Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Bonham Carter Lady Jane Beaten

The end is in sight and the atmosphere rises

With this motto we have started in the past week and had plenty of fun. While Max and I look forward more to the travel period, Chris already looks towards the winter because he is for 4 weeks to fly back to Germany. But not only the ever-approaching end of the mood was rising in the past week, it was probably more that Max and I finally have our own bedrooms, is the so much desired privacy!

my wardrobe

After Lilly left us last Monday, I seized the opportunity and Mario asked if it would be possible in the now vacant room to recover. Under the condition to clear the room if customers come back, I purchased the room immediately, which is probably the best solution was to take to the ever-increasing tension in the air. It may sound so that Max and I are unable to live together in one room, but you can imagine it just as it is difficult to see around the clock and do not have a quiet place to which you pull back the times can the whole experience for to handle alone, or to drop a try.

now I have my own little kingdom,
before have Max and I have to share such a room

Privacy is such a valuable commodity, whose value I have come to appreciate only through these experiences. At first I thought it was a bit bad that Chris had to go alone in the room, but from week to week, I envy him more about it. But that's all water under the bridge now and I enjoy it now a separate room to which I already have for years used to at home was. Back in the winter, I envy all the people in Germany scratch the morning while her car free must, however, soon able to walk through snowy forests and Christmas markets and sludge cozy hot mulled wine, homemade Christmas cookies and delicious Christmas dishes can. Unbelievable how many things you learn to appreciate just when they are no longer available! But
whom I have already taken the culinary direction, I have to get rid of what still fast. Not too long ago we had a small shark caught, he was caught in our network and was already dead when we got the web in the morning in again. At my request, the shark is then not again landed in the sea but a few days later by us on the plates. has yet locally Mario except over a meter long shark fillets and remove the fins, of course, what is the first and most important step. The shark fins in the stores of a pollutant called ammonium and gives the meat an unpleasant flavor. I am not a chemist but I could understand the extent of Mario's Italian-English:) This pollutant is also the reason why you can rest the fillets for at least 4-5 days in the refrigerator before being cooked. Finally, the shark ended up as a mega tasty fish-finger at us on a plate and of course without any crows.
could also last week, we are still in the flavor of Seekuhfleisch, which normally only for indigenous people is accessible.

fun at work may sometimes be

Last week during the morning tea:
Chris: "It's quiet cool today, is not it?"
Me: "Yeah just 34 degrees:)"

was still under relatively cool temperatures in recent days to work, which has now become rather a duty. No day of the past week has passed without that Mario has sent us the trailer going to scrape off the red gravel of the road, which he needed a little shaking device with his new play. Otherwise were still paved roads, water lines laid, planted chilli and revenge, of course, leaves together, for the trees here have all year on their fall leaves.

If we were not plant peppers?

forward since the weekend but what

Our veranda will hopefully be ready until next week, eventually reverse slowly back the Mosquitoes. But do not worry if we do not just go to the Mosquitoes on the nerve to do it just flies, against which one can only last so:)

Chris with his all-round protection against the highly intrusive fly
underpants against flies flying in the ears
sunglasses against in the eyes
and the Cap of course against the sun
for the flies in the nose, we have patented yet,
as helping probably still only the strong exhalation

the weekend we were allowed to volunteer Mario Land Rover snatch us are driven to a nearby cove just to let only your soul. A refreshment was probably only the cool water in our cooler, because the water had determined the 30 C ° and was thus anything but refreshing.

we see only know like, because Max
almost black, is: D

no trip to the ocean
without net and hand line

This was again a short weekly insight into my little adventure
All the best to read along still so hard and it again have managed until the end


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