Saturday, February 28, 2009

Quotes To Put On Birthday Invites For 3 Year Olds

My week

Hello everyone, is

Already around another week and I'm already over 5 months in Cameroon. From my classes there is not much new. They run, as in the previous weeks. In the computer hours I have now repeated with the other groups, how to save a document. After last week there have been only 2 of 4 scheduled hours, there were already 3 of 4 this week If this continues, I can hope to take place next week, all hours.
In physical education, students have the 5th class had a test in sprinting. The 6th Class has practiced for the MOC. This is a trial run for the forthcoming June exams. There, the students have practical examination in sports. But they repeated long jump, sprinting and shot put. All a bit improvised, because neither a long jump pit, another Laubahn nor balls are available.
was something special was the Beusch Niels, the world's ward volunteers from Bamenda. He and a friend organized a fundraising concert in Germany. For this turns Niels a film about Cameroon and the individual projects to be supported. After the stations Baham (near Bafoussam) and Limbe on Thursday afternoon he came to Buea, here at the School on Wheels project record. Unfortunately, missing due to communication difficulties with Gerald (who support a Cameroonian friend, Niels in film tour) should the video camera. So it was not possible, the School on Wheels project . Film So we started on Friday with the first films in Buea. After an interview with Mr. Orock (the head of UAC), it went to the new campus in Bwitingi. There will the donations be used. On Saturday for a visit to a orphanage in Buea, which Janna will assist in Limbe. For more information on the concert tour and the film by Niels on it Helepforchildren is a mixture of pidgin English and formal English. Pidgin English is the unofficial national language in the English regions and also in neighboring countries. With only about 300 words the vocabulary is very small. Despite this small number of words, I find it still hard to understand the Pidgin English. Precisely because it is spoken very quickly.
But back to the projects. Together we want to beautify the new campus volunteers, thereby creating a better learning atmosphere. So far, the schoolyard is like a building site even more. To change this we have started the painting project. The yet dirty greyish white painted walls of the school buildings should be painted and colorful, while having the students opportunities to contribute their ideas and build a wall. Together with the Eden Project by Nathan (the volunteer from the UK) aims at a beautiful living space for children to be created where these like to linger and learn. The Eden Project has, firstly, the beautification of school grounds by creating flower beds and lawns to the target. In addition, the children are closer to dealing with nature, by learning the cultivation of vegetables and maintaining the plants and take over this responsibility, and responsibility of the student to the plants.
Another important project is to supply the school with running water. Since the school grounds in Bwitingi far is quite recent, a water supply is lacking. Something like water with the school bus is brought to school. This takes the one significant resources, and provided further that the water in the Morning still not there. This is especially problematic when the students have morning exercise and sweat, but have no way to drink water. On these projects we will work in the coming weeks. This means the time being to operate, especially fundraising. So far I have not already done so. Let's see how it goes.
last few weeks is updated, the site of UAC and in a design online. An Italian volunteer who was in January for a few weeks here have been working on the website and those are equal translated into Italian. You can find the website of UAC under Once the site is already bilingual, we also want to a German language version to offer.
With all this extra work, I can fill my freedom I hope very well. The only problem might be that there are usually rather short free spaces in which are not really worth starting a job. We'll see.
Finally, I have some photos (instead of the movie) from the School on Wheels project on Thursday. Since the week before the project has failed due to the slump, it was this week at the end some sweets for the children who could be undertaken by the donations of Linn and to encourage the children to come to continue the project. They have very happy and enjoyed the cookies and drinks. Here are some photos
from Bonakanda:

I hope you are doing well and you have a nice weekend

Regards Jannik

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Century Wavemaster Super

22 weeks Cameroon - the first drop


The last week we had largely our normal work schedule and by Thursday noon, everything was fine. But while we were at lunch, was broken into the other volunteer house. The burglars must have known our movements while fairly accurate. Every day we have our lunch by 13 clock in the house of our boss. We usually spend a longer time because the food usually a little later comes. But today we were very short there. Henk, a Dutchman who made a trip as a radio reporter on the coast of Africa, later came to dinner and Chloé, a French volunteer, something fell earlier to prepare for the planned trip to Douala. In the 15 minutes that we were not in the house, the back door, a wooden door with a simple lock was broken, and stolen a laptop, an Ipod, a phone and a digital SLR camera. I'm pretty sure they saw us coming and then disappeared. Otherwise they would have stolen more things. SO they have only been clearly established Equipment taken. The neighbors and the people who worked on the road said they had seen nothing. Mr. Orock everything else is controlled, a police commissioner called and placed an advertisement in the police. The mood was pretty depressed. Even if you can replace the material losses of financial expenditure, are on a laptop and Ipod a lot of private data that is lost in the worst case, permanently. wanted
Barclay, our mentor and several other relatives of Mr. Orock like to go further with detectives and try the thieves and / or stolen equipment to be found. Great success, I promise not to me. But it's worth a try. So far I've
me here always felt so secure. While there were some stories told in stolen property. But these stories were so far away and really think I could I not. After the burglary the night I felt something uncomfortable, even though our house, in contrast to other volunteer house has steel doors and a burglar is not practicable, or only with great facilities and a gigantic noise.
As if this were not enough, we also heard Friday that all water containers in the house of Mr. Orck were stolen. This has been quite unsettled. To assume that this is more a symbolic act is that one should beware. On Thursday it is in fact also come to another event. I think I write about the first time the majority of people who spend their time on the Internet, run scamming. As it runs exactly, I do not know but they try things, like chocolate, puppies and other products that do not exist in fact for sale, and for that to bag the money from the purchasers, without these ever see their promised goods.
This fraud or theft attempt, many Internet-versed young Cameroonians who see no other ways to get money. Mr. Orock has referred these scammers lately over again from the Internet Cafe by UAC. Therefore it is much emptier and quieter. On Thursday, he shall then be taken to the police station. What happened there with him, I do not know. But he was probably too young, he will not go to jail.
addition to these exciting events we have started in the last week finally shared with the computer classes. However, there were only four hours of scheduled 2 theoretical lessons. There were problems again with the means of transport. This time the buses were not broken, but a driver was sick for two days so that the already very tight schedule to the transport of pupils could be met and I have not come on time after Bwitingi. But the first theoretical computer lesson went pretty well. The class was great small and there is also quiet. In addition, I was surprised how much the children could remember from the last hour, and even without the screen in front of you, I could say the steps to save a document. These steps we have written down and added a little theoretical knowledge about the ways of sorting through folders. Me, the hour of the 6th Class then also made a lot of fun because I've noticed that they are interested and ask questions like "How many folders are there on the computer?"
The other lesson with the class 5c was unfortunately a bit stressful because I was a little too late and the school in Bwitingi stops earlier than I had assumed. I then briefly in 20 minutes trying the most important steps to save a document to write down. As the teacher was sick, and the students were divided among the other two classes, missing at the end of the half the group and I have only 7 students computer classes that had not yet learned any reason in practical computer classes, how to save. The last weeks were the computers of hours so often that I lost track of which class has already done something. In addition, some were even part of the class, which hampers the progress. I hope with the separation of hours the computer is running better now. But I just have to looking for a way to be on time for the computer hours at school.
The School on Wheels project started last week was better than the previous weeks. Linn, a volunteer from Norway, has collected donations for the improvement of School on Wheels, which we bought new pencils and notebooks. We also have purchased some school books, to see what the students can in each class and the corresponding sample tasks to hand. On the higher classes, I know some do not know what my students when they speak, for example, of "Long Division". I can imagine though, that I had anything to do with sharing, but how the students are asked to do this exactly I do not know. With the textbooks, this is getting easier. On Friday, Linn and Chloe (a French volunteers) in Douala anything toys such as skipping ropes bought, so the children can have after learning a little fun and games. How to Go to School on Wheels in Bokova is still unclear. In this village, the parents seem not to support the project so right and it will usually only 4 children, while the remainder stays at home. For this reason we have thought about these children who come regularly to work in nearby Bwitingi and take place Bokova another village in the School on Wheels projects. But first states that we should be patient and hope that come the next few weeks more children.
Yesterday, Saturday was finally held the Mountain Race. At 7 clock started the runners, while we still calmly asleep. Later, after breakfast we made on our way to the stadium, where the goal is. The school bus driver, Alois us worried a few places in the stands. This place was to take pictures but not the best. But we had a good overview. Main sponsor of the race was (their rates are likely) not a Cameroonian company, but the manufacturer of probably the most popular soft drink Coca Cola. After 4 hours and 36 minutes was the winner fixed. During this time the runner Voffo Momo has overcome a total of about 6500 meters. I started this week with the jogging and twice I walked half an hour, which was exhausting enough. I have to go in the future to finally go on to jog regularly. Also in relation to the mountain climbing I would not tackle the tour completely untrained.

I hope when you are well. The snow photos from Kleinmachnow see even really great. For me, this is currently not really imagine. After all, it has become after the last rain yesterday a little cooler, which is very pleasant. The water supply is still pretty bad. Having on Thursday most of the Day had water, there is low tide in the line since then. But unlike the previous months not a drop comes from the line, even at night. This makes me suspect that they are working on the lines. Hopefully the problem will soon.
Regards Jannik

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Somrthing To Cool Hot Feet

My last week and the Youth Day


and again one week (now already the 21st in Cameroon) to. Because of the National Youth Day took place almost little of our regular work schedule.
But before we had another day, we had planned something like this. As I had already written, it should go to Limbe Sunday. At Mile 17 (the bus station in Buea) we were straight out of a it departs almost empty bus asked if we want to go to Limbe. Thus, it was unusually fast on the road. But in muting genes, the place where the road separates to Limbe and Douala, stopped the bus, after a time we were the only passengers on a bus for 30 people. Seemingly, they were ordered out and all the passengers to bring us only to Limbe and then to control its regular destination, and all because we "Whitemen" are. A little disappointed they were then, as we only paid the regular fare. But good of Mile 4 (the bus station in Limbe) we took the taxi to the Botanical Gardens.
Instead of spending all day at the beach we previously gone to the Botanical Garden of Limbe. Some trees were impressive, but overall, the garden is more for people interested in plants, which I count not myself. He would also be very well used as a park for family picnics and games for the children or to work (homework) in the open. But the garden was pretty empty and we were out (if I could overlook it correctly) mentioned only two other people also "Whitemen" there. This void can be explained among others with the existing admission prices. These are Cameroonians but much cheaper than for foreigners (300 CFA to 1,000 CFA), but for a family This adds up. After a brief tour of the Botanical Garden, it was a somewhat unusual time (about 11 clock) to the Hot Spot Restaurant. Burger were once again, but the Barracuda was also very tasty.
From there, it then went to the beach. This time we wanted the second beach in Limbe of semi Beach Hotel try. This is even further outside than Etisah Beach. Overall, there were more life and most of Cameroon prevailed there. However, the beach was not very natural, and when was it ever flood there was no sandy beach more. Thus, one can only lay sunbathing on a concrete road that is frequented by people constantly. Particularly relaxing is not. Overall, prefer I continue to Etisah Beach. Very beautiful in the semi Beach is that there is a basketball and a tennis court, for which one must pay, however. In the late afternoon before dusk we returned to Buea.
On Monday and Tuesday we again wasted a lot of time with meaningless ways. On Monday all schools practiced marching for the Youth Day, which was generally considered very funny. Since the practice should be completed by noon, it was unclear whether the computer lesson would take place. The Head Teacher could not or would not choose it and the class teacher was not present for unknown reasons. Ultimately I have to cancel the hour. On Tuesday and Wednesday is the school anyway, and I had no desire to spend time with useless waiting. In this area I have not yet adapted to the Cameroonian mentality and will likely to do so in the future.
came the afternoon, then to pointless ways than we to School on Wheels project went. Since no normal school took place, the students are probably expected that no school will take place on Wheels and we were alone. Instead, we have made a nice evening in a bar.
Tuesday I should finally go jogging again. As I have done this I do not know, but I have Alois (a driver of UAC) promised on the night that I go jogging with him. So there was I only have one very short night and after jogging there was not even running water. Most of the time of the day I spend in the Internet cafe where the connection is surprisingly good and I even manage the daily download themes from the previous day.
take place on Wednesday celebrated the big Youth Day. The main component is the march of the individual schools. With it comes the school bus near the Bongo Square, where the march is taking place. The last track we are moving in the traffic jam of vehicles proceeding very slowly. The drivers taking advantage of any small gap to switch the lane and a little bit faster progress, which brings nothing. Then there is the ongoing stopping to drop off people. On the main road romp already masses of people, the majority are children. A bit is the Fanmeilengefühl. Sometime in the morning start of the march. Each school marching separately and a student with the Cameroonian flag and another the badge of the school. Let's go with the Nursery Schools. For the day we got (the teachers and workers of UAC) bright green T-shirts, so we had a fairly uniform outfit. As volunteers, we are next to the UAC by students of the Nursery School of UAC, even though we had to do with the Nursery School no. Then we were allowed to return to pave the way again to run with the Primary School. After the Primary Schools still marched the students of secondary schools and the students. As it was, however, that we go back we have not seen this. Ultimately, we then waited until almost the end before we started. In the afternoon we ate and drank together with the staff and teachers of UAC in Abidjan (a bar). Overall the day was quite interesting, although I certainly do not know what he really brings the youth. Ultimately, a lot a lot of lessons, many students could use the urgent. A striking feature of the march was that there are about as many state schools and private schools, with public schools are generally larger.
Thursday we went to a traditional wedding at the home of Mr. Orock invited. Excited we were on our way. However, the main task was waiting. In addition, we were sitting with the other guests outside, while the action took place inside the house. At the door we could at least see something. One after the four women were wrapped in sheets and laid out the mother of the groom had to make the bride find. Then had to find the bride and the groom in the crowd give him a sip of palm wine. What happened before / after I can not say exactly. Sometime around 10:30 clock there was food, which was very kind and on Cameroonian yam, plantains and fufu and was different sauces.
went on Saturday for the second part of the wedding. As Sally (the bride) who wished that we had African clothing, we have that can make parts on Thursday. But the reception we were the only ones who wore this type of clothing. For three clock the reception was announced after it had taken place in the morning to sign. Again it should be clear later. Ultimately, the evening was very nice. The couple has been received and there was a buffet. It was always sung songs and speeches and eventually handed over the gifts. In the course of the evening it's still been a small party before it to about 10 clock rapid Departure came.
this Sunday I am left with Nathan in Buea and not come to the beach. Instead, we are here on his way and wanted to run a small piece of the mountain. However, it is apparently not allowed to explore this area alone. A guide offered us to make a small tour for 5000 CFA, but we wanted to spend money and then he showed us as a little mountain. Again and again we came to meet runners who train for the Mountain Race, which takes place next weekend. We went to a small waterfall, whose water is collected and a small tube (10 cm diameter) is to take place, the water supply for Buea. The is probably the reason why we have so often no running water. The last five days we have not seen a single drop. From there we went back again and I am pleased in a few weeks to make the entire hike.
This was essentially my last week in which I had to do not very much. Only the physical education classes on Friday took place regularly.

I'll hope it goes well so far.
Many Greetings from Buea

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Abesol While Pregnant

Back in Buea


the last week was generally very good, even if the Kribiaufenthalt would like to be a little longer. But ultimately I was glad that I accept me again in Buea my PC problem could, and after almost three weeks I finally found a solution.
went to work under this rate as before the intermediate seminar, precipitating yet another computer lesson, because students were not there. In addition, most students had great difficulties, the two weeks ago learned to reapply. So we had more time to explain how to save a document. From next week we will be categories for the parts, so that a part of the class learns the practical use and the others repeated the things learned in theory. I now need to see again, how do I make the best of theoretical. The easiest way would certainly be a beamer, but unfortunately exists not, so I have to make do differently.
runs The School on Wheels Project and as usual, and it has failed on Tuesday in Bokova because no children were there.
took place on Friday in relation to the national day of bilingualism will be a demonstration of the students. So said some student poems in English and French, it was performed a drama and the school choir sang the national anthem and a few other songs. This was very nice to look at, and unfortunately it was often difficult to understand everything, because all students have a common cause unavoidable noise, while the students (especially from the lower classes) very quiet have spoken.
On Thursday was my German class again, because the students had to practice more for the day of bilingualism. Once again it was not necessary to inform me in any way, so I turn my time with senseless back and spent vering.
bad luck we had this week with school buses. On Thursday at the School on Wheels Project sprang from the car any more than we wanted umparken it to enough space for the students. After School on Wheels Project by 18 clock appeared on the driver and not even after half an hour still nothing was visible from the driver. It was already dark when in the distance two great lights appeared, to the other school bus included. This was also our driver. This was run back to Molyko in order to get the other bus. However, he did not think it necessary to inform us. As the car would not start when planned Umparken the driver still said that it will start again when the engine is cold. But the arrival of the other bus did not mean the direct way back to Molyko. Instead, we tried to tow the other bus, which proved successful as a not particularly. The tow rope was a relatively thin rope, which repeatedly broke. The attempt, it failed to try with a safety belt. The road was so rocky, uneven, and rising, that the resistance was very high and the rope faster and faster cracking when the bus could get into motion. Ultimately, some men from the village the bus moved to the main road from where he was first some time alone roles. In between we had to hang it again and again to the other bus. Now the belt was stable enough, because the resistance was much lower on the tarmac. In effect, we are then two hours late arriving clock by 20 in Molyko, where we get our dinner (delicious Nudelomelett). In addition to this car breaks down, there were Molyko at this time, no electricity. But back in our house, I asked Nathan (the volunteers from Wales) jokingly "Where is he light?" Just in this Moment, just when I was finished with the question, the power is back and the light comes on. Was somehow a bit strange.
But in terms of the bus, the breakdown is not our only stay for a week. On Friday after the event in the school remained the bus stand half way. This time was the reason simply a lack of gasoline. First, we wanted to wait for another bus, but we decided to bus a short distance up a hill to push then to Molyko to roles. But this was easier said than done. Together we pushed five volunteers, and of drivers and Barclay (our tutor) the bus. For the passing us Cameroonians it was certainly an attraction, such as 5 "Whitemen" a bus slid. Fully sweaty we were at the top of the hill and were now rolling at a slow pace until after Molyko. Once there, the work week was over already.
Saturday there was an overall relatively free day tomorrow, Sunday and we plan to Limbe to drive to the beach.
Next week is still uncertain to what extent the computer hours on Monday and Tuesday takes place because the students all morning practicing something for the Youth Day, or the like and then may be too tired. Let's see how our work plan will look like next week.

Here are some pictures from Kribi:

The beach nearby our accommodation. Again and again he was suspended from a collection of stones.

The Church in Kribi, which originates from the German colonial period and was renovated in 2007 with support from Germany.

view from the steeple of the harbor and the sea

The Lighthouse of Kribi

And finally: The best pizza Cameroon

you I hope you are all well. Would love to hear from you

Regards Jannik

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Arcade Legends 1 Gamepack

My last few weeks


determine how I had to January is gone in a flash. Just came back from Christmas vacation in Kribi, it again went to the end of January to the interim Kribi seminar. But before that I had my only more or less full work week in January. In the computer hours, we showed the students how to save a Word document to work on this later. However, most students had at our intermediate seminar already forgotten how to save a document. As the computer issues are becoming increasingly difficult, we want to split the class in the future, so that one half in the computer room, the use of practical exercises, while the other half is repeated in the classroom materials and related instructions write down, so the students can look up there later on how things work when they no longer know.
The School on Wheels Project is running in the new year even better than before. On the one hand are not so many children, which is likely to change in a few weeks. Second, on Monday came after our return from Mamfe, three new volunteers who also attend the School on Wheels Project. We now have a very good care situation. Otherwise, I've
a week after my return from Mamfe and in the intermediate seminar mostly spent in the Internet cafe to a solution to my, destroyed by a virus, netbook . See Unfortunately, I should be indulged in the income yet this week. Difficulties caused me above all the lack of CD-Rom drive. This allowed me to boot is not possible simply from a rescue CD. The alternative to boot from a USB flash drive, proved much more difficult dar. remained as the netbook during the intermediate seminar is not functional in Buea.
The trip to Kribi then ran surprisingly quite good and I felt in no way reminiscent of the horror trip from Buea to Kribi before Christmas. This time everything went like clockwork. Together with Moni, Hannah and Catherine (the three volunteers from Bafoussam) we started early Sunday morning on his way. First it was a Bush taxi to Douala, where we took a taxi to the bus station of Central Voyages. There we were incredibly lucky, as the bus drove off just five minutes after our arrival. So we needed only 4 ½ hours to Kribi. Thus we could enjoy the Sunday or on the beach before the seminar starts on Monday and then we have much less time for the beach.
The seminar was then generally very good, especially the units on Lessons Learnt in which we have developed our experience, problems, successes and crises and learning have taken on the problems solutions. On Wednesday, they released our tutors from the partner organizations to jointly expectations and fears of the preparatory seminar to reflect on and develop the lessons learned and problems and develop solutions. A major problem seemed to be the lack of communication in organizations. Not only between the volunteers and the mentor and the volunteers but in general in the organization. Often we do not know what projects the other employees and a mutual exchange of ideas is also difficult. For me, I notice this in particular that you often only by chance in the forthcoming discussion of projects and experiences, nothing is said when a lesson fails. On Thursday we visited the Country Director of the DEDs in Cameroon woman Weitz and representatives of the BMZ Geerd Wurth man of the embassy. Finally, we have
on Friday made one trip to Kribi where we have looked at only a church, built by the Germans. Next door was the German cemetery. In the afternoon, we still have a traditional chief of a village near the Lobe Falls met who told us about the role of traditional chiefs. He has also given us some coconuts, that we only drank milk and then eaten the flesh.
was actually scheduled for Saturday as Rückfahrtag, but we moved it on Sunday to have a nice day on the beach. At the end have We have the best pizza in Kribi in Cameroon (as far as I can judge) eaten. Sunday we went back early. The first bus at 6:30 clock it went to Douala, where I am and continued with Janna Lea to Limbe. The ride was once again surprisingly well, and from Douala to Limbe we had in the car even air conditioning.
Around noon, we were already in Limbe and were able to again enjoy a half day at the beach where we met the other volunteers from UAC.
This was the seminar week, again too soon. Back in Buea I had at least as far as my laptop and was finally successful by using Bart PE repair the registry. After several virus scans with different anti virus programs has it now appears that my laptop is clean and has also taken no great harm. As far as I can judge so far, are not affected functions are missing any files. For me the future should this be a lesson to virus infection and I will be even more careful now. Otherwise
has started the work week quite well, even if the students have forgotten (two weeks ago in the computer hour) have learned again already. Otherwise this week held a few events. This Friday is the National Day of bilingualism. Lead there before the students of the School Jamadianle different things. Next week Wednesday is Youth Day in which a large parade taking place at the Independence Square. Also next week to start a festival, called the Buea Trade Fair. What exactly is behind it I do not know. Finally finds the end of February instead of the Mountain Race, in which several hundred participants overcome the four thousand meter high mountain within a few hours. I will give up this race and climb the mountain a little more comfortable in three days. I hope at least to some extent do it without problems, as I have in the past two months made little sport again until Monday and I jogged 40 minutes. I hope I can wrestle me to continue through at least 2-3 times a week.

I hope you are well.
Soon I will probably adjust again some photos.

Many Greetings

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Best Aggressive Sean Cody

trip to Mamfe


come after a long time, I will finally return to write something for my blog. After several weeks without a laptop I got this error again yesterday reasonably can. There seem to still viruses or viruses are at least residue on him, even if there are two anti-virus programs do not. But at least he is working again and hopefully it stays that way. So far I have only written about my trip to Mamfe. Over the last week's intermediate seminar I will report in the coming days.

On Wednesday the 14th January, it went on the trip to Mamfe. Lea could unfortunately not come because she was sick. Mr. Orock we had announced the departure for 11 clock, but ultimately we are only set off three hours later than planned in Buea. First it was said, we take off only by 12 clock so that we can still enjoy our first (very early) lunch. But Mr. Orock had done too little in Limbe and did not consider it necessary to inform us accordingly. So we waited two hours to our departure. We are driven by a pickup and an almost brand new van that was for the School on Wheels Project sponsored in Mamfe. Unfortunately, the distances between the seats well-adapted for children, so I with my long legs could not sit straight. After all, the bus was not as full as the bush taxis, so at least I had enough space laterally. The first part of the trail was very easy to negotiate. The road seemed just been completed. Our first brief stop was in Muyuka where Mr. controlled Orock Postbox the UAC and I had to realize, unfortunately, that the letters of my grandfather and my family have not yet arrived. Somehow it seems with the correspondence of Germany hapern to me yet. On the other line to Kumba, the paved road, which is funded by the EU was 80%) still under construction. The ground was already prepared for asphalting, so we at least have no problems had with potholes. In Kumba, the economic heart of South-West of the pickup with food bought there was fully loaded. By Kumba on road to Mamfe is very bad. The path is paved not yet leveled and then the trip is more like a slalom. But in spite of the slalom, it is not possible to avoid all the potholes and we will be shaken again. We will also be fogged with the time of the red dust of the road. On this route, we spend many hours on this road until arriving to 22 clock in our accommodation in Mamfe. However, this can not hope to particularly cozy nights. Guestrooms are equipped with the hot, humid air, the smell is extremely from mold and the hoped-flowing water (which lacked the last few days in Buea as well) does not exist. After all, there is a fan of falling asleep but then makes all possible. In Mamfe Mr. Orock shows us the next day the office and the school of UAC, which is still under construction. On the positive side is the opposite of Jamadianle School in Buea smaller class size of 10 to 15 children, and this will change with time too.
visit Later in the day, we have a suspension bridge built in 1904 by the Germans and called for this reason German Bridge. In 2007 she was restored with financial assistance from Germany. There have I also met a woman who was very grateful for this support because it would have been not otherwise be possible to arrive at their farm. While crossing the bridge at first I was a slightly queasy feeling. Everything shook and I was on the stability of the construction is not a hundred percent.

By visiting the bridge, our program for the first day was complete. In the evening we could see lightning in the sky a lot and we eagerly hoped for rain. But our wish was not fulfilled and instead, it remained dry and cold. The next day it goes to the Cross River, a river that goes from Mamfe Nigeria leads. After running a few minutes, I'm totally sweaty at the river bank to work on which the Cameroonians still heavier and large wooden boards at the head of transporting loaded into small boats, which bring the timber to Nigeria. In the afternoon I make myself with Nathan again to explore on foot towards the German Bridge to the area on the other side. Actually, to be located more behind a second bridge. But this we do not reach and the early dark forces us to return. On Saturday we
go to the home village (Etoko) by Mr. Orock. The road is extremely bad. Instead of the school bus we drive with two SUVs, the real way for this route sense. But this also saves us not shrink the distance to overcome without problems. Because a car blocked with a flat tire the better way, we try using the adjacent lane extreme poor. Until we finally set up and after some pushing and pressing to remove the cars again.

Stranded in the jungle
How to use these roads during the rainy season is beyond me. The transport will then probably take place mostly on motorcycles. Also inexplicable to me is how many people pass through these channels with extremely normal fully-charged cars. In the village I
learn from other projects of UAC. Thus, among other UAC a palm oil mill for the villagers concerned and also a toilet for every family (Plumbsklo) built.

An outhouse in Etoko
UAC also helped in the neighboring village Nichemba II in the construction of a school building for the elementary school. For this we have come in the afternoon for a photo session.

The children are extra on Saturday came for a photo in the school.
is the morning departure for 6 clock announced. But it is nothing and we leave the town until about 7:30 clock thirty. This time we do not take the school bus, which remains in Mamfe, but with another SUV of UAC. For this reason, we can also take a different approach, which is overall a little faster, but qualitatively the way to Etoko very close. On the way we stop at a very long bridge that will be the longest in West Africa. In the afternoon we come completely sweaty and dusty in Buea on where again there are no running water. Fortunately, Lea has filled our buckets so we can at least enjoy a bucket shower. I am also happy about the moderate temperatures in Buea. In Mamfe I myself have to do without some sweat constantly, as in Douala.

Regards Jannik