Sunday, December 5, 2010

Boots Playtex Tampons

in Beagle Bay

In the past week we have escaped the work in Banana-well and have worked for Paul in Beagle Bay. Originally only two days were planned, with fast ne whole week of it - could just not get enough of the German quality work:) But before I tell you something about it, there's still fast what to Beagle Bay in general:

Beagle Bay Aboriginal community is one who in 1890 founded by the people living in the area. The aim of the foundation was the civilization of their life. Under strict faith in the people made it a mission Community to develop. Over the years, the community has continued to increase and could partially supply the livestock, agriculture, bakery and beverage plant market in Broome. Until 1970, the community under the leadership of the government and became independent. Meanwhile, Beagle Bay, about 300 residents and is daily visited by some tourists as a destination.
is currently in Beagle Bay off a renovation and refurbishment program, which aims to improve the living standard of people. The program, which is paid by the government, new houses are built and old renovated with all new technology. Paul is sometimes the manager of this project and could thus make it possible that we could participate for a week a little.

before the "Broad" office in Beagle Bay

course, we were buying before in Beagle Bay to one or other food or material to pick up, but life there have we yet not so noticed. It has been my experience that you will be stared at as a "new" first of all the indigenous - in a village where everyone knows everyone else is an alien face on the same course. I will not say that you are not welcome, but seemed quite friendly and not the looks. However, this changed everything, as Paul, we got the yellow safety vest. Generally, with everyone here either this bright yellow or orange stitching as work clothes. The eyes of the people had changed suddenly, was suddenly entangled and say hello now and then in little small talk. It was not like staring at a stranger, but had felt a bit integrated, part of a whole. Life in Beagle Bay seems to me anyway feel like a big family, every person with more or less its part in community well in and this includes the renovation company that has been operating now now 8 months in Beagle Bay and part of the community was. With the vest I was one of the company and so now thus benefiting the community. At this change, I've realized that people know to appreciate there that helped. But what was the consideration? The question I have often asked me at first. I knew that the program will be paid by the government, but I could not really imagine that people pay a cent - but this is really so! Why is it that people are simply the necessary materials and can make them yourself? As a simple answer I had to accept that they simply do not have the necessary skills. But it can at least show them how to do it yet ... but they are too lazy. And with that reply, it was the stereotype but then not put out a prejudice but true. It is sad but had to work but not in this country must be an Aborigine to make ends meet, because they receive some subsidies from the state and almost no need to pay taxes to the state. Of course, these people had a very difficult past on this continent, but in my opinion, reached after the state has no civilization and development with this behavior. The more it slows down the human urge to continually develop and own projects come true. But I will not be too far out on a limb to which I myself know too little and would like to leave here for now.

Häußer of these are being renovated
there are a total of 60 pieces Not

lazy, but highly motivated by the expectation of finally being able to perform other work on Monday so it then went to work. Paul picked us up by car and it was to drive a funny feeling to work, because we live here in the heart of our work and are the last 3 ½ months always gone to work:) Work The feeling and life separate is to me a lot rather how to work around the clock have to be, well, it's not long:)

morning meeting

Our motivation, however, we a little overwhelmed the workers there who are not lazy, but still much slower than I used to work in Germany am. As an excuse I may very well count as a temperature, which shoots at 7 on the clock already 30C °, but can get by paying these workers here expect a little more commitment yet. Well the start of the day is always very difficult when you have the day before looked too deeply into the glass. It is part of the daily routine here that the working dinner drink some beer and smokes one or the other is a bit green. I feel that people need this the end of each day to simply unwind. 've Noticed myself now that life here is not so easy in the bush, but if the real relaxation, I dare be doubted: D To the question: "Why do you manage doing here in the bush" you get with almost 100% probability of the answer: " Because the money. "Without such a good pay would probably spend a little a few years of his life. Most workers with the intention to create here a few years and then acquired with the comfortable cushion either to open their own business or go into a kind of early retirement. From year to year increases their income, which led to many workers in the proposed few years, but then quickly leave more. Although this region so many scenic Offers cash incentives, though, is the only thing most people to move here to live and work. Finally, one must leave everything behind, family, friends, hobbies, etc. In addition, one has to restrict itself to its own standard of living, because this raises the workers are not worth mentioning from that of the Indians. Is not everything so easy here in the bush ...

a normal everyday recording

The work we have done in the past week, could not be responsible because of safety and insurance reasons. Although it is not always the most meaningful work was that we have done, we were a week throughout carried out very busy. A little more order in the material stock or new facilities for the homes belonged to, among other things to our work. We were definitely not overwhelmed.

a few new houses

Apart from the hardness of the work is definitely the standard of our difference, I was right the first time the feeling that our work done is also acknowledged. Workers were interested in our volunteer year and were surprised by from when we told them that we do all this for nothing. With surprise was the fact conceived, 2x 8 weeks at a time that we live in the bush - and the of people who work here every day. Even they are wont to do it two weeks at a time to spend on a few days in Broome can. Even a simple "thanks" for these workers was not too much, what Mario falls through from always hard. He's just been one of the very old variety.

after-work beer at 70 km / h on the trailer

can end by saying that the week was a great experience for me in Beagle Bay. Less it was the small change to work on banana Well, again it was interacting with these indigenous people, which was the main reason this project on 3 ½ months chosen have to. It is sad that it could happen until two weeks before the end, but it's even sadder that it has allowed us Paul and Mario for whom we have worked all the time.
a perfect conclusion to the week then on Friday night in the camp of the workers with a few beers and earned a great barbecue. Which probably an evening I'll never forget:)
"Max, what was the forbidden word again?"
"Piss ..."
"Ok, skull: D"

good blokes

I wish you all a beautiful, snowy second Advent!


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