Saturday, December 13, 2008

Inventor Of The Grapefruit Knife

My last 2 weeks

Hey You,

Now it is already almost two weeks ago that I last wrote. In Regarding working at UAC were relaxed, the last two weeks pretty. It almost seems as if the holiday for us already started earlier. However, we are told this is not right. Based on the evidence, get the students before the Christmas holidays for the first term, the teachers and also our mentors in the office have a lot to do and for this reason the School on Wheels Project is in the last two weeks (up to one hour) failed completely. Why do we have three volunteers to make school care alone can not, I do not know. Also was not told from the start that this week or the next two weeks, no School on Wheels Project, but always only on that day. If we were lucky we got this information during the computer lesson at noon. Otherwise, there was the information only when we went to the office to go to the villages. It really seems to be a great lack of communication and if you ask three people after the deadline for the closing ceremony at the school, you get three different answers.

In physical education we started last week with the long jump. However, at this stage was planned long jump pit is not yet available, so the long jump facility (consisting of two thin foam mattresses and some light sand, the board should represent the jump) was built on the "sports field".

In German class, I continued with the children the numbers, the logic involved, they have quickly understood and thus were able to express figures beyond the tens of thousands without major difficulties. At the end of the hour I had with the students of the 6th Class also have the German Christmas carol "every year" sung. In the expectation still have two more German lessons before the holidays, I wanted the students at least have the translation and perhaps also to teach the second stanza. But this should stick to the plan. On This Friday, the students have cleaned the school yard for the upcoming graduation ceremony, for which also the parents. Next week, then for the students practically holidays if I have understood correctly. Monday and Tuesday is from the school because the teachers' conference on the results of the 1 Terms have and after the closing ceremony on Wednesday, the school closes then until the start of the new year. Although the school on Monday and Tuesday will be closed to me, the teacher of a 5th Class offered my last German class this year to give on Tuesday after it has failed on Friday.

last weekend, which was prolonged due to a Muslim holiday on Monday, we are again down (on Sunday and Monday) with the aid workers by Peter Limbe. Unfortunately the weather was not particularly good on Sunday. It rained and was cool. Peter and a French friend wanted to make wave surfing. However, the weather was also not adequate, as only little wind was blowing and the sea that had so little waves. I tried a little with a small board. If you once caught a wave right, it was fun. However much you spent too much time to wait, because there were few suitable waves and they are then often not desired in the right moment added. On Sunday I was finally able to once again enjoy the European-style noodles. In two Spaniards, in which we have placed a stop on the way from the beach to Buea, there was spaghetti alla carbonara. The food was really great. Sometimes I miss the European food here yet, even if the food is not bad. However, it is always very greasy and with time it gets pretty boring when there is always rice, yams, pasta and bananas with two or three different sauces. Maybe I'm busy cooking in Kleinmachnow also been a bit spoiled. There, even if pasta was in part a big part, was generally more diversified. Thank you to my parents for the good food.

Back to Buea. There was in the last two weeks again major problems with the flowing water. After my return from Bafoussam on Monday evening, we had almost entirely (except small Rinnsälen) to Tuesday next week without running water. In addition, now enhanced power outages have occurred. This Friday there was from early afternoon until evening without electricity. This here is all pretty dark and one is in his ability to spend the time quite limited. During these times, the head lamp is a blessing, something lights up the environment and at least read or letter makes it possible.

On Friday I had my first encounter with a Cameroonian hospital - if one may call it that. In Germany it is more comparable with a general practitioner with more sisters, in which there is still accommodation for the patient. After I had in the past 1 ½ weeks problems with my digestion, I strongly suspect to have any unwanted parasites in my gut. This suspicion was confirmed by a stool sample and I've got two drugs prescribed for it. I also have two days a swollen right foot, probably comes from a sting or bite. For this, I got an ointment prescribed. After payment of 1,900 CFA (about 3 €) we went to the pharmacy where I almost felt at home. A computer as a POS system, and a corresponding Nachschlageverzeichnis me in this form (except in the supermarkets) has not been met. There I could pay for an ointment and "sherbet" some 6,000 CFA (about 9 euros), while these were not even all medications, because some were not available and tomorrow come from Douala.

Actually I had two more German lessons. Since there is no bus with driver I have made myself was walking on the road to Bwitingi for the new school complex before me has collected half-way a school bus. In school, I had to - as I have already written - unfortunately find that the children cleaned the school yard and held no classes would. This was, however, told me again immediately. First it was said that a teacher gets the students. But after 20 minutes it was said that the students would have to clean the school yard for the presentation next Wednesday. So I had to wait again until the bus drove back to Molyko. Overall, this way to spend the time to me far from satisfactory. But it seems here either to give a huge lack of communication or the things here are certainly very spontaneous. Ultimately, it is almost certainly a mix of both, which makes it difficult for me to plan lessons or to generally my days.

I wish you a nice third weekend of Advent. I'm still not really in a festive mood.

Many Greetings


PS I hope the blackout ends soon, so I can publish the blog entry soon.


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