Sunday, February 22, 2009

Century Wavemaster Super

22 weeks Cameroon - the first drop


The last week we had largely our normal work schedule and by Thursday noon, everything was fine. But while we were at lunch, was broken into the other volunteer house. The burglars must have known our movements while fairly accurate. Every day we have our lunch by 13 clock in the house of our boss. We usually spend a longer time because the food usually a little later comes. But today we were very short there. Henk, a Dutchman who made a trip as a radio reporter on the coast of Africa, later came to dinner and ChloƩ, a French volunteer, something fell earlier to prepare for the planned trip to Douala. In the 15 minutes that we were not in the house, the back door, a wooden door with a simple lock was broken, and stolen a laptop, an Ipod, a phone and a digital SLR camera. I'm pretty sure they saw us coming and then disappeared. Otherwise they would have stolen more things. SO they have only been clearly established Equipment taken. The neighbors and the people who worked on the road said they had seen nothing. Mr. Orock everything else is controlled, a police commissioner called and placed an advertisement in the police. The mood was pretty depressed. Even if you can replace the material losses of financial expenditure, are on a laptop and Ipod a lot of private data that is lost in the worst case, permanently. wanted
Barclay, our mentor and several other relatives of Mr. Orock like to go further with detectives and try the thieves and / or stolen equipment to be found. Great success, I promise not to me. But it's worth a try. So far I've
me here always felt so secure. While there were some stories told in stolen property. But these stories were so far away and really think I could I not. After the burglary the night I felt something uncomfortable, even though our house, in contrast to other volunteer house has steel doors and a burglar is not practicable, or only with great facilities and a gigantic noise.
As if this were not enough, we also heard Friday that all water containers in the house of Mr. Orck were stolen. This has been quite unsettled. To assume that this is more a symbolic act is that one should beware. On Thursday it is in fact also come to another event. I think I write about the first time the majority of people who spend their time on the Internet, run scamming. As it runs exactly, I do not know but they try things, like chocolate, puppies and other products that do not exist in fact for sale, and for that to bag the money from the purchasers, without these ever see their promised goods.
This fraud or theft attempt, many Internet-versed young Cameroonians who see no other ways to get money. Mr. Orock has referred these scammers lately over again from the Internet Cafe by UAC. Therefore it is much emptier and quieter. On Thursday, he shall then be taken to the police station. What happened there with him, I do not know. But he was probably too young, he will not go to jail.
addition to these exciting events we have started in the last week finally shared with the computer classes. However, there were only four hours of scheduled 2 theoretical lessons. There were problems again with the means of transport. This time the buses were not broken, but a driver was sick for two days so that the already very tight schedule to the transport of pupils could be met and I have not come on time after Bwitingi. But the first theoretical computer lesson went pretty well. The class was great small and there is also quiet. In addition, I was surprised how much the children could remember from the last hour, and even without the screen in front of you, I could say the steps to save a document. These steps we have written down and added a little theoretical knowledge about the ways of sorting through folders. Me, the hour of the 6th Class then also made a lot of fun because I've noticed that they are interested and ask questions like "How many folders are there on the computer?"
The other lesson with the class 5c was unfortunately a bit stressful because I was a little too late and the school in Bwitingi stops earlier than I had assumed. I then briefly in 20 minutes trying the most important steps to save a document to write down. As the teacher was sick, and the students were divided among the other two classes, missing at the end of the half the group and I have only 7 students computer classes that had not yet learned any reason in practical computer classes, how to save. The last weeks were the computers of hours so often that I lost track of which class has already done something. In addition, some were even part of the class, which hampers the progress. I hope with the separation of hours the computer is running better now. But I just have to looking for a way to be on time for the computer hours at school.
The School on Wheels project started last week was better than the previous weeks. Linn, a volunteer from Norway, has collected donations for the improvement of School on Wheels, which we bought new pencils and notebooks. We also have purchased some school books, to see what the students can in each class and the corresponding sample tasks to hand. On the higher classes, I know some do not know what my students when they speak, for example, of "Long Division". I can imagine though, that I had anything to do with sharing, but how the students are asked to do this exactly I do not know. With the textbooks, this is getting easier. On Friday, Linn and Chloe (a French volunteers) in Douala anything toys such as skipping ropes bought, so the children can have after learning a little fun and games. How to Go to School on Wheels in Bokova is still unclear. In this village, the parents seem not to support the project so right and it will usually only 4 children, while the remainder stays at home. For this reason we have thought about these children who come regularly to work in nearby Bwitingi and take place Bokova another village in the School on Wheels projects. But first states that we should be patient and hope that come the next few weeks more children.
Yesterday, Saturday was finally held the Mountain Race. At 7 clock started the runners, while we still calmly asleep. Later, after breakfast we made on our way to the stadium, where the goal is. The school bus driver, Alois us worried a few places in the stands. This place was to take pictures but not the best. But we had a good overview. Main sponsor of the race was (their rates are likely) not a Cameroonian company, but the manufacturer of probably the most popular soft drink Coca Cola. After 4 hours and 36 minutes was the winner fixed. During this time the runner Voffo Momo has overcome a total of about 6500 meters. I started this week with the jogging and twice I walked half an hour, which was exhausting enough. I have to go in the future to finally go on to jog regularly. Also in relation to the mountain climbing I would not tackle the tour completely untrained.

I hope when you are well. The snow photos from Kleinmachnow see even really great. For me, this is currently not really imagine. After all, it has become after the last rain yesterday a little cooler, which is very pleasant. The water supply is still pretty bad. Having on Thursday most of the Day had water, there is low tide in the line since then. But unlike the previous months not a drop comes from the line, even at night. This makes me suspect that they are working on the lines. Hopefully the problem will soon.
Regards Jannik


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