course for myself, have now come to appreciate better.
Life in such an isolated area, the hot air and hard work were not always easy, and I also have some driven to my limits. Even though I've partially presented the project differently, I regret not having chosen me. Quite the contrary, I am glad to have made such an experience, because in a region which can be compared in my opinion, with nearly a third world country, I have not only learned a lot of craftsmanship, but also something about myself addition It has affected my view and opinion of many things in a positive and mature me as a person.
Although the project was not an indigenous community, it is still in an area which, as "Aboriginal land" means is. Through my own initiative I was able to finally connect with Aboriginal people still in touch and get to know the way of life. provided, however, found that the spread through the media "aboriginal dreamtime culture" in reality no longer exists and provides the majority of people in the world a false impression about the Australian culture.
with the work of the work of sending and hosting organization, I am really pleased so far, although I've presented some things initially structured. For example, I knew until my arrival in the host country is not in what project I come, also the housing situation was still unclear, it was just sure that I at the airport will be collected.
Both project placements were also still very complicated since many it was not clear which projects are actually now available which do not.
pleasantly surprised I was, however, of the seminars that took place in Germany and Australia. It has in fact taken care of in both cases much about the volunteers, and there were also always contact for personal worries, conflicts and issues. Apart from all the seminars had been very informative for me and are an important part of all this service as they offer the opportunity to exchange experiences with other volunteers.
For the second half of my voluntary social Year, I've now decided on a completely different experience. My next 5 months I will spend namely in Geraldton, where I in an elementary school, which is very similar to a Waldorf school, will work. The ability of changing the project after six months to like it very much because you have to volunteer the opportunity to gain further experience and thus gain a further impression, like for example in my case, differs completely from the first.
The interim conclusion of my previous year of voluntary work is therefore very positive. Already, many are already gone my desires and expectations in performance, except I feel as a person used reasonable and can thus help the people in my project and what is very important to me. Is becoming increasingly clear to me to require the sense in the future international youth exchange, the play apart from the cultural exchange which has a very important role, it offers young people a unique experience that can be understood only by people who have experienced it himself.
I'm very happy for my next six months and the ICJA'm already very grateful that I can collect if was such an experience can be!

Friday, February 18, 2011

Used Outdoor Playground Playset

boredom? Not with me:)

Kite Festival in Dongora
person like me here in the city ran out of time is really incredible! In the bush came to me partly 3 weeks as ne ever and here is now already begun my fourth week in Geraldton. If this continues, I am emotionally next week again in Germany) were
weekend Sandra, Thomas and I, for example, 60km south of Geraldton in Dongora the kite-stock festival, which was of course a must for Thomas, which only in good wind kiting is found.

In normal conditions would be more than 100
kite surfers were out side at the same time.
was originally planned that we camp over the weekend there, but we have short term cancels the reservation at the campsite, as violent weather warnings have been forecast. Apart from the weather was even worse predicted wind, which has decimated the number of participants significantly. The wind came namely from Germany, which the kite-surfers in the event of a crash is driving out of the kite on the wide sea, and is therefore very dangerous to navigate.

I hope that Thomas possibly for a kite I can get
, then I gebenb crowding around
the bath:)
However, it went on Saturday morning with two of Thomas' Kite-Buddies to Dongora, where the first port of call is not the beautiful beach, but the bakery was in what I came for the first time recipient of the still well-known homemade Meat-Pies. Even though my Meat-Pie a lot better than the previous which was came from the deep chill cabinet, this originally English specialty, yet not one of my favorite dishes. Because with me, the idea of a cake is still sweet and not meaty:)

photo session
Are We then drove to the beach, which I was personally rather invited to swim, instead of the kite. Along the beach have nevertheless about 40 kite surfers married into the water and here and there are several distributors of their kites and boards put up for sale. The planned competitions, however, have not taken place due to the wind.
outskirts of Geraldton
On Sunday morning, then again forced us to play volleyball on the beach. What I was less interesting, however, because after all, Sandra Thomas and meet only with friends who are more interested in the coffee afterwards and less on the game itself.

Library Geraldt
I then spent the afternoon or in the public library in which I have now been given a pass. Somehow I have to smile a little about myself, because in Germany I would have gone last in the library when it would have been boring ... well times change:)
evening we were still in Portuguese Friends invited us who have cooked very tasty.

lecker wars
went to the lake then on Mittoch evening with my future host family and some friends. To learn to know each other before moving in a bit I have invited Lisa & Steve on their sail boat to watch the beautiful sunset from there. Apart from the fact that there is a pretty chilly way is its closing time to enjoy, I am of course much talk to Lisa and Steve.

on the sailing ship
in red pink / Lisa, behind Connie
and front right of the Steve
It was finally a little light in my not quite see through housing. Just as they have told me, I will move next week so start with them until mid-March, then I have to move somewhere else but pass because they have family visit to renovate the apartment and after about 2-week break, I can stay with them until the end. I'm looking forward to it very much live with them may, for apart from the fact that they are very athletic and so are the outdoor types rather, they have had experiences with the inclusion of volunteers. Otherwise is in the house and be a lot going on, because they have two dogs and have a daughter, Connie. Moreover, they are real Australians and how immigrated many promises the ultimate Australian experience: D

Besides the fact that I myself currently here let go really well, there is also something else to work, but at some dignified than in first six months. Comfortable I am usually up at 6:30 clock. After a morning shower and breakfast we then by 8 clock with the wheel towards school, which started surprisingly late at 8.50 clock. By 15 clock then the kids have school hours and I thus closing time. Thus, then probably most of my future days of the week . Look The necessary change in the school will provide the kids:)

My personal schedule has now been as good as suspended, after all, I drive myself around there where I will be in use. Last week, I for example with the first-graders began the alphabet to learn, this was quite funny.
"Ants on the apple ... a ... a ... a" - I wonder if I've learned that time also singing the alphabet?
Even the somewhat older pupils in English classes as I can help with spelling or grammar. The teaching of mathematics, however, is still relatively hands-on and provides for me, therefore, still not as much opportunity to teach. On the subject of balance, be dependent played with scales around or be the subject of symmetry different paper body build, etc.
But not only the school keeps me busy, but my organization in Germany for which I have a semi-annual report must sign and on the various issues comment should.

anyone still en bigger steering wheel?
Finally, I tell you to be my personal highlight of last week. After more than 6 months I had in fact first soccer practice again, has done pretty darn good. After I had a listen a little and I've also looked a little on the Internet, I came across the football club "La Fiama," which is the best in Geraldton. Without further ado, I went on Tuesday evening to test training. With over 30 man for me was the training participation is surprisingly high, after all, football does not even count the number 1 sport in Australia. Apart from the high training participation, I also wondered about some players who can kick really well and so for me the regular seat in the 1st Team is not automatic.

future So I will have training twice a week and on weekends from April will then take place matches of what I need to register the association but still as a player. Normally, the membership fee would cost $ 200, but I was promised a deal because I have no income as a volunteer. I also can
have still managed by Renee, a teacher at the school, a visitor card for one of the gyms get here in Geraldton, where I train in vain 15 times in the future and thus make up the training deficit. Renee has previously also been organized for me a free hair appointment. I'm really so grateful to her, what she has already done it for me. However, It is not the only one who is very taken care of me. Many of the teachers have already invited me to various things. For example, I may with Stephanie and her family soon to camp or Kate invited me to their boat for wakeboarding. It is certainly not boring to me also:) I also find it still amazing how much the school environment takes care of me and my work as a volunteer appreciate what I learned in my first project to be rare.

Well now is the first time the weekend and once again time to try out the beach;) For skiing the way I was also at the start! Well you can have both bad. However, I wish you

all a wonderful weekend!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Bolar Trailer Clipart

high time you send once again a sign of life.

last hours together
January was a very turbulent month. After the holidays are back in the day, while the constant thought of Julia's departure (25.01.). We have in the three months so much experience together that I could not even imagine quite how it would be without them. The weekend before her departure was full packed with stag parties, which we voted in some infinitely sad. On the other hand, I'm so happy to have met her at all and thus had a great time with her. Thanks Julia came!

to the also a massive culture shock in mid-January. On the preparatory seminar, we are 'warned' before that date was, but that it would be so dreadful, I never thought of. I was disappointed with the whole of Africa and its people, the feeling had to trust anyone, even a superficial talk to my fellow human beings can. No matter what I have revealed I knew the next Day at least one other person. This has me really busy, and above all made sad. Also my question to several Togolese, because if they had a best friend to whom they can confide everything was negative to 100%. This has really shocked me! I can not imagine that. A real exchange seems to sense level, give rare here. If you are healthy and have enough to eat, then all is well. This is of course understandable in a world where it is important to do to be tired, but I can imagine well that there are people who also have time personal and intimate issues. Well ..., the shock has now subsided, I can accept and white now, I can say and what not. For the rest I've still got my European friends. What I find a pity is that I so can never enter into a deep friendship with one of Africans-in, if I constantly needs to be afraid that my thoughts and problems with him / her are not good hands. I will find more time to discover and / n!

Léon, Julia, had Olympio, Marie
About three weeks ago Julia, her host parents and I the great Jules honor to get to know Christ personally Olympio. I did not know who he is. Olympio is the son of Togo's first president, Sylvanus Olympio, 1963 (3 years after he took office and the independence of Togo) was killed. He has fought a lot for his country and was popular with the people. We have seen it happen over lunch near Kpalimé. Julia's mother Marie was like really excited, so a person up close to see and when we were proposing Olympio welcomed, it was like me. He was very nice and interested and we could take some pictures. Mädls we were all way home from the cottage. The 16th January is our personal holiday has become. A little fun spinning!

This past weekend we had our intermediate seminar, on Tuesday, the Centre de Jeunesse, which we were working in September during our work camps yet been opened. At the seminar, it was this time mainly to the host families. It was nice to hear that, in most families is very good. Of course there are again small dissatisfactions, but in what family it is not??

Hervé, Eloge and Sabrina
Yesterday I invited my three siblings and two cousins at a family outing to the swimming pool. My two cousins, Eloge (23) and Hervé (20) were previously never swim. The first attempts were for surprisingly very good. With water wings, anything is possible! Even if they look at a well-toned upper arm really funny. My little darling Jacques (7) has for some weeks into the water at last job he really LARGE joy.

Meanwhile, the Hamatan pulls back and there will always heiβer. February and March are the months here heiβesten (dry season) in April before the rainy season begins.

I send to all the hot sit shivering in Europe greetings and from Togo! Believe it or not, but our bad weather I lack a little bit ...

Costco Dried Apple Wedges

my second project:)

A Hello from the hot summer Geraldton ... puuuhh Man this is hot:) From Geraldton because it is cooler than in the bush! In recent days the thermometer has always risen to the 40C mark. Who wants to work there please?
It's just summer in Geraldton and what the summer brings with it here so is wind, wind and wind again:) Here's a not only the heat rises to the top but the wind is blowing and a half off his feet. So much for the weather - still attached greetings to my German weatherman: D

Less is stormy However, it in my new Australian city life. Meanwhile, I've settled in nicely in Geraldton, I really like that project and with the people around me I get along great, too. I am very happy that I have found such a nice place for the second project.

Thomas, Sandra and Oscar:)
to my current living situation, there is this to say: Right now I live with Sandra & Thomas, which I quickly as possible from the stopgap wanted to free. As I said, I spent my first six nights for Toni, but more or less comfortable, after all, my air mattress every night out of steam and out of the case I would now no longer live. So I am last Friday when Sandra moved in, which is the way from Switzerland and teaches at my school. After I unpacked the suitcases nice, I got a call from the headmistress that she had found a host family and I pack my bags yet again could.

my current room
have about this good news I am very happy, but they had their hooks, because they would take me for a month. Although the experience of many families attracted a total stranger to take volunteers, it is still a large incision in the private sphere. I will need in the future that is probably used to it, hopping from host family to host family, which indeed is not so bad after all, one learns many new people and get different insights into the Australian family life:)

looks so's from then, when I look out the window in the morning

looks so `s in the evening from the terrace
so I will spend more over the next 1 ½ weeks here and then move on to the next host family.

Gracia at Renee gets her sun flower off
is significantly less complicated it in my second project. The primary school, which is different for me now always visible from ordinary schools, will be so for the next 5 months my employer. The only similarity that this school is well with the public schools is the school uniform :) The Leaning Tree Comunity School is a small private school which teaches children from 3 years to 12 years. Classes are in 3 different groups:

In the "Ocean-Room:) are the kiddies at the age of 3-6 years. This part of the school is more of a kindergarten, but this is understandable because of the age.
The Sunflower Room, children are taught from the first through third grade.
The Lighthouse Room, the oldest in the school because the classes taught here are 4 to 7.
While in ordinary schools, the Learning has priority over everything else, we try to amuse the kids here specifically with different things to learn.

first break
bring every child in the morning with a fruit or vegetable,
which is then cut and divided
Head, heart and hands are the three main headings, to which securely holds the school:
Head: It must be understood
Heart: An emotional bond is to be prepared to subject matter
Hands: learned to be applied and not remain just a theory.
Even if the whole thing a bit funny may sound, I am nevertheless glad to be landed at a school is extraordinary, because here I can be a lot more to operate than ordinary schools and, finally, there is a way of learning what I have to know him yet.

in the Ocean Room with the very young
bake the pizza:) are
total at the school about 60 children cared for and educated. The teacher team includes only women - I'm So the only young man at the school, which makes me pretty easy to win the boys for me:) However, I've found that you are no great deeds must spend liked to be from the kiddies:) With all the names I'm doing me, however, still a little hard, after all there're no ordinary names like Marcel or Christian, but Bradley and Willow - my name on the other hand was after the first day of every known.
About the school, there are still a lot to tell natürich, where I now JUDGEMENT LEFT this first.

my free time I try it as well as they feel with sports activities, because finally there was the opportunity for 4 months so unattainable. To school and back it goes with the bike, what to listen to again first, very boring Likes: increase) on his bike and ride is said here in Geraldton not so easy as to the contrary makes the wind. As the wind blows here almost every day from the same direction, I'm on my way home permanently directed against me. A little wind hurts of course, never, but when I walk down already träppeln need to ever get ahead, can the whole, are still regarded as a sporting activity - oh and am I the wind, of course not in my back, because there is no wind in the morning -. -

Thomas kiteboarding
the tennis played by the Wind also played a role again, so gambling is here more or less a gamble:) The change from sand to artificial turf was for me then probably the smallest problem. The wind is in some ways so much of a spoilsport. However, even for some, because the Kyde surfing it is needed. Geraldton is one of the best kitesurfing locations throughout Australia and therefore discussed here in addition to the normal surfing run very often. I can do my beginnings I have the weekend, because Thomas had taken me to the beach where I could fly with a training kite a bit. I hope that I can collect by mid-March or a little more experience, after all then breaks one of the Australian winter and the wind disappears too.

was That's all for now again by me;)

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Pokemon Ruby White Screen Wiz

Luna Park Press Moorburg route stop

Decoratave Sail Boats

press conference
Vattenfall is driving residents in the trees:
are Vattenfall prevented Hamburg Climate

The images from Stuttgart even not faded to involve the protestations of companies, politicians and authorities, citizens at large projects course are still fresh. Since making Vattenfall and the BSU just the opposite. In the hope that middle of the campaign would not have realized the hamburgers, Vattenfall extends the new planning application for the heating pipeline in the BSU. Clear statements about the route: nil.
And the BSU? Silent.

The BSU is silent as to the fact that the district heating from Moorburg torpedoed the Hamburg climate protection goals. By 2020 compared to 1990 emissions of CO2 are reduced by 40 percent and by 2050 at least 80 percent: This climate change targets are fixed. In a jointly own BSU and Vattenfall report presented in October 2010 is expressly the Hamburg climate protection targets are not reached by district heating from the KoKW Moorburg!

is in the opinion of a clear alternative, which simultaneously offers security and future orientation: "The most practical solution is to divide the district heating network into subnets is." This would promote the integration of renewable energies, the competition of the operator subnets, and this could also lead to certain subnets after a thorough renovation of the majority to shut down the building.

The opinion closes the chapter on heating with the words:
If the Moorburg once connected to the district heating network, many of these ideas are obsolete. Because the new line is the forward-looking restructuring of the system and thus prevent a CO2 poor district. would

If the BI-route stop Moorburg not together with the environmental initiatives in February 2010, construction stopped in court, then about 400 trees were felled and a gigantic construction site has begun! For a technology that independent, according to a report issued the HH climate change targets destroyed, and also be redundant in a few years.

Enough time and of reasons for Vattenfall and BSU to reflect together with environmental and community groups about alternatives!
But nothing happens ... except a public relations presentation of Hamburg as a "European Green Capital".

And now Vattenfall wants to go on just as before and provide the hamburgers a district heating system, which alone for 450 thousand tons of CO2 per year will be in charge.

It should know better but Vattenfall that Hamburg can no longer be taken for a ride:
  1. in the port city east Vattenfall has lost the tender for the supply of heat, because the local residents and investors to supply low-CO 2 by a combined heat and set
  2. policy Vattenfall has rejected as a premium sponsor for the title of Green Capital
  3. the successful people's initiative "Our Hamburg, our network," in which already have 12 000 have given her voice for Vattenfall to escape the control of the electricity and district heating network
  4. BSU and Vattenfall are arguing in court for the documents to the electricity and district heating network
  5. "make yourself reading days - say goodbye Vattenfall 'develops into a unique success story for an autonomous cultural event in Hamburg
  6. the chain of actions between the Vattenfall nuclear power plants Krümmel and Brunsbüttel, which has enabled 2010, approximately 120 thousand people (in the stop section of route-Moorburg alone were about 5000 people)
  7. coal power plants have no future: two of three planned coal-fired power plants in Brunsbüttel have already failed or rest, is the third in dispute to court approval is ignored questionable

With all these facts, the Vattenfall, is it just a side note, that the Hamburg Vattenfallchef Pieter Wasmuth be in front of the Camera given word breaks. At a discussion meeting In September 2010 he said:. "In any case I think it important that they [the route] will be built only if it has some form of consensus is you will (...) against the will of the city, against the will .. the policy, or even against the will of citizens can not be build "

Therefore, go stop the BI Moorburg route, and we also create a pledge: If Vattenfall, the attitude Hamburg's citizens oppose, our answer will be loud and angry. Moorburg stop-line is understood as part of right-to-city, and our right to our city we will not take more of wheeling and dealing of a few corporate and political representatives.

matter where Vattenfall wants to build them, the hamburger will stop Moorburg route !

more information:

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Perrier Bad For Teeth

Press Conference Invitation: Vattenfall is driving residents into the trees

Hamburg, 02.02.2011
Re:. Invitation to press conference
Vattenfall is driving residents into the trees
Second Round in the approval process for heating pipeline has begun.
BI stop Moorburg route, AG, Luna Park, Bund and Robin Wood invite you to
Press Conference: Thursday, 02/03, 13:00 clock
place. Luna Park (corner Luna Park / Memelland Avenue, Altona)
exploited Dreist Vattenfall, the Hamburg election campaign for his bluster
intentions has quietly and on Monday the application for a planning approval. This
Hamburg has year as "Green Capital of Europe" only just begun. Still bold
however, is that Vattenfall, the new favorite route is not presented to the public
. stop
The BI-Moorburg route has changed since the last tree casts
years established as part of the right-to-city movement established in Hamburg. We will
not allow Vattenfall again deceiving the public, and demonstrate
that we are ready to fill again to protect our trees and green spaces.
a heating pipeline, no matter where she goes, it will not be with us! stop

BI Moorburg line-

any questions mailing address
stop initiative Moorburg line-
Bernstorffstraße 89
22767 Hamburg
Spend Konto:
Sonja Tesch / Kto.: 2039 265 600;
PSD Bank P.: 200 909 2000

Where To Buy Chicken Wings In Ottawa Wholesale

ICYE Camp & Geraldton

Keegan, Sophie and the emu, which had a name,
I have now forgotten, however:)
Halli Hello from the windy Geraldton:)
preliminary first time a major excuse for the small writing break, I indulged myself. Hope that no one has made very worried about me, I'm all around good. As mentioned before, it took me to the Mid-Year Camp in the beautiful Coastal town of Geraldton, 400km north of Perth devious. This, however, later ...
After my exciting trip I was only one God happy that Michelle has taken me to her home and offered me accommodation for the days to the Mid-Year-Camp. Not only a comfortable bed I was very grateful, but also the delicious food - understandably, these two things in my life of a Bag-Packers came a little short:) A change to travel offered other hand, indicate the trip to the game of cricket and the Net small-ball game. In addition to AFL and rugby are two typical Australian sport species, which in my opinion are boring alternatives to chess. When Cricket's is more to the atmosphere at a stage after all, a cricket match take several hours. Net-ball, however, is a feminine form of basketball, where less body contact is allowed:)

Keegan at Baten
Mixed Net Ball

ICYE-Australia Voluntary
hungry from the trip:)
From 21 to 24 January was then ICYE Mid-Year Camp Perth instead. As in the first camp we spent the nights in the motel next to the ICYE office. Except that we got some information about our new projects, the sense of coming together was more of the exchange of the different experiences among the volunteers, which was very interesting and exciting. Surprising was that my project has ultimately be the most interesting and varied out, but also the effort was. Although other volunteers who have spent their first semester in high school, some have bored very, could Chris, Max and see I have no old for our project - was too great then but the fear, the casual, old, air-conditioned Life of max. four hours work a day leaving behind and open up a new experience. But at the same time I was a little taken back their behavior proud to have been such a time by what we got any respect from the entire organization. Less surprising was for me, however, that Chris, Max and I were pretty much the only volunteer so that nothing was wrong with her second project, because we knew that it can only be comfortable and quiet. Well, enough compared to the end I decided for this project and no one is forced to work in a project in which he does not want to work.

Fremantle Oval with
AFL statue in the foreground
Fremantle Oval
addition to casual poolside hung and the Australian Open watched,'s came on one days still to Fremantle, where we had an afternoon look around a bit. However, we went to, for any of us after the camp project, after all, were still school holidays and 26 January still "Australia Day" - the Australian National Day which is celebrated from unknown reasons in this very day. No historical event to justify why exactly celebrated on this day the nation is and what is celebrated exactly is the least of Australians aware of - a kind of Father's Day in Germany where everyone is just happy and drunk:) Of course we had volunteers tolerable for us this experience and have mixed among the people in Perth at the end of the day to watch the fireworks from the still river.

boring afternoon in the House-ICYE
After the camp was over, we spent all the outstanding volunteer nights at the newly inaugurated ICYE house from which one after the other in his Project is drawn.
me it then as a last as already mentioned, ended up in Geraldton, where I will in future work in an elementary school. Even though I've already spent my first working days in school, I can tell you not so much to explain about the exact learning system, because this school is different from ordinary primary schools and teach according to the so-called "Steiner system," which probably best can be compared to the German forest village schools.
For more information, I add you have added these links: C3% A4dagogik
-something about the Waldorf education
- Home of the primary school

My current housing situation is a little complicated, because the school has so far found no family for me and so I live currently in Toni, a German student, until the school has found a host family for me. As already part of many interest was shown, I'm assuming that it will not take too long ago, until I finally unpacked my bags again and I can make it cozy.
Meanwhile, I have now been three days spent at the school and am really happy because the school is very friendly, the teachers and the kids are just super friendly just adorable. So are my first impressions of my second project - the Leaning Tree Community School in Geraldton. How exactly my first week is over at this school will be given in the next entry, hopefully this time on what you do not have to wait as long as this:) Best wishes