Saturday, October 9, 2010

My Cat Has White Worms

the trip of my life ...

It is again peace has returned. After Garry, Marica, Jalon, Josh and Renny are again yesterday went back to Broome, we finally hear the birds chirping again:) It was a lot going on here in the last two weeks, ungewöhnt total, but a nice change. Have
also only now understands that Garry and Marica really are the initiators of the operation. As I have already mentioned, they want to turn a former Aboriginal community a holiday resort for campers. I actually thought that For your holidays do, but actually they have used the time to discuss new plans and to organize projects for the future, well, thus we have finally got a glimpse of what is created here. Although it is a life shit to feel as cheap labor, but as long as I am treated like everyone else here and incidentally still see little bit of the landscape and learn about the culture's I feel good. So I've
last week, first cleaning the refrigerator, which was untouched for about 5 years. The fridge consists of a walk-in refrigerator and walk-in freezer, which are more energy efficient than the 5 refrigerators and 2 freezers, the run here every day and also offer more space. We are also currently trying
of 3 Abstellhütten accommodation to make way for tourists who are not driven just by the trailer on the red dirt road.

see as the cottages currently in

There are of course incidentally still little things to do, but eventually I would like you not even tell how interesting but the weeds plucked, and the rusting of the metal struts is: D
No ensure there are enough to do! If we open our new tractor soon get even more new work items not previously been possible eg do they build here are still en pool, where we would probably not be more impressed with. It's a pity that here abrackert the ass and in the end does not even see the finished product. Well who knows one probably. life takes me so again at some point in the area. But first there it myself somewhere else, because I'm back in the past week also booked my flight from Broome to Perth. On Dec 21 I get on the plane and then it's the first time I come back big city:) But until then, there's much to do and to experience.
liquid transition: wildfire:) Garry and Mario have in the past week, just set fire to a bush All grass in our area to burn down and to keep the Mosquitoes away, finally we have the worst year in terms of Mosquitoes since Mario live here and are now almost 30 years. At first I was not sure whether they really even had everything under control because it looked ...

But eventually the fire was not even get that far because the area is bordered by a creek and it is very Nearby, after all, are also underground water, where we get our water her. Well anyway sick action just to put such a fire!

ne Huntsman Spider was also to visit
in proportion still small ne

This morning we went for me, even at 3.45 clock in the bed because Mario and Norman went to the shelling. Except no one else I wanted with what is, after all, no wonder at such an ungodly time. Well after calming quick cup of coffee then we went through the darkness. The beach of here so is just around the corner was, in effect, then it away over an hour: D While Mario and Norman have searched diligently for pearl shells, I ran with my spear in the area around and have tried the fish to spit on who have swum in the waters around. Were too fast for me, other than a stupid stingray, has meant he could hide from me under the sand.
Mario has also found the largest pearl shell in his life that had probably been 30-40 years old. But there was again no pearl in it, otherwise we would be now in Germany sell them there for big money:) Here in Australia you need a specific license to breed to beads, which is extremely expensive. Each bead that you would find here just like that, would belong to the state.

Mario and I
he and his better delivery "Cong-Shell" I
Bred with the stingrays and starfish

these beads in the man catches it, it opens a little and planted a tiny ball into them. After 3 years it takes them out of the cage and you can harvest its pearl.

tense wait ne whether Pearl's in it:)

Finally, I want to tell you something about my East Coast trip, which I have now scheduled finish. But I'm not alone, because my father, his partner, Beate and my brother will accompany me. At this point I want to thank you, and you take all the way on you with me the trip of my life to spend. I'm so happy for the time together! You will not regret it ...
So on 21 December is indeed my flight back to Perth where I will probably spend a night with Chris and Max at Michelle. In the following night, I'll fly to Sydney at dawn to greet my family at the airport. Then we have to do with all the luggage, etc. pick up our campervan and then can rise up going on. To be honest, the campervan is already the hottest in this journey:) I got me on the Internet times looking around and just had the best, plus they are still painted with indigenous paintings - I can hardly wait for my father to see in such a Hippiebus: D Well, he finally has everything you need and for backpackers Budget:)
Actually, I do not want to say too much, but gives an impression of it ever ...

Eungella National Park

We are in the Eungella National Park meet pristine rain forest, in Sydney, the venue of the Olympic Games 2000 visit, apart from the Opera House of course there are also the Harbour Bridge, the Great Barrier Reef are we getting to Michaelmas Cay on the face and a bit of culture must also be time, of course. Tour of a pineapple plantation, farm and a sheep wool Aboriginal Culture Center. Let us plug in the Gympie gold rush. We are waterfalls to get the eyes 300m plunge into the depths and soar to a cable car over the treetops a Regendwaldes.

Michaelmas Cay

Apart from that I'm looking forward to see you again, and just spend time together with you to. I'm just looking forward to that fucking journey!
But it's still a long way to go Which has not been easy and will not become easier ... See you


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