Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Debbie Travis Closet Organization

weekend in Bafoussam

On Friday our long weekend has begun, to which we have asked to visit the other volunteers in Bafoussam. Directly after breakfast we made a taxi on the way to Mile 17 (the starting point of the buses and bush taxis). There we bought for every 4,000 CFA (about € 6.11) a ticket to Bafoussam and appropriate elected seats. Sorry, saw them out on the paper plan significantly more spacious, but in the end we were then to fifth in a row, had been sitting in the only 4 people in Germany. But this narrowness in the means of locomotion Cameroon have to accept at home. After crossing over 6 hours we arrived at the entrance to 16 clock of Bafoussam. A short time later the other volunteers arrived Niels from Bamenda, the other however, to a bus station. We had planned to drive together to Baham. However, due to a misunderstanding, but then we are driven separately by Baham. Due to the lack of street names and numbers, it is always difficult with the meeting if you are in an unknown location. In Baham us Nico (another volunteer) picked up in the accommodation we have spent the night of Friday to Saturday. Previously, we have in the city center (more like village center) or dinner (Nudelomelett) indulgence. In
Nicos organization, a project for physically disabled children, then there was lot of activity before Nico sent the kids to bed.
was there early the next morning (6 clock) to get up, as we have planned a trip to Foumban to a traditional feast. At 7 clock we took a taxi from Baham after Bafoussam. When asked where the buses depart for Foumban us, the taxi driver immediately offered to bring us right up to Foumban. The initial price of 26 000 for a return trip, we have traded down to 20 000 CFA (about 30 €), which is still pretty expensive. On the way from Bafoussam Foumban after the Islamic influence on with the other Mosques visible. About 16 km behind the land of the Bamoun Bafoussam begins, the only predominantly Muslim ethnic group in southern Cameroon. Foumban in the city was full of people and there was a big traffic jam. In front of the Sultan's palace was a row dressed people who are slowly moving forward, forward probably the sultan presented gifts and then again from the Sultan Palace.

The Sultan Palace

The disguised man
We followed the people dressed up and found ourselves suddenly in a fenced area that was actually reserved for invited guests. On demand in a folder This brought us into the stands in the 1st Floor, from where we had a great view of the ceremony. It was noticeable that many "whites" were present at the festival and being there with their cameras tried everything.

Our view of the parade ground
The kings of the various ethnic groups in Cameroon are drawn on the square. Finally came the king of the Noun and the Minister of Justice. In the aftermath of the questions people were read to the king and the king answered the questions of the last time. Before the king left the place again, was still sacrificed a goat. We also left the place around us in search of food to make what turned out to be not so simple. At the roadside, where the different regions had their own stands, we found a few empty chairs and ate meat with couscous. When you pay, they wanted to take it out properly and required only 18 000 CFA (about 27 €) for a few bits of meat with couscous, and for each a drink. As we pretended not to have understood that price, they are equal to 9000 went down to CFA, which still was far too much. We then paid for all together 3000 CFA, so they have also been satisfied. With a somewhat drunken taxi driver who claimed to have drunk a beer, it went on the trip back to Bafoussam, where we arrived well. There I was for 9 weeks, once again a real supermarket (but without the black bread and fresh milk) to enter, where we have also met Leah, Hannah and Catherine. In the supermarket, did in fact brown bread (baguette), which has 10 weeks white bread ever done well. In the evening we (all weltwärts volunteers in Cameroon except Janna DEDs) in Moni (also volunteers from the DEDs) and there have enjoyed a very good birthday dinner. Sorry, Leah, Hannah and Catherine had very early to drive back home because the area at night should be pretty dangerous. We have other volunteers spent the night in Moni. The next morning it was
again soon stand up (even if only by 7 clock). With an aid worker and a Belgian, we have made in the morning on the way to the Ekom waterfalls, are the Del about 2 hours from Bafoussam. The last 10 km to the falls there was an uneven way in which one could go very slowly. From the areas on the road worldwide, came as we approached the cars, the children ran and called Cadeau, Cadeau, ... (gift). In the large SUVs, which were almost exclusively "white", I have not felt really comfortable. After some to an entrance fee of 2,000 CFA (about 3 €) is a stunning image provided by the waterfalls.

After we made from the top picture of this natural spectacle, we are a small part very slippery trail to the foot of the falls followed.

I front of the waterfall
After this hike my pants legs and shoes were full of mud. Back at the starting point, we have a great picnic, which has prepared the aid worker almost completely taken alone, to let us then make our way back. At first call again accompanied by Cadeau.
The night I was again able to spend with Nico, before I have made myself the next morning alone on the way back to Buea. On Bus station in Bafoussam I was surrounded alighting from a taxi right from 8 Cameroonians, which led me to their buses or which wanted to bring their company. With great effort I managed to keep my backpack with me and then I found Garanti Express can more or less directly to Buea to come. Actually, I was assured that we leave at 9:30 clock. But I was so absorbed in my book (only interrupted by the merchants who were running around everywhere to sell their products) that I've lost track of time completely out of the eye and we finally leave until around 12 Bafoussam clock. With the many small stops due to traffic control, payment of road user charges or entrances and exits of the bus was immediately surrounded by merchants who wanted to sell their goods (mostly fruit and vegetables). Towards the end of the journey there was still a police check, in which the cards were checked. In this case, the police officer did not put up with my certified copy of your passport, because he thought that these would be valid. A rider has repeatedly explained to him that everything is all right, but the police officer the document considered worthless. Finally came the second police officer and said that everything would be OK and we could go. While continuing the trip on the bus has a heated discussion, which formed probably turned this incident. My knowledge of French prevented, however, a discussion of the consequences. In muting genes, I had to leave the bus and a taxi transfer, which brought me up to Buea, where I arrived with nightfall.


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