Monday, March 16, 2009

How To Remove Broken Capillaries

The Mountain Tour

The 1 Day, Friday, Mar 13, 2009

Friday the thirteenth should not expect anything good. Nevertheless, have We (Nathan, Leah and I) will be Friday morning on his way. For 4 days it should go to Mount Cameroon. With rucksacks packed we went to the office by 7 clock of UAC, where our guide will pick up. It had my backpack at least twice the size of this lease, or Nathan's, and weighed at least 10kg., Which gave me a bad feeling. Why do I need so much more on the mountain than the others and I will do it with all this baggage. But my sleeping bag and my camera equipment just needed a place and I was glad that at least had the guide a large backpack with him. With our luggage, which in addition to our backpacks also contained each 2 pallets of water, we took the Taxi to the old bank building. There we met our porters who had a pretty poor equipment and climb the mountain with flip-flops. Also, backpacks, they have not, and instead they carry the baggage (ie our water) in fabric bags on their heads.
We start first without our support with our guide. A guilty feeling I have here already, as they have all of our water resources. But our guide reassured us that they will come soon and in any case faster than we are. Let's go then. The first way is to walk very well and my backpack, I hardly notice. However, we very quickly begin to sweat and after ¾ hour walk we long for Water, but the carriers are not visible. So we take a break and the guide looks for the carriers, while we spend the time with "asshole" games. What does it never comes to a volcano ) After more than an hour at last our guide with the carriers and we can finally enjoy the longed-for water. The reason for the delay was that one of the carriers had no bag, as he was able to carry our water and his belongings. After this unplanned break, we went up to the 1 Hut.

was impressive all around us the rain forest with huge trees, which unfortunately did not fit on photos.

In the 1 Hut we were pretty sweaty and the path should be much longer. Following a break for the rye bread from Germany with the Tartex a blessing, it went on. Shortly after the first Hut came to meet us, a group of young Americans, who have left the tour because they were too difficult. A little worried, we went further and after a further ¾ hour we reached the tree line. We also met another group, whose leader with all of us a traditional dance, made to appease the god of the mountain well. While the guide said something in his dialect, we should with banner-like leaves on the thighs, abdomen and hit his head and ultimately throw away the leaves. Then it went on. No longer on forest floors, but with savannah grass tufts and stones. Our drivers were still behind us and we had exhausted our water supplies in the new hut a nearly complete. The roads were so exhausting that we have sweated throughout. However, our drivers were not in sight. Our friendly guide, however, has asked the other group who have lent us 3 bottles of water, which has particularly enjoyed their support. The next piece was to be the most difficult. Quite steep, it was always higher. Unfortunately I was not prepared very well and had a walking stick forgotten. Such were my legs, my only support and there were some moments when I have the last moment recovered his balance and prevent a fall. You had to be really careful not to step on loose scree, and then it sliding. Our next stopover was the magic tree, which stands quite alone at this level and is called magic because at this level always a wind blowing.

We were all quite finished, but the second Hut, which should be our stay for the night was not yet visible. That was the name it continues to rise. The steps were increasingly difficult and after another hour, we are completely unprepared 2nd Hut arrived. A hut made of corrugated iron with three rooms, all equipped with a platform, where you can sleep on. Unfortunately I had there, also notice how bad it looks with environmental awareness. Two rusted metal barrels spilled over from sheer waste that accumulated around. Also at the other cabins are offered a similar picture.
We had a private room for us three. Later, fortunately, our carrier arrived with our water. It is incredible to me how they have made the journey with flip-flops and their luggage on their head, while I had some difficulties with good hiking boots and backpack. Our guide
However, well cared for us, gave us hot water, so that we could make our instant noodles and rice cooked us later in the firewood cooking. Unfortunately, tasted the ketchup, we had bought it pretty bad and we only ate in order to have enough strength for tomorrow, the next part. As usual here it was getting dark quite early to 18:30 / 19 clock. While the day saw nothing of Buea, one could now (thanks to a viable power supply) will see the street lights of the main street of Buea, which I could more or less well to capture this in a photograph.

we are relatively early to bed (if this so can we) went, do not have to sleep a little played cards and then tries. After a particularly convenient should not expect us. With the sleeping bag in the timber it's pretty hard, it was quite cold, the wind whistling and gave mice abound. An American volunteers who had already made the Mountain tour, told us that they had this even in the face. That was for me not to think of sleep. From one side to the other and back I shot me. But within a short period of time did each aching bones. Again and again I looked at the clock, but time did not pass easily. Somehow it worked after all.

The 2nd Day, Saturday the 14th March 2009

Our guide had set the clock for 6:30 departure and it woke us up to shortly after 6 clock. I did not feel in the night time sleeping one or 2 hours a piece to have. But I felt surprisingly fit. We had enough time to take our breakfast, which was like the supper of instant noodles. After packing the things we went on the 2 Stage that we should lead to the summit and then on to Camp Mainspring. Warmly dressed with a sweater it was on a similar route as the last part of yesterday. However, the wind was extremely unpleasant. ill-equipped as I was, I had neither hat nor gloves. By Pants misappropriated and socks as gloves went I could the weighing. But the cold wind blowing my nose up and running relatively quickly and was this wound. The road was long and monotonous. The other group, which had departed later overtook us soon and we tried to slow the most part, fairly steep trail to blaze through the savannah.

But especially Nathan and Lea was the hard way. We sweated properly and needed constantly breaks. After a few hours we are at about 11 clock finally quite exhausted in the third hut arrived at 3740 meters. could

From there we finally see the summit of the mountain. After a break we went on the road to the summit.

The carrier took another route to meet us later at a crossroads again. This should be fatal, because the planned tour would have taken from the top for 5 / 6 hours and this was for Leah and Nathan (probably for me with my big backpack) is no longer possible and so we decided after reaching the summit the same way again to go back and sleep in the new hut in the savannah. This, however, we had a water problem. Our porters had set out with our water already in a different direction and so had We each only a bottle. For the next 1 ½ days clear enough. But first we went to the summit, which was not particularly spectacular.

view of the summit
A broken rusty sign that says Sumit, a m is already lost.

Otherwise sank the environment in the clouds

with my big backpack, I had climbed Mount Cameroun

was very strong the wind on the last section and partly also on the summit I had the feeling that the wind blows away along with me my backpack. It said our guide, that the wind can blow quite twice as fast (up to 150 km / h). At these speeds I imagine climbing the summit before fatal.
The descent proved to be extremely difficult. Although he was physically not as challenging as the climb, but just went without a walking stick it much on the joints and the toes.

Slowly and with many breaks we made our way down. Time passed and the 2nd Hut was not in sight. Finally, after 2 ½ hours running slow with many breaks, we arrived late afternoon at the second hut. But our leaders wanted to continue to the next hut, because return in the second hut over 30 people. He gave time to the next hut with 1 hour, which would be in his pace might have been possible. But we would have needed at least twice as long. Our legs were not so, and because it would be dark in 1.5 hours and the road was quite steep and we wanted to stay where we were.
So we organized one of the leaders (even quite good) place to stay in one of three rooms. At a dinner was not to think. We have had enough water for the descent and could not use it for cooking. So we went fairly early with a few biscuits as supper to bed.

third Day Sunday, 15 March 2009

The night was much better than the first, although there so many people were sleeping and we had expected that there is peace. Even some of us slept in the hay carrier. Today, the descent was on the program. From the 2nd Hut at 2800 meters it should go to the old bank building at 1000 meters. Our great guide for us a few bottles of water swollen, so we could eat for breakfast Instant noodles. Not the best, but at least we had something in his stomach. Then it went off. The temperatures were pleasant, the sun was hidden behind the clouds. So also did the sweating and so that our water consumption in limits. The first piece to the new 1st Hut was the most difficult. It was a steep downhill and it required a corresponding effort and concentration, the feet always be set to the right place. After that song I was glad that we have not made that way yesterday. We would have failed. From the new cabin we always had small milestones. First came the tree line and a short time later we were at the first hut. From there it was another 2 hours in difficult rain forest. The paths there were, thank God, not as steep.

In between, it seemed as if it would start raining, but there remained some drops. We were able to pain associated with travel the last section and are happy that we have all done safely, arrived at the starting point. It's all been a little different than we had planned (from 4 days 3 and even elephants have become, we have not seen), but it was not just different. Back at our hotel in the afternoon it started to rain yet orderly, and now we were happy not to be still on the mountain. Thus, from the planned 4 a 3-day tour, but that was enough. Here our three-day trip was much more strenuous than normal. So we carried out our own stuff all the water even to the summit. In addition, we had the water and connected to the food problem fight. If we had planned from the start a three-day trip would be much been easier. But even if the members on the day after a little pain, I must say that I took this hike well. In terms of organization, we would surely be able to still do some things better, which would have made the trip easier. So I missed including a walking stick and was missing when eating fruit and vegetables.
Now I hope that my muscles recover quickly and I on Friday without pain the tour in the north and can race Waza National Park.
Many Greetings


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