Friday, July 17, 2009

Juicy Couture 15 Laptop Bags

300 days Cameroon

Hi everyone,

Today is the 300. Day in Cameroon and I remain less than 55 . Days.

pass The weeks are just flying here and in recent weeks in total but a lot happened. So I'm going to report the following events.

  1. the trip of some volunteers to Yaounde,
  2. the launch of the One Laptop per Child program
  3. the summer vacation program,
  4. a trip to Lake Barombi Mbo near Kumba
  5. Short Trip to Bamenda

first The last weeks we have worked with some here. Before the 100 laptops here have come to Buea, there were some problems with customs. For the unit should be a millions (In local currency) to be paid (several thousand €). To work around this, especially a trip was planned to Yaounde, convinced that a presentation of the laptop program, the departmental director of the charitable status of the project. Because here in Cameroon is all pretty centralized, you have to drive to the capital Yaounde. Finally, the laptops as a surprise've come before. A meeting of our Executive and any contacts in the government ranks have been enough to be exempted from customs payments. The trip to Yaounde we did anyway and it was, even though it was short, really good. After almost 9 months I am back there, where I started my volunteer service. This time it was not used to living in the Cameroonian life, but rather the search for something different, especially in the food. So we are in the two days when we were there, twice went to a very tasty restaurant with Italian food, where there was pizza from the oven and delicious pasta with various sauces. I can not believe how much I miss the European food, or rather the much greater food diversity. There was also an ice cream is finally back in Yaounde, Cameroon, and in my second at the incredibly hot temperatures. The bakeries in Yaounde compared havens. There is not just bread and some otherwise identical-tasting Baked goods, but brown bread and incredible looking cakes. Lastly, there are numerous supermarkets and variety to 10 months I have enjoyed some cheese.

Another excursion was to the Art Market in Yaounde, where I stocked up with more souvenirs. should not expect a quiet browse. Instead, it was called by all sides and in the various stores actually drawn. Everywhere there was a friend to whom one is "un bon prix" type, which brings more likely for the retailer maximizes profit, as a real friendship price. Despite some lengthy negotiations with good prices I have within no time spent a lot of money. The return trip was the most unpleasant part of the whole trip. We had on the way at least one full-sized bus, where we each had our own seat, we have squeezed the return journey spent in a small bus. A move in whatever direction was not possible. The only place it gave up plenty, even if I would love to have this changed in place in some other direction.

second Back in Buea was the start of the holiday program, along with the laptops. On Monday there was a grand opening event with the appropriate delegates for primary education for the South West Region, the Mayor of Buea and some other leaders. Even the television was present. The interesting part was the start of the actual program on Wednesday. 100 children have come in the morning to work with the laptops. The registration period has brought nothing. Of the registered children, no one was present. were enough kids there anyway. For the past 2 ½ weeks, we are working with the children and the laptops. The aim of the One Laptop per Child program is not primarily to learn how to use the computer, but rather to use the laptops for general learning across the subjects.

I amazed at how quickly the children have the use of computers to learn, I had the computer in hours during the school year with little success. The main difficulties are preparing technical problems that occur again and again. Is it that the system hangs, or the mouse pad going crazy. In two different age groups, the children have already learned a lot of different games on painting, drawing, photography and writing.

The teachers are trained in dealing with the laptops, said that it is often more difficult than the students. Last Thursday and Friday had a few teachers, the first sample, because they have made the lesson almost alone. Everything went well and I am sure that teachers can integrate the laptops during the school year in their teaching.

the children when working with the laptops

third The Summer Holiday Caravan "summer holiday caravan" has finally started and finished the last weeks the time pretty boring. Basically it is a slightly modified School on Wheels project, where everything is on fun and games as a set of learning. So far it's only in the already-known villages around Buea.

, children playing on the journey to Jerusalem

Whether it still goes is unclear. The road to Mamfe is currently in such poor condition that a ride on the school bus is not possible. These are on the way to our house there are major problems and got stuck again. Nevertheless, they are increasingly the way long gone, and finally had to be procured stones to pave the way for the buses again to make passable.

4th A joint trip of all volunteers was a Saturday to a lake in the rain forest near Kumba. With a fully loaded school bus at noon, we made the trip. On a new tarmac road took a trip may not last long. Only the last distance to the lake would be more suitable for an SUV. A rain had made the return journey by bus impossible and so there was only the hope that it stays dry. Lakeside opened up a magnificent view.

is totally unexpected a place on the bank prepared very nicely. There are benches, a shelter and stairs into the water. In Germany this would be a nice "beach / sea resort" where you enter would have to pay. This is the place completely deserted. I hesitate to go in the water, you can hear it from all sides, that you avoid standing fresh waters due to the Bilharziosegefahr. But while I can not control me, the refreshing water at the warm weather is too tempting.

5th Another trip was to the following weekend. It went to Bamenda to Niels. has organized donations for the concert, which Niels, together with a friend in Germany, there was a meeting. Helepforchildren the project, as the official name is was a great success and the meeting was now to the drawing up of agreements for the use of the donations so that they arrive and where they are intended. In one of the most corrupt countries in the world, you have to put out a special attention. For more information about the project on the appropriate blog When UAC we will support with donations to build a water line to the school so the school has finally running water there. Unfortunately, the water line from the nearest village to be built so that the donations are not yet sufficient for it.

Otherwise Bamenda was pretty cold. The first time in Cameroon (if referring to the ascent of Mount Cameroon except once), I used my sleeping bag really. Striking was, how clean is Bamenda, compared to Buea, Douala and other Cameroonian towns. Really beautiful I found the location of Bamenda in a valley surrounded by hills. Just by Niels house on the outskirts of Bamenda already on a hill, you have a fantastic view of Bamenda, if it does not dissolve in fog.

look at Bamenda

Bamenda at night

The frequent power outages can Bamenda at night for a short time almost disappear and only a few Lights stay on. Huge compared to Buea is the market that is probably greater than the three markets in Buea together. Two other facilities are also very beautiful and force the Handicraft Centre, where there are lots of crafts. After my brief impression of Bamenda Bamenda Buea I would prefer, especially because they have more opportunities in this major city, while Buea consists basically of a main street where the homes were built.

That was largely my program the last few weeks. A sad point was the departure of Nathan, who returned after 6 months in Cameroon to the UK is flown. A few other volunteers have already left again and in the coming weeks we will leave some more. So the group is shrinking pretty fast, but are also growing again with new volunteers arrived this week. I'm happy about the statement that new volunteers will come again and I have to spend not only my last two weeks of my volunteer service. After the Cyber worked with the new provider for some time relatively well, there have been some days no connection. Good thing I have to do something and at least the cyber not my only option is to employ me.

With Best wishes from Buea


PS Today is the afternoon Eto'o of Cameroon football hero in the course of a PhD from orange to Buea come to the opening of the so-called Orange Cups. Actually, everything should start at 10 , but from the other side we have experience 1 clock as the start and just after one thing he did come. We are just at the right time came. The fans stormed the only way behind the motorcade. It was difficult for Eto'o to find a way to the rostrum. The three of us volunteers have been the same then also brought to the VIP stand. Eto'o has said nothing. He has passed some fan club jerseys from Barcelona and then ran the offense for the Orange Cup. All in all, he was more than an hour there, but people are freaked out completely. For the actual football game has no interest and after the Eto'o has gone, the stage was now almost completely empty.

Friday, June 19, 2009

Green Card Interview The After

Only 83 days


time flies by very quickly here. Since my last blog entry are gone again weeks. However, I must disappoint you, unfortunately, that there was not much new in this period.

As I have already announced that the school year already heard here in early June. In the last few weeks have the same computer, sports and German lessons hardly taken place. Instead, the students have been practicing for the trials and celebrate our national day. This was the 20. May with a similar parade celebrated as the Youth Day. In contrast to the latter this time was the police and army presence and marches, and has presented their vehicles. Most of the time of the day it was called again but wait a minute. To begin on time, I believed not only, but also after the ceremony had started, she drew quite a lengthy process. After the governor had greeted the people present of his car is off, the first march, the police and army, then before the pupils were involved in the series, which took in many children and schools forever. Since the first public schools, private schools were from the turn, it was said to wait hours. Thank God we did not have to wait still on the Secundary schools and were able to lunch again Molyko, the district in which we live, back to where we continued to celebrate the National Day in a bar.

The next ceremony was the graduation ceremony in early June for the children of preschool and 6th Class. Time for the start of Cameroonian relations was relatively on time. The school is beautifully decorated and when we arrive there already powerful operation. At the school artificial (rather cheesy) bouquets are sold. For the Graduation these are bought in large quantities. In addition, many photographers present to capture the unique day in photos. In the Graduationsmäntel and special hats see particularly the preschool children of extremely cute.

As with the Christmas party, the school choir as the national anthem sang several other songs and other children have submitted sketches. The 6th Grade students have expressed their gratitude for the great time at the school and eventually it comes to Graduation.

is the last part of the event, unfortunately, quite boring and many parents already left the hall. Starting from the 6th Class will be chosen the best three students in each class. For now the big school, now is the Jamadianle this takes ages, partly because the moderator's statements are repeated at least thrice. In addition, in each grade level also awarded the best students of each discipline and get a low price. The air in the hall is getting worse and we are glad when the event is finally over and it goes home. We spend the afternoon as strange at all special events together with the teachers of UAC in a bar

the order is to take place here in which the tests and graduation. Thus, the 6th Grade students after their graduation exams and still not know so far whether the 6th Class have been successfully completed. I had assumed that start with the final graduation, the summer holidays, but with this assessment, I was a bit too hasty. The graduation is performed just one day and returns the results of the tests later. Especially in the State schools, where, unfortunately, not be a not-too-small part of the student exams, have the students more time to graduation for the same degree, resulting in higher cost to their graduation, but overall rather the smallest problem in the Cameroonian education system.

Clearly I was shocked over the length of the tests, the 6th Graders had to write. The tests of all subjects they write in two days and indeed throughout the day (with some breaks). If I remember right was my longest test to date 4 ½ hours, and this took place last year for A-levels. Here are the approximately 11 - year-old children of the 6th Classes for a whole day to write the checks. No wonder that the test results remains to be desired in the end, may end up focusing but no more. The explanation I got for these tests is long, logistical problems in the central tests of all Cameroonian schools distribute. the tests for each subject on another day would be written, would have the couriers to ensure the secrecy of the tests, significantly more often drive, which means at the local road conditions, a corresponding effort. At least something you could pull apart the tests but I think so.

But the tests also had the students to complete a decent program and had daily from 7: 30 Clock to internalize in the afternoon classes to all content successfully. So they have at the age of 11 years ago a normal 40-hour week, possibly the work and learning includes not even at home. After all, there are of the first tests since the results and these are terrific for Jamadianle school. All students have passed the exam and the school has a total of to the best. Now the results of the second central examinations are scheduled, which are hopefully similar success.

with the last exams for the students of the 6th Class is the school year last week finally went to an end.

are This is currently none of the projects I'm involved instead. So we are waiting now all on the start of the holiday program. The number of volunteers has increased massively and we are now a total of 11 volunteers here. Even so had extra rooms will be set up. In no time, in the "living room" of the two volunteer houses built of wood walls and therefore, created a wide space.

over the planned holiday program by now we could learn a bit more, although much still remained unclear. On the one hand the so-called Summer Holiday UAC held caravan. An afternoon program that takes place like the School on Wheels project in different villages. During this time we play with the children. In contrast to the School on Wheels project, however, it should take place not only in the three villages Bwitingi, Bokvai Bonakanda and around Buea, but also take place on the way to Kumba and Mamfe around. I am glad meet in the other 3 months a few new villages. Some were also spoken of a camp with accommodation in the villages, but not what I believe, because our boss says that we can only work in the afternoon with the kids because they work in the morning on the farms. Furthermore, three volunteers from America, following the One Laptop per Child (OLPC) project and have been brought 100 XO laptops. These should also be included in the holiday program and find the teachers and the pupils of the 6th Class will also get more students the opportunity to handle and use the computer to learn.

The last project, whose implementation is still dependent on obtaining adequate financial resources, the Community Sport for Development Program. This project, which I have already witnessed in March, should encourage the young people their power and energy for development and productive activities to use in the villages. The problem there is that many young people move from villages to cities, where they search for jobs, which is usually very, very difficult. This project will combine the strength and energy of young people in the villages by the national sport and football use in other areas. Thus, this project includes not only a football tournament, a cleaning campaign a community working farm (called co-operative farming) and discussions on topics that affect young people or they do like to talk. In all disciplines, the 4 participants villages Bokova, Bwitingi, Bokvai Bonakanda and evaluated at the end and there are prizes, consisting of tools they can use on the farm. By repeating this program shall be to the proper use of the last time prizes awarded will be evaluated and further work by the young people in the common farm reward. Last time, some villages still had great difficulty in the management of the farm, were missing because the relevant equipment. On the other to participate this time girls' teams in the tournament. Together we hope 11 volunteers the financial requirements for implementation of this project zusammenzubekommen to this project also carried out during the summer holidays can be and the young people to also be a change during the 3-month summer vacation to where they otherwise mostly focus on the fields of work.

Although the rainy season gets more and more feed, here are the last days of a major water problem. While we previously had at least always at least some water from the tap, there's been a few days at all no more water. I'm assuming that something is being worked on and the lines are out of the water pipes for this reason. But information does not exist. Just as we now use four of the bathroom, keeping the water in the buckets does not last long and we had a few days ago for the first time going to a very long time to get some water back by bus.

Similar to the water situation, it is also with the power supply, which is clearly unreliable. In every major rain or storm falls from power and even if no reasons are apparent, it is often very brief power outages of several seconds, which are very annoying especially in the cyber cafe. In these cases, I love my laptop battery, which at least spared me from data loss.

Unfortunately, the link quality in cyberspace in recent weeks has become steadily worse and the day before the connection was so slow that I had during a two-hour Internet session just could not read an email. For example, the Cyber-packed in recent days due to a bad connection does not arise. After the poor service of the provider MTN is the connection to the Internet early next month to the other mobile operator Orange to be changed. I hope so again a reliable Internet connection is possible.

Although there are many here have Internet cafes, is using the Internet only a small proportion of the population. I could not believe the price that must be paid here for an Internet connection. For a reasonably fast connection with 1 Mbit per second, one of the fastest connections, you can get here, costs the equivalent of well over 400 € a month, approximately 20 times more expensive than in Germany. Do not know what will happen if after the year I again have a fast Internet connection. 'll Probably ask if everything odd things. But it can probably get used more quickly than the slow connection here.

I hope that you doing well at home. Do not be infected by the swine flu.

Best regards from the rainy Cameroon.


Saturday, May 16, 2009

Free Making Love Viedo

Greetings from Buea


now have passed already 4 weeks since my last blog entry. Time flies only way there and almost 2 / 3 of my time in Cameroon is already over. Much new was it is not not in recent weeks.
The soccer tournament ended with some excitement in the final over. After a dubious refereeing decision, both sides have threatened to cancel the game if the decision goes in its detriment. Finally, BB United relented and the game could continue. But after the next (this time correct) penalty decision of the arbitrator for the other team BB United Bokova is disengaged, it caused a riot, the door was taken apart and stopped the game. A draw BB United have won the game. Although the soccer tournament flowed only a very small part in the overall standings, in which the thematic discussions, the Cleaning campaign and the Cooperative farming accounted for the most part. Nevertheless, ultimately reflected the position of the four football teams and the overall placement of the teams again.
addition to this small football tournament played here, of course, the Champions League a big role. Barca's games I've seen both in a Cameroonian Bar, where there are semi Cameroon for the important football games. Apart from individual Chelsea fans, there was a tremendous superiority of Chelsea fans. The return match was very exciting and wanted to believe the 1-0 after 90 minutes for Chelsea after a little on getting ahead of FC Barcelona. When, in injury time, FC Barcelona, but still the compensation, thus getting ahead a growth of the joy was undiminished. The streets were running around the fans with Barcelona and Cameroon flags and bawled with joy. It was as if the national team won an incredible victory. This alone was a club team that has only because of Eto'o almost the status of a national team. It is simply incredible and I'm looking forward to the final end of May.
beginning of May (that is already again 2 weeks ago) Lisa, Linn and the three Internshipstudenten Chloé flown back from the university in The Hague, so we are now only three volunteers here. The parting was sad. We had a wonderful and fun time together. Now is again much more smoothly. Our boss gave us but again told of new volunteers who want to come, so we will be here very soon many more volunteers. At first I never thought that I experience here so many farewells. But since UAC has so many volunteers, most of which remain only about 3 months, you have to come to terms with it.
standard work has begun for the football tournament, the School on Wheels project again, and we are volunteers, clearly decimated. Otherwise
has in the back of the German school and computer classes, held even if irregularly. Especially with computer classes, there was the problem that one of the buses senility and has shown that the children were always at least 20 minutes late, so that the lessons have not been worth it. But this problem should be solved since yesterday, since UAC has received two brand new type Toyata Hiace minibuses and therefore now 4 small buses for the transportation of children are available.
is now the school has in the closing stages of the school year and the related, there are many tests and exams. Especially for the students of the 6th Class to make this year their primary school education, there is a strenuous training program where they sit until late in the afternoon at school, so they can achieve the centralized examinations well.
in physical education have these key tests already taken place. About 400 students from the neighborhood have gathered here in the station. Initially, the organization seemed to work quite well, even if was only 9 students complete the same tests. Was started with sprint and shot put, which alone has already lasted a long time. In the afternoon we went to the high jump, which took even longer because only one student could jump simultaneously and in an unsuccessful attempt to jump a new or continued otherwise been possible, the same procedure to the next level. Finally, it was so fast it went, the students only allowed a trial and lack of time the disciplines of gymnastics and endurance were all deleted from the program. From the real central examinations in all of Cameroon's left, at least not much. After this chaotic organization, there was at least later after the happy news that all students have passed the Jamadianle school exam.
After this physical test are now the core subjects written on the program before it is early June, a Graduationszeremonie and it then goes on vacation. Looks like my holiday program, I'm not sure, but it should at least be a long time, a holiday program.
The weather seems unfortunately inexorably toward rainy season to move and it rains more and more. Sometimes even every day. Linked to that are also more power cuts, while there are on the positive side, at least somewhat more flowing water. Despite the increased rain we had last Sunday a very lucky with the weather and are after a long time, finally arrived in Limbe on the beach. The sun seemed unstoppable and the view was great. You could see the volcanic island of Bioko to the capital of Equatorial Guinea very well. The waves in Limbe was me on that day but a bit too big. For surfing, they were awesome, but for me they were too strong and twice carried away with the waves to be was enough for me. But the day at the beach was great and finally something other than hang out again all day in Buea. I hope that there is, despite rainy season, a few opportunities to enjoy the beach in Limbe.

's was the first from here. As I said, great new that is not here.
Maybe it's more exciting at home, at least in the Bundesliga this seems to be the case :-) Regards


Thursday, April 9, 2009

Does Matrixdye Work On Dark Hair

My 200th Days

Hey You,

Now I am already 200 days here in Cameroon. Can not believe it right, but time is running total in recent times but rather, even if the hours and days drag in between some very protracted, especially if there is to do (almost) nothing. We saw something similar here in the past two weeks.
It was school holidays so I had nothing to do here teaching standard.
For other tasks, I have put on the Web site of translation of the UAC. This has been made out to be not so simple and I'm still not finished, though the holidays are almost over again. Otherwise
has here yesterday for the Community Sports Developpement project started. This takes place in the 4 surrounding villages, where the School takes place on Wheels project. This involves the development of the community including with the help of the soccer tournament. In addition to this, discussions are still issues, a cleanup campaign and a farming project. For each of these areas there are for each of the winning villages at the end points and get the best villages prizes in the form of tools or the like, can use them. Yesterday it held its kickoff. He was scheduled for 1 clock. But - as you can you might think - is meant to BMT. What assures that the abbreviation, you may think so at himself. At least the start was only then after 16 clock. The first football game was not very interesting and ended goalless after 30 minutes. Before the second match there was a huge very emotional discussion. As the team Bokvai probably players in their ranks had, which had exceeded the maximum age of 18. All stirred up and somehow none could take a decision. Thus passed at least half an hour. After this we were already here to cancel the game because a storm was emerging. But finally it happened very quickly and could start the game. It was much more interesting and without older players Bokvai could decide the game 3-0 for themselves.
ran the evening on television, of course, the game between Barcelona and Bayern Munich, which was seen here with much enthusiasm. Especially with the goal of Eto'o. But the idea of FC Bayern was not particularly great. I have not seen the whole game, but 4 goals in the first half were enough for me.
this afternoon are still Niko and Niels with friends and family come because you want tomorrow to make the Mountain tour. I'm curious how they sometimes will find this tour.

As I said, there is not much new here.
Perhaps it is even more interesting with you.

I wish you a very Merry Christmas and a few nice days off (hopefully)

Regards Jannik

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Lice Eggs Vs Dandruff Image

safari tour in the extreme north

first Part: The trip

Friday it went as planned, on the long journey. Of Limbe I went with Janna Janna and sister Lisa to Yaoundé. For the route with a length of about 260 km we have used a total of about 6 hours. Between Douala and Yaoundé, Cameroon, China wanted to sell a "miracle" and has all the bus talking to his penetrating voice. A quiet bus ride was not to think. Whenever he finished a Produktanpreisung was, I was happy, but then it went to the next product until we almost arrived in Yaounde. By taxi, it went to the station, where there was lot of activity. Even as we were some men in the taxi anrollten taxi her life and kept us any cards in the car, which showed well that they are authorized carrier. But nevertheless they wanted to direct our Luggage accept without any questions and to negotiate a price. It all happened pretty fast, but I could not even take my luggage. At the station in the waiting hall of the first class, the other volunteers were already there. Overall, we were a group of 10 people. The search for something to eat was not hard. Once on the landing came directly three, four Cameroonians started with small tables and went without asking big, avocado sandwiches. In an unseemly speed, they made the sandwiches and in the end we had three baguette with avocado, for a fairly high price. But somehow there, everything seemed already to be significantly more expensive. Even the water line had (normal 2000) with 3,000 CFA a premium price.
finally drove the train also. He wanted to end almost as many cars he had.

put in a short time, the crowd in the station building with the huge pockets on the move and lived on the station platform. We had sleeping berths in the 1 Class booked. These were pretty good and had the European standard. Still more people streamed into the train and I do not know how they all fit in there. Right on time at 18:10 clock the train started suddenly set in motion. It went through some neighborhoods. But from the city of Yaoundé is felt fairly quickly any more. Instead, more comes to village atmosphere. On the sides are small wooden huts and the people work. Directly on the tracks waving children and played football.
In a short ride the train is already back at a small village station. On the platform, women and children running up and down and sell fruits, vegetables, water and the like. The result is a big noise, because any calls like a lyre, which he sells. One hears: Anana sucré bien, bien Anana sucré or Mange, Mange, Mange, etc. At the same time also loaded a few large bags and packages in the baggage car. Then it goes on. Again and again, to small villages and we stop.
very well I do not sleep the night, as the Train is quite noisy and shakes again and again.
has the next morning, the landscape changed completely. I can not believe I'm still in Cameroon, so different is all. It has become much drier and there are fewer trees. Again and again, small mud huts with thatched roofs, are the small villages.

of industrialization is to see very little. Only the railway line and past the leading Stromma testify. Here too there are several stops. However, hardly any fruit is sold, but instead is a kind of honey which is sold in bottles, is dominant.
the train direct from sellers offer many different Bus tickets to Maroua on already. In this area the range of services is already very well developed. After 15 hours of driving for 520 km (average speed of no less than 35km / h, with the ICE, it would be less than 3 hours) we arrive in Ngaoundere. From there it goes straight to the buses. The bus company seems to be pretty good, at least see the buses from relatively new. However, no room to move is available. The luggage will be charged and relatively fast we go. The roads are surprisingly good, but nevertheless we need about 7 for the 570 km from Maroua (at least twice as fast as the train ). After 2 days of almost continuous travel we are Saturday morning finally arrived in Maroua. Originally we had planned to drive directly on Sunday next in the Waza National Park. But this would again been a ride and so Sunday should first be used to explore a little Marouas.

second Part: A day in Maroua

The hotel was in order for the competitive price. It was clean and there was running water. Maroua itself acts overall still relatively rural and there is a very peaceful atmosphere due to the prevailing Islam does it in some cases very Arabic and Turkish. On the market there is much calmer than in Buea or Bafoussam. It is hardly called as Whiteman, but may look relatively relaxed. Is quite different it on the nearby art market. They will be called in from all sides, and a good friend of course also a "bon prix" (with the maximum profit for the dealer) are offered. It is there to look difficult and nerve-wracking first only. Everywhere you directly to buy something. Again and again, it also means that they need the money to eat something to buy for the family. You notice also clear that the people are poorer overall than in southern Cameroon. The people and especially children, are relatively thin. In addition, there are many beggars and begging children.

third Part: In the Waza National Park

Monday morning, it goes to the Waza National Park. In Maroua, we have a slightly better "bush taxi" rented four-wheel drive with which we could go to the park, and WAZA. At 6 clock (time) us the driver, Robert has picked up and with our luggage and 15 pallets of water, it went on the road to Waza. The road was paved, but always interspersed with potholes, which I felt on my super neat place in the last row. But after 2 ½ hours we arrive in WAZA. Even before we see the first monkeys playing on the side of the road and disappear quickly from our closer, in the vastness.

the accommodation in the encampment de Waza we got good rooms, which, despite enormous outside temperatures relatively cool even without air conditioning. After a short break we head into the park at the entrance to our guide Moussa joined us. The first animals that we see in the park, we find at one of the waterholes. Various birds such as storks, we get to see.

It is always amazing to suddenly back at a water point arrives where gathered life. Also, that there at all water points are, I find it remarkable, with some water holes filled in the dry season with tanker so the animals will have enough water.
But the landscape is dominated by the drought. The floor shows from all the dryness and deep cracks and the only green trees and large bushes.

Everything else like the grass is dry and parched. Again and again you also meet on areas where the dry undergrowth is burned down.
Later we see more and more different animals. So we make warthogs, antelope herds of gazelles and giraffes to eventually. This strutting proudly through the park or run away from us or other hazards. The race is the giraffe to look very funny. Really understand that you can see the animals in the wild, I can not yet. In a sense, the principle of the zoo is also reversed only. Instead of the animals are now locked in the car and we now look at the animals. But fortunately, there are on our car a "roof terrace". This allows us to sit on the luggage carrier on which is usually the baggage piled up and the car is sometimes higher than long. From this place we had a terrific overview. But especially during the lunch time we had there with the sun pretty careful.

A Warthog

An antelope

A giraffe

A gazelle

A bird of prey with its prey

After 6 hours in WAZA Park and the magnificent opportunity to watch a giraffe drinking, we went back.

WAZA In the village we bought even more refreshing drinks and food for tomorrow. Here, the children of the village have our bus immediately besieged and searched for empty bottles. When this issue is the children have argued about the empty bottles, while also beating each other in order then for the empty bottle a Beignet get (a little fat in baked dough balls). Back in
hotel was resting, even though we were almost exclusively in the car and did nothing physically, the heat was pretty hard. After a good dinner, which we do at the Centre d'accueil eaten at the entrance of the park, we went to bed relatively early. For tomorrow is planned an early trip to the park to see any lions can.

In search of the lions we go against 6 clock in the park Our guide looks calm and focused for clues to find the lion, if necessary. After all there is to be in the whole park about 150 lions. But instead of that we only see each Quantity partridges running around everywhere, which looks pretty stupid. Otherwise, the sun is very beautiful.

Now the morning is very pleasant on the roof, especially with the wind. Otherwise, we again see antelope, giraffe and various birds. But otherwise the day is not very successful. The Search for elephants and lions is not successful, and besides that, we're seeing a few more animals. At lunchtime we stop for a lunch break back to the hotel, but also in the afternoon we have no luck with elephants. Our guide makes Although some. But unfortunately they are not in an accessible area so that it saw no elephants to have returned to the hotel. That this was the last in the Waza Park scheduled day, it's pretty disappointing. But we decide to go again on Wednesday to drive through the park to Lake Maga, where you can watch hippos. The road through the park is to go faster than around it.
So it goes again Wednesday in the park and to begin right, we see very many animals. In particular, the giraffes show up very often and sometimes up to 16 animals. Otherwise, show up at the water holes, unfortunately no elephants. But our guide Moussa has identified in the undergrowth which. We try to approach them. But the track is so bad that the bus there is not much and my spine is already significantly compressed together. But at a stop, we can see elephants in the distance. A little piece we can approach us. But unfortunately they are largely hidden in the tall brush and one can only imagine it. Nevertheless, it is nice to see them when moving, especially when suddenly one of the trunk rises from the grass. Particularly welcome were the picture environment in which the elephants were not able to. And so I have a few pictures where you can sense the presence of elephants.

After seeing the elephant went further towards the lake. The planned duration of 2 ½ hours to the lake was crossed long ago. But we have probably made the elephant still a detour. So we arrived at 14 after 6 clock hours of driving there.
With a not very confidence-inspiring pirogue (through the ground water already came through cracks, which were stuffed with cloth and small makeshift wooden wedges) it went on the trip to the hippos. Although this should be relatively dangerous, I thought that they would not make this boat trips, if it would be dangerous. But the question of whether something has happened, our boatman answered yes. All the stories I get in the front row did not cooperate. Between local fishermen and the hippos there are probably no problems. But there is probably always "White" as a hunting tourists to shoot the hippo and it can therefore (and is probably already happened, that attack the hippos. The Giants giants with huge mouths that can be seen above water, are quite impressive and should not be underestimated.

But somehow I have after these stories are not afraid. But since others are afraid, we finish the trip after just half an hour and have at least that our lives secure.
From there, on a slope back to Maroua, where we arrived before dark back to the hotel where we, the first two nights have been sleeping. The safari part of our tour was over. Maroua and Ngaoundere now should be on the program.

4th Part: Once again in Maroua

In Maroua, we have again the market and the art market populated and otherwise also the Miam Miam Glou Glou a fairly good restaurant. However, this seems to be once again frequented almost exclusively by "whites." On Thursday afternoon, I climbed the 730m high with Niels Hosser Maroua. After the Mount Cameroon was not a problem anymore, and I was sweating in the heat rather quickly. Two boys have joined us and showed us the way instead of a Guide mentioned time of 1 ½ hours for the ascent, we were already reached after half an hour at the summit. From there we had a good view of Maroua, which looked amazing from the top green. While all around was seen almost only dry soil, there was plenty of green trees in Maroua.

drove a part of the group on Friday to Ngaoundere in order to buy train tickets in time and another day there to browse. I'm still remained in Maroua, where he had a not particularly exciting day. Like the previous day in Maroua, I am once again been on the market.

5th Part One: The Return

early Saturday morning at six clock should drive our bus. We had extra book in advance and tickets purchased. However, crucial to which bus you get, the time of delivery of the tickets in the morning. So it was that we came first to the second bus that came Fortunately, right after the first. The purpose of a possible reservation or the advanced purchase of tickets has not, however, opened up to me. penned entirely without any movement, it went to Ngaoundere. But after a short time we had a flat tire. But the fact they are very established here. So had to all get out and after 10 minutes it was able to go again. In Garoua (Just before the half) we had a brief stop before it went on. On the very good road has been seen repeatedly crashed trucks that are off the road, have over themselves or burn out. Particularly inspire confidence had not. After 7-hour journey we finally arrived in Ngaoundere. Tickets had not yet received the other. The sleeper compartments were fully booked and so we now have seats in the 1 Class purchased. There were at least generous legroom and reserved seats. Things were very different in the 2 Class, and they were really people like chickens crammed inside. focused on the entire aisle people for the entire train of 15 hours. We always keep
at small stations, where villagers sell their goods. Even at night by 2 clock are the women and small and larger children on the train platforms and sell their products and every day, or rather every night.
the morning after 15 hours we are back in Yaoundé. At the bus station the bus was still to Limbe. But he was already full. Since the next direct bus drove only by 14 clock we went first to Douala and then by bush taxi to Limbe and Buea, where I arrived in the afternoon.
There I got the reality of Buea again. How could it be otherwise, of course there was no running Water. What a paradox. While we were in the dry north almost continuously flowing water, it is moist Buea (where it rained a lot the last week), the exception that there is water. In Buea
are now first holiday for the children and I also have a somewhat different and very free routing.
It was a great tour and very interesting time to see this totally different part of Cameroon.

you I hope you are all well.
Looking forward to hearing from you
Many Greetings

Monday, March 16, 2009

How To Remove Broken Capillaries

The Mountain Tour

The 1 Day, Friday, Mar 13, 2009

Friday the thirteenth should not expect anything good. Nevertheless, have We (Nathan, Leah and I) will be Friday morning on his way. For 4 days it should go to Mount Cameroon. With rucksacks packed we went to the office by 7 clock of UAC, where our guide will pick up. It had my backpack at least twice the size of this lease, or Nathan's, and weighed at least 10kg., Which gave me a bad feeling. Why do I need so much more on the mountain than the others and I will do it with all this baggage. But my sleeping bag and my camera equipment just needed a place and I was glad that at least had the guide a large backpack with him. With our luggage, which in addition to our backpacks also contained each 2 pallets of water, we took the Taxi to the old bank building. There we met our porters who had a pretty poor equipment and climb the mountain with flip-flops. Also, backpacks, they have not, and instead they carry the baggage (ie our water) in fabric bags on their heads.
We start first without our support with our guide. A guilty feeling I have here already, as they have all of our water resources. But our guide reassured us that they will come soon and in any case faster than we are. Let's go then. The first way is to walk very well and my backpack, I hardly notice. However, we very quickly begin to sweat and after ¾ hour walk we long for Water, but the carriers are not visible. So we take a break and the guide looks for the carriers, while we spend the time with "asshole" games. What does it never comes to a volcano ) After more than an hour at last our guide with the carriers and we can finally enjoy the longed-for water. The reason for the delay was that one of the carriers had no bag, as he was able to carry our water and his belongings. After this unplanned break, we went up to the 1 Hut.

was impressive all around us the rain forest with huge trees, which unfortunately did not fit on photos.

In the 1 Hut we were pretty sweaty and the path should be much longer. Following a break for the rye bread from Germany with the Tartex a blessing, it went on. Shortly after the first Hut came to meet us, a group of young Americans, who have left the tour because they were too difficult. A little worried, we went further and after a further ¾ hour we reached the tree line. We also met another group, whose leader with all of us a traditional dance, made to appease the god of the mountain well. While the guide said something in his dialect, we should with banner-like leaves on the thighs, abdomen and hit his head and ultimately throw away the leaves. Then it went on. No longer on forest floors, but with savannah grass tufts and stones. Our drivers were still behind us and we had exhausted our water supplies in the new hut a nearly complete. The roads were so exhausting that we have sweated throughout. However, our drivers were not in sight. Our friendly guide, however, has asked the other group who have lent us 3 bottles of water, which has particularly enjoyed their support. The next piece was to be the most difficult. Quite steep, it was always higher. Unfortunately I was not prepared very well and had a walking stick forgotten. Such were my legs, my only support and there were some moments when I have the last moment recovered his balance and prevent a fall. You had to be really careful not to step on loose scree, and then it sliding. Our next stopover was the magic tree, which stands quite alone at this level and is called magic because at this level always a wind blowing.

We were all quite finished, but the second Hut, which should be our stay for the night was not yet visible. That was the name it continues to rise. The steps were increasingly difficult and after another hour, we are completely unprepared 2nd Hut arrived. A hut made of corrugated iron with three rooms, all equipped with a platform, where you can sleep on. Unfortunately I had there, also notice how bad it looks with environmental awareness. Two rusted metal barrels spilled over from sheer waste that accumulated around. Also at the other cabins are offered a similar picture.
We had a private room for us three. Later, fortunately, our carrier arrived with our water. It is incredible to me how they have made the journey with flip-flops and their luggage on their head, while I had some difficulties with good hiking boots and backpack. Our guide
However, well cared for us, gave us hot water, so that we could make our instant noodles and rice cooked us later in the firewood cooking. Unfortunately, tasted the ketchup, we had bought it pretty bad and we only ate in order to have enough strength for tomorrow, the next part. As usual here it was getting dark quite early to 18:30 / 19 clock. While the day saw nothing of Buea, one could now (thanks to a viable power supply) will see the street lights of the main street of Buea, which I could more or less well to capture this in a photograph.

we are relatively early to bed (if this so can we) went, do not have to sleep a little played cards and then tries. After a particularly convenient should not expect us. With the sleeping bag in the timber it's pretty hard, it was quite cold, the wind whistling and gave mice abound. An American volunteers who had already made the Mountain tour, told us that they had this even in the face. That was for me not to think of sleep. From one side to the other and back I shot me. But within a short period of time did each aching bones. Again and again I looked at the clock, but time did not pass easily. Somehow it worked after all.

The 2nd Day, Saturday the 14th March 2009

Our guide had set the clock for 6:30 departure and it woke us up to shortly after 6 clock. I did not feel in the night time sleeping one or 2 hours a piece to have. But I felt surprisingly fit. We had enough time to take our breakfast, which was like the supper of instant noodles. After packing the things we went on the 2 Stage that we should lead to the summit and then on to Camp Mainspring. Warmly dressed with a sweater it was on a similar route as the last part of yesterday. However, the wind was extremely unpleasant. ill-equipped as I was, I had neither hat nor gloves. By Pants misappropriated and socks as gloves went I could the weighing. But the cold wind blowing my nose up and running relatively quickly and was this wound. The road was long and monotonous. The other group, which had departed later overtook us soon and we tried to slow the most part, fairly steep trail to blaze through the savannah.

But especially Nathan and Lea was the hard way. We sweated properly and needed constantly breaks. After a few hours we are at about 11 clock finally quite exhausted in the third hut arrived at 3740 meters. could

From there we finally see the summit of the mountain. After a break we went on the road to the summit.

The carrier took another route to meet us later at a crossroads again. This should be fatal, because the planned tour would have taken from the top for 5 / 6 hours and this was for Leah and Nathan (probably for me with my big backpack) is no longer possible and so we decided after reaching the summit the same way again to go back and sleep in the new hut in the savannah. This, however, we had a water problem. Our porters had set out with our water already in a different direction and so had We each only a bottle. For the next 1 ½ days clear enough. But first we went to the summit, which was not particularly spectacular.

view of the summit
A broken rusty sign that says Sumit, a m is already lost.

Otherwise sank the environment in the clouds

with my big backpack, I had climbed Mount Cameroun

was very strong the wind on the last section and partly also on the summit I had the feeling that the wind blows away along with me my backpack. It said our guide, that the wind can blow quite twice as fast (up to 150 km / h). At these speeds I imagine climbing the summit before fatal.
The descent proved to be extremely difficult. Although he was physically not as challenging as the climb, but just went without a walking stick it much on the joints and the toes.

Slowly and with many breaks we made our way down. Time passed and the 2nd Hut was not in sight. Finally, after 2 ½ hours running slow with many breaks, we arrived late afternoon at the second hut. But our leaders wanted to continue to the next hut, because return in the second hut over 30 people. He gave time to the next hut with 1 hour, which would be in his pace might have been possible. But we would have needed at least twice as long. Our legs were not so, and because it would be dark in 1.5 hours and the road was quite steep and we wanted to stay where we were.
So we organized one of the leaders (even quite good) place to stay in one of three rooms. At a dinner was not to think. We have had enough water for the descent and could not use it for cooking. So we went fairly early with a few biscuits as supper to bed.

third Day Sunday, 15 March 2009

The night was much better than the first, although there so many people were sleeping and we had expected that there is peace. Even some of us slept in the hay carrier. Today, the descent was on the program. From the 2nd Hut at 2800 meters it should go to the old bank building at 1000 meters. Our great guide for us a few bottles of water swollen, so we could eat for breakfast Instant noodles. Not the best, but at least we had something in his stomach. Then it went off. The temperatures were pleasant, the sun was hidden behind the clouds. So also did the sweating and so that our water consumption in limits. The first piece to the new 1st Hut was the most difficult. It was a steep downhill and it required a corresponding effort and concentration, the feet always be set to the right place. After that song I was glad that we have not made that way yesterday. We would have failed. From the new cabin we always had small milestones. First came the tree line and a short time later we were at the first hut. From there it was another 2 hours in difficult rain forest. The paths there were, thank God, not as steep.

In between, it seemed as if it would start raining, but there remained some drops. We were able to pain associated with travel the last section and are happy that we have all done safely, arrived at the starting point. It's all been a little different than we had planned (from 4 days 3 and even elephants have become, we have not seen), but it was not just different. Back at our hotel in the afternoon it started to rain yet orderly, and now we were happy not to be still on the mountain. Thus, from the planned 4 a 3-day tour, but that was enough. Here our three-day trip was much more strenuous than normal. So we carried out our own stuff all the water even to the summit. In addition, we had the water and connected to the food problem fight. If we had planned from the start a three-day trip would be much been easier. But even if the members on the day after a little pain, I must say that I took this hike well. In terms of organization, we would surely be able to still do some things better, which would have made the trip easier. So I missed including a walking stick and was missing when eating fruit and vegetables.
Now I hope that my muscles recover quickly and I on Friday without pain the tour in the north and can race Waza National Park.
Many Greetings

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Eu Driving Licence In Uk Speeding

Greetings from Buea


are already almost two weeks since my last blog entry passed. In recent months, the time is flying here and extremely well in one week is half-time.
Lessons sat down in front as in the previous weeks, when they do not fail just because of any special events. Thus, for Wednesday the 4th March, the Minister of Social Affairs announced in Buea to visit including the Vocational Training Centre. For this visit, of course, had the whole school grounds are cleaned and Tuesday did not take much school. Ultimately, the minister then did not come for any reason whatsoever.
We had in the first week of March, three birthdays among us six volunteers here. Thus We Linn's birthday on Monday, 2nd March on Capitol celebrated hotel, where there was after all the Cameroonian very oily dishes, finally tasty spaghetti Bolognese. On a beautiful roof terrace, we have to sit at night. The next morning, then stood
physical education in our program. Completely exhausted, we came to the office, where we learn that a normal physical education takes place, but the key preparatory events for the primary school in the 6th Class take place. In return, the students from 8 different schools, made in a state school, in order to deposit their checks. This meant for us to wait to scrap again very much. Very well organized seemed not to carry out the tests. Everything was decided spontaneously to the teachers and several stations have been set up to rotate so that students could and could take so in all disciplines of their physical test. It was noticeable that students were much older by the State schools, on average, than students from private schools like the School of Jamadianle UAC. There I've ever seen how bad the state education system. In large classes with more than 60 students, the individual problems of students are not resolved and so it is that they remain seated and over again and finally in the sixth Class 14, 15 or even older are. In the field of gymnastics, the students of our school were significantly better than state students. Although sport I gymnastics is not the most important element in the school think (I liked them in school may not), it is still strongly expected that this gap in achievement in core subjects such as English, math and French. This I also feel the School on Wheels project.
were missing at the sport tests then also any forms where the results are registered and it took everything pretty much in the length. Finally we came to have the long jump, the long jump facility was quite dangerous. The mine was not, as we know it filled with sand, but just a little dust was pushed together, resulting in no padding. This resulted in some fortunately only minor injuries.

The next day, put the sport on tests yet, but we did not have time to watch still. On Thursday, she then had their exams in the subject Home Economics (Home Economics), where they had to include cooking and washing. The week will have the theoretical tests started, which continue until the next week.
stood on Friday at the next birthday, which we have started Thursday with a surprise rich food. On the terrace we have decorated with balloons the whole evening sitting and enjoying the rich food with real butter and lots of salads.

It was again well after midnight before I came to bed and next morning was back on the physical education program. Totally exhausted, I was at breakfast and then at the office, where the gym teacher told me that he do physical education today can not because he has to calculate the scores for the sport competitions. He said that if I want I can give physical education alone or fail but he has to. Rather tired and without any preparation, I have not seen me in a position to give physical education and I'm back, booted home. This lack of communication really extremely annoying. You will never know when any pending features, which relate to my work schedule and so I'm wasting time with meaningless ways.
This was then already the weekend before the door, which I spent alone here in Buea because the other volunteers went to Kribi. So I was the third birthday on Sunday also present. Here in Buea was the weekend is not very exciting. Most of the time I worked on my computer either at home or on the web. was something remarkable about it then after all. The water supply was quite stable and in some cases it was even possible to use the shower, what do I worked the last time before Christmas.
On Monday I met yet with Marcel, a Cameroonian friend, whom we had not seen for a long time. The evening was in contrast to the two nights before that much better. But it should not stay here. Mr. Orock has called me to his house and I thought he just wanted the keys to the other volunteer house. But no, it should get better. He asked me if I am expecting a package. I thought he wanted to know if he should check the postbox. But he revealed to me that a package had arrived for me. I refused to believe the first place, because it only about 3 weeks ago was that my parents had sent it. But He handed me the package, which was surprisingly undamaged. I could hardly believe what was everything in the package. In particular, the black bread and corresponding spreads were a delight. The last few days it was
then nothing special anymore. The other volunteers have come back from Kribi and we had our normal work schedule. On Tuesday I had my own in a gym class, but only with a few children. These had not yet passed their test so far in sprinting and I should do this. It went relatively well and there were not many children, it was quickly over.
Now it is in final preparations for the Mountain tour. Yesterday we met the guide again and learned that the carrier can only carry our water supplies. We wondered right the first time how they can take our water supplies (two six-packs) and our things. But while it until it was no problem, it is now is not it, which is more than understandable. So I hope now I can do the tour with the appropriate baggage and has been enough training in the form of a little jogging.

I wish you a nice weekend and look forward to hearing from you
Many Greetings