Sunday, February 15, 2009

Somrthing To Cool Hot Feet

My last week and the Youth Day


and again one week (now already the 21st in Cameroon) to. Because of the National Youth Day took place almost little of our regular work schedule.
But before we had another day, we had planned something like this. As I had already written, it should go to Limbe Sunday. At Mile 17 (the bus station in Buea) we were straight out of a it departs almost empty bus asked if we want to go to Limbe. Thus, it was unusually fast on the road. But in muting genes, the place where the road separates to Limbe and Douala, stopped the bus, after a time we were the only passengers on a bus for 30 people. Seemingly, they were ordered out and all the passengers to bring us only to Limbe and then to control its regular destination, and all because we "Whitemen" are. A little disappointed they were then, as we only paid the regular fare. But good of Mile 4 (the bus station in Limbe) we took the taxi to the Botanical Gardens.
Instead of spending all day at the beach we previously gone to the Botanical Garden of Limbe. Some trees were impressive, but overall, the garden is more for people interested in plants, which I count not myself. He would also be very well used as a park for family picnics and games for the children or to work (homework) in the open. But the garden was pretty empty and we were out (if I could overlook it correctly) mentioned only two other people also "Whitemen" there. This void can be explained among others with the existing admission prices. These are Cameroonians but much cheaper than for foreigners (300 CFA to 1,000 CFA), but for a family This adds up. After a brief tour of the Botanical Garden, it was a somewhat unusual time (about 11 clock) to the Hot Spot Restaurant. Burger were once again, but the Barracuda was also very tasty.
From there, it then went to the beach. This time we wanted the second beach in Limbe of semi Beach Hotel try. This is even further outside than Etisah Beach. Overall, there were more life and most of Cameroon prevailed there. However, the beach was not very natural, and when was it ever flood there was no sandy beach more. Thus, one can only lay sunbathing on a concrete road that is frequented by people constantly. Particularly relaxing is not. Overall, prefer I continue to Etisah Beach. Very beautiful in the semi Beach is that there is a basketball and a tennis court, for which one must pay, however. In the late afternoon before dusk we returned to Buea.
On Monday and Tuesday we again wasted a lot of time with meaningless ways. On Monday all schools practiced marching for the Youth Day, which was generally considered very funny. Since the practice should be completed by noon, it was unclear whether the computer lesson would take place. The Head Teacher could not or would not choose it and the class teacher was not present for unknown reasons. Ultimately I have to cancel the hour. On Tuesday and Wednesday is the school anyway, and I had no desire to spend time with useless waiting. In this area I have not yet adapted to the Cameroonian mentality and will likely to do so in the future.
came the afternoon, then to pointless ways than we to School on Wheels project went. Since no normal school took place, the students are probably expected that no school will take place on Wheels and we were alone. Instead, we have made a nice evening in a bar.
Tuesday I should finally go jogging again. As I have done this I do not know, but I have Alois (a driver of UAC) promised on the night that I go jogging with him. So there was I only have one very short night and after jogging there was not even running water. Most of the time of the day I spend in the Internet cafe where the connection is surprisingly good and I even manage the daily download themes from the previous day.
take place on Wednesday celebrated the big Youth Day. The main component is the march of the individual schools. With it comes the school bus near the Bongo Square, where the march is taking place. The last track we are moving in the traffic jam of vehicles proceeding very slowly. The drivers taking advantage of any small gap to switch the lane and a little bit faster progress, which brings nothing. Then there is the ongoing stopping to drop off people. On the main road romp already masses of people, the majority are children. A bit is the Fanmeilengefühl. Sometime in the morning start of the march. Each school marching separately and a student with the Cameroonian flag and another the badge of the school. Let's go with the Nursery Schools. For the day we got (the teachers and workers of UAC) bright green T-shirts, so we had a fairly uniform outfit. As volunteers, we are next to the UAC by students of the Nursery School of UAC, even though we had to do with the Nursery School no. Then we were allowed to return to pave the way again to run with the Primary School. After the Primary Schools still marched the students of secondary schools and the students. As it was, however, that we go back we have not seen this. Ultimately, we then waited until almost the end before we started. In the afternoon we ate and drank together with the staff and teachers of UAC in Abidjan (a bar). Overall the day was quite interesting, although I certainly do not know what he really brings the youth. Ultimately, a lot a lot of lessons, many students could use the urgent. A striking feature of the march was that there are about as many state schools and private schools, with public schools are generally larger.
Thursday we went to a traditional wedding at the home of Mr. Orock invited. Excited we were on our way. However, the main task was waiting. In addition, we were sitting with the other guests outside, while the action took place inside the house. At the door we could at least see something. One after the four women were wrapped in sheets and laid out the mother of the groom had to make the bride find. Then had to find the bride and the groom in the crowd give him a sip of palm wine. What happened before / after I can not say exactly. Sometime around 10:30 clock there was food, which was very kind and on Cameroonian yam, plantains and fufu and was different sauces.
went on Saturday for the second part of the wedding. As Sally (the bride) who wished that we had African clothing, we have that can make parts on Thursday. But the reception we were the only ones who wore this type of clothing. For three clock the reception was announced after it had taken place in the morning to sign. Again it should be clear later. Ultimately, the evening was very nice. The couple has been received and there was a buffet. It was always sung songs and speeches and eventually handed over the gifts. In the course of the evening it's still been a small party before it to about 10 clock rapid Departure came.
this Sunday I am left with Nathan in Buea and not come to the beach. Instead, we are here on his way and wanted to run a small piece of the mountain. However, it is apparently not allowed to explore this area alone. A guide offered us to make a small tour for 5000 CFA, but we wanted to spend money and then he showed us as a little mountain. Again and again we came to meet runners who train for the Mountain Race, which takes place next weekend. We went to a small waterfall, whose water is collected and a small tube (10 cm diameter) is to take place, the water supply for Buea. The is probably the reason why we have so often no running water. The last five days we have not seen a single drop. From there we went back again and I am pleased in a few weeks to make the entire hike.
This was essentially my last week in which I had to do not very much. Only the physical education classes on Friday took place regularly.

I'll hope it goes well so far.
Many Greetings from Buea


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