Saturday, December 20, 2008

Lbp How To Transfer Costumes

My "holiday week" in Buea

Hey You,
in the last week I had once again much free time. Last Saturday was very busy here in Buea, because in the University of Buea The graduation took place. Among the graduates was our mentor, Justine, whose party we were invited in the evening. It was celebrated on the premises of UAC. After some greetings and explanations for their success, which were all very focused on God, there was a large buffet. Because of my health problems (elephant, parasites in the gut and cough), I have put myself to sleep after dinner in my accommodation.
are On Sunday we went to Peter and the Frenchman again to Limbe to the beach, where I was, however, only briefly in the water. My foot just hurt with every step and externally, he resembled more the foot of an elephant. Meanwhile
Fortunately, he has returned to normal size. In the early evening we are still in Limbe has returned in a very nice bar, which opened here recently by a South African. There I had a good, if eaten anything unusual sandwich: bread filled with lettuce, tomato, avocado and french fries. In Limbe, the first time I have also noticed Christmas lights in the form of colorful lights.
had in the week beginning on Monday then I much free time I have spent including reading, internet cafe, or with writing the report for the DED. I also had my French class where we wrote a test on Last Friday have, for I also had to learn.
was held on Wednesday the last event held this year in school. As usual here in Cameroon, the event with plenty (2 hours) started late due to technical problems. These were then, even during the holidays and over much of the radio microphone. In the schoolyard two pavilions were built, among which could contact the parents. At 11 clock could start the event. The school choir sang the national anthem and a few Christmas songs, dances or other children were before recited poems. Very funny was the fashion show that presented the students of the preschool. In the end, even the three best students from each class honored before it for the teachers and staff of UAC was still a little snack.
This was the school year for this year is over and the remaining days of the week I have again spent much time in the internet cafe and read a lot. Positive was that the stability of the power supply had increased again, and only came to brief power outages. These are, if you just at the internet cafe is indeed a bit annoying, but in this case, I'm really happy to have a laptop computer, whose battery prevents data loss. After several hours of power cut on Friday lit a week ago on Saturday night for the first time the street lights the main road from Buea. Whether this now related to the graduation or Christmas time, I do not know. However, I believe, that they have put only the extra repair time before these events and the street lamps light up every night.
Many Greetings
PS I do not want to be superstitious, but as I've just written by the better power supply falls out of here again. From Saturday morning until late afternoon Buea remains dark and silent.


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