Saturday, February 7, 2009

Abesol While Pregnant

Back in Buea


the last week was generally very good, even if the Kribiaufenthalt would like to be a little longer. But ultimately I was glad that I accept me again in Buea my PC problem could, and after almost three weeks I finally found a solution.
went to work under this rate as before the intermediate seminar, precipitating yet another computer lesson, because students were not there. In addition, most students had great difficulties, the two weeks ago learned to reapply. So we had more time to explain how to save a document. From next week we will be categories for the parts, so that a part of the class learns the practical use and the others repeated the things learned in theory. I now need to see again, how do I make the best of theoretical. The easiest way would certainly be a beamer, but unfortunately exists not, so I have to make do differently.
runs The School on Wheels Project and as usual, and it has failed on Tuesday in Bokova because no children were there.
took place on Friday in relation to the national day of bilingualism will be a demonstration of the students. So said some student poems in English and French, it was performed a drama and the school choir sang the national anthem and a few other songs. This was very nice to look at, and unfortunately it was often difficult to understand everything, because all students have a common cause unavoidable noise, while the students (especially from the lower classes) very quiet have spoken.
On Thursday was my German class again, because the students had to practice more for the day of bilingualism. Once again it was not necessary to inform me in any way, so I turn my time with senseless back and spent vering.
bad luck we had this week with school buses. On Thursday at the School on Wheels Project sprang from the car any more than we wanted umparken it to enough space for the students. After School on Wheels Project by 18 clock appeared on the driver and not even after half an hour still nothing was visible from the driver. It was already dark when in the distance two great lights appeared, to the other school bus included. This was also our driver. This was run back to Molyko in order to get the other bus. However, he did not think it necessary to inform us. As the car would not start when planned Umparken the driver still said that it will start again when the engine is cold. But the arrival of the other bus did not mean the direct way back to Molyko. Instead, we tried to tow the other bus, which proved successful as a not particularly. The tow rope was a relatively thin rope, which repeatedly broke. The attempt, it failed to try with a safety belt. The road was so rocky, uneven, and rising, that the resistance was very high and the rope faster and faster cracking when the bus could get into motion. Ultimately, some men from the village the bus moved to the main road from where he was first some time alone roles. In between we had to hang it again and again to the other bus. Now the belt was stable enough, because the resistance was much lower on the tarmac. In effect, we are then two hours late arriving clock by 20 in Molyko, where we get our dinner (delicious Nudelomelett). In addition to this car breaks down, there were Molyko at this time, no electricity. But back in our house, I asked Nathan (the volunteers from Wales) jokingly "Where is he light?" Just in this Moment, just when I was finished with the question, the power is back and the light comes on. Was somehow a bit strange.
But in terms of the bus, the breakdown is not our only stay for a week. On Friday after the event in the school remained the bus stand half way. This time was the reason simply a lack of gasoline. First, we wanted to wait for another bus, but we decided to bus a short distance up a hill to push then to Molyko to roles. But this was easier said than done. Together we pushed five volunteers, and of drivers and Barclay (our tutor) the bus. For the passing us Cameroonians it was certainly an attraction, such as 5 "Whitemen" a bus slid. Fully sweaty we were at the top of the hill and were now rolling at a slow pace until after Molyko. Once there, the work week was over already.
Saturday there was an overall relatively free day tomorrow, Sunday and we plan to Limbe to drive to the beach.
Next week is still uncertain to what extent the computer hours on Monday and Tuesday takes place because the students all morning practicing something for the Youth Day, or the like and then may be too tired. Let's see how our work plan will look like next week.

Here are some pictures from Kribi:

The beach nearby our accommodation. Again and again he was suspended from a collection of stones.

The Church in Kribi, which originates from the German colonial period and was renovated in 2007 with support from Germany.

view from the steeple of the harbor and the sea

The Lighthouse of Kribi

And finally: The best pizza Cameroon

you I hope you are all well. Would love to hear from you

Regards Jannik


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