Friday, June 19, 2009

Green Card Interview The After

Only 83 days


time flies by very quickly here. Since my last blog entry are gone again weeks. However, I must disappoint you, unfortunately, that there was not much new in this period.

As I have already announced that the school year already heard here in early June. In the last few weeks have the same computer, sports and German lessons hardly taken place. Instead, the students have been practicing for the trials and celebrate our national day. This was the 20. May with a similar parade celebrated as the Youth Day. In contrast to the latter this time was the police and army presence and marches, and has presented their vehicles. Most of the time of the day it was called again but wait a minute. To begin on time, I believed not only, but also after the ceremony had started, she drew quite a lengthy process. After the governor had greeted the people present of his car is off, the first march, the police and army, then before the pupils were involved in the series, which took in many children and schools forever. Since the first public schools, private schools were from the turn, it was said to wait hours. Thank God we did not have to wait still on the Secundary schools and were able to lunch again Molyko, the district in which we live, back to where we continued to celebrate the National Day in a bar.

The next ceremony was the graduation ceremony in early June for the children of preschool and 6th Class. Time for the start of Cameroonian relations was relatively on time. The school is beautifully decorated and when we arrive there already powerful operation. At the school artificial (rather cheesy) bouquets are sold. For the Graduation these are bought in large quantities. In addition, many photographers present to capture the unique day in photos. In the Graduationsmäntel and special hats see particularly the preschool children of extremely cute.

As with the Christmas party, the school choir as the national anthem sang several other songs and other children have submitted sketches. The 6th Grade students have expressed their gratitude for the great time at the school and eventually it comes to Graduation.

is the last part of the event, unfortunately, quite boring and many parents already left the hall. Starting from the 6th Class will be chosen the best three students in each class. For now the big school, now is the Jamadianle this takes ages, partly because the moderator's statements are repeated at least thrice. In addition, in each grade level also awarded the best students of each discipline and get a low price. The air in the hall is getting worse and we are glad when the event is finally over and it goes home. We spend the afternoon as strange at all special events together with the teachers of UAC in a bar

the order is to take place here in which the tests and graduation. Thus, the 6th Grade students after their graduation exams and still not know so far whether the 6th Class have been successfully completed. I had assumed that start with the final graduation, the summer holidays, but with this assessment, I was a bit too hasty. The graduation is performed just one day and returns the results of the tests later. Especially in the State schools, where, unfortunately, not be a not-too-small part of the student exams, have the students more time to graduation for the same degree, resulting in higher cost to their graduation, but overall rather the smallest problem in the Cameroonian education system.

Clearly I was shocked over the length of the tests, the 6th Graders had to write. The tests of all subjects they write in two days and indeed throughout the day (with some breaks). If I remember right was my longest test to date 4 ½ hours, and this took place last year for A-levels. Here are the approximately 11 - year-old children of the 6th Classes for a whole day to write the checks. No wonder that the test results remains to be desired in the end, may end up focusing but no more. The explanation I got for these tests is long, logistical problems in the central tests of all Cameroonian schools distribute. the tests for each subject on another day would be written, would have the couriers to ensure the secrecy of the tests, significantly more often drive, which means at the local road conditions, a corresponding effort. At least something you could pull apart the tests but I think so.

But the tests also had the students to complete a decent program and had daily from 7: 30 Clock to internalize in the afternoon classes to all content successfully. So they have at the age of 11 years ago a normal 40-hour week, possibly the work and learning includes not even at home. After all, there are of the first tests since the results and these are terrific for Jamadianle school. All students have passed the exam and the school has a total of to the best. Now the results of the second central examinations are scheduled, which are hopefully similar success.

with the last exams for the students of the 6th Class is the school year last week finally went to an end.

are This is currently none of the projects I'm involved instead. So we are waiting now all on the start of the holiday program. The number of volunteers has increased massively and we are now a total of 11 volunteers here. Even so had extra rooms will be set up. In no time, in the "living room" of the two volunteer houses built of wood walls and therefore, created a wide space.

over the planned holiday program by now we could learn a bit more, although much still remained unclear. On the one hand the so-called Summer Holiday UAC held caravan. An afternoon program that takes place like the School on Wheels project in different villages. During this time we play with the children. In contrast to the School on Wheels project, however, it should take place not only in the three villages Bwitingi, Bokvai Bonakanda and around Buea, but also take place on the way to Kumba and Mamfe around. I am glad meet in the other 3 months a few new villages. Some were also spoken of a camp with accommodation in the villages, but not what I believe, because our boss says that we can only work in the afternoon with the kids because they work in the morning on the farms. Furthermore, three volunteers from America, following the One Laptop per Child (OLPC) project and have been brought 100 XO laptops. These should also be included in the holiday program and find the teachers and the pupils of the 6th Class will also get more students the opportunity to handle and use the computer to learn.

The last project, whose implementation is still dependent on obtaining adequate financial resources, the Community Sport for Development Program. This project, which I have already witnessed in March, should encourage the young people their power and energy for development and productive activities to use in the villages. The problem there is that many young people move from villages to cities, where they search for jobs, which is usually very, very difficult. This project will combine the strength and energy of young people in the villages by the national sport and football use in other areas. Thus, this project includes not only a football tournament, a cleaning campaign a community working farm (called co-operative farming) and discussions on topics that affect young people or they do like to talk. In all disciplines, the 4 participants villages Bokova, Bwitingi, Bokvai Bonakanda and evaluated at the end and there are prizes, consisting of tools they can use on the farm. By repeating this program shall be to the proper use of the last time prizes awarded will be evaluated and further work by the young people in the common farm reward. Last time, some villages still had great difficulty in the management of the farm, were missing because the relevant equipment. On the other to participate this time girls' teams in the tournament. Together we hope 11 volunteers the financial requirements for implementation of this project zusammenzubekommen to this project also carried out during the summer holidays can be and the young people to also be a change during the 3-month summer vacation to where they otherwise mostly focus on the fields of work.

Although the rainy season gets more and more feed, here are the last days of a major water problem. While we previously had at least always at least some water from the tap, there's been a few days at all no more water. I'm assuming that something is being worked on and the lines are out of the water pipes for this reason. But information does not exist. Just as we now use four of the bathroom, keeping the water in the buckets does not last long and we had a few days ago for the first time going to a very long time to get some water back by bus.

Similar to the water situation, it is also with the power supply, which is clearly unreliable. In every major rain or storm falls from power and even if no reasons are apparent, it is often very brief power outages of several seconds, which are very annoying especially in the cyber cafe. In these cases, I love my laptop battery, which at least spared me from data loss.

Unfortunately, the link quality in cyberspace in recent weeks has become steadily worse and the day before the connection was so slow that I had during a two-hour Internet session just could not read an email. For example, the Cyber-packed in recent days due to a bad connection does not arise. After the poor service of the provider MTN is the connection to the Internet early next month to the other mobile operator Orange to be changed. I hope so again a reliable Internet connection is possible.

Although there are many here have Internet cafes, is using the Internet only a small proportion of the population. I could not believe the price that must be paid here for an Internet connection. For a reasonably fast connection with 1 Mbit per second, one of the fastest connections, you can get here, costs the equivalent of well over 400 € a month, approximately 20 times more expensive than in Germany. Do not know what will happen if after the year I again have a fast Internet connection. 'll Probably ask if everything odd things. But it can probably get used more quickly than the slow connection here.

I hope that you doing well at home. Do not be infected by the swine flu.

Best regards from the rainy Cameroon.



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