Saturday, January 15, 2011

Carbonated Water Aids Digestion

Cairns, Kuranda & Red Centre

I sit here now back in Perth and you must tell the same times from the end of my journey. I just have to smile just because I zereist every thought of the last 10 hours:) It has just stopped as chaotic as it has begun - not the irgedetwas is totally gone wrong or something, it's all just come back different than expected and what I concluded Geachte's got a lot funnier. I'll come back later to the whole story, until then I just say: "I feel like an Asian tourist."

residence floor
After my family is once again flown back to the cold Germany, I have the last 5 days in Cairns, more precisely in the "Northern Greenhouse backpacker resort spent. For me this was again a little luxury: air conditioning, a refrigerator and a full bathroom and a comfortable bed, which I do not this time had to share more. Michi, you you need but do not worry, because your loud snoring has taken over a South Korean who has slept right through me -.- That was then probably the only negative to this resort, because otherwise the atmosphere was relatively calm and comfortable there , actually just right for a very exciting and stress free journey.

Freshwater Station
After I've made it so the first two days of lazy comfort, threw me but then again boring and so I simply hand a tour to Kuranda, a small town in the "Atherton Tablelands" booked. After I had had a listen a little, I've decided for the outward journey by train and the journey back to take the cable car. Signed me up in the morning of the third day picked up a shuttle bus from the resort and the "Fresh Water station" brought in from the train which started its journey over 40 bridges and 15 tunnels towards Kuranda. The rail track which was made on the journey to Kuranda at the end of the 19th century to transport timber built in from the rain forest to settlements along the coast. The entire trip took 1 1 / 2 hours including the stop at the Barron Falls, which on this day, many because of the rain, rather were enormous.

Barron Falls
Kuranda Station
Summer Trends 2011
bikini and swimwear made of kangaroo leather

my day in Kuranda I'm me then with a one-hour hike through the rainforest and along the Barron River, and the visits to the heritage-market "and the" original Rain Forest Market shipped ".
It went back to the valley as already mentioned with the 7.5 km long cable car, which partially floated a few feet above the roof of the rainforest of time. At two stations I am, however, then got out and I've still yet to go different vantage points from which one had a partial view as far out into the Great Barrier Reef.

I would like to have one too, the originals were not always so expensive: (

Barron River from the gondola from
the past Two days ago I've been making any major trips more boring to me, it was still in Cairns, because somehow there is always something going on. At night as during the day, the streets are always full. What Cairns for me but really special is that there is a public Lagoon - a kind of free swimming pool which is open from morning to night at 6 clock by 10 clock and is guarded at this time of Life Guards. It is intended to replace a little of the existing beach in Cairns not what they thus succeeded relatively well.

addition Lagoon in Cairns there are still all souvenir shops and shopping and a beautiful waterfront and a great marina, even in the casino I glanced. So I then spent my last days in Cairns before it went this morning by 4 clock out of bed, towards the Red Centre. For the last destination was the Ayers Rock or Uluru on the plan.

went to Perth then so again in time to the West where a 5-hour stop at Ayers Rock Airport waiting for me. The landing at Ayers Rock then has already begun my personal race against time. With the expectation that the airport is about 5km from Ayers Rock in the distance and the half-hour bus commute back and forth, I landed at the airport. When I was then told, however, that this is but 30km from the airport and etnfernt by any bus is approached directly, I feel like once the chin to the floor! Was the charge for the stopover in vain? Should I wait here for five hours at the airport? No, not! Now I'm so close to the goal, now I will also quite gone!
Ayers Rock / Uluru

Fortunately, drove a bus, with a handful of hotel guests in the town, which is called "Ayers Rock Resort" and consists almost exclusively of hotels. Once there, the bus driver has drained me of one of these hotels, which I then informed quickly when the so-called "Uluru-Express" a shuttle bus' next drive to Ayers Rock. As I expected, daily commutes penalized each one back and forth, but only in the 1 1/2-hour intervals. Ultimately, I had then just take the bus to go there and be right back back, because with every visit I would have missed not only the bus back but my plane back to Perth. Apart from the bus, I had to buy even a national park ticket. Having arrived at Uluru so I'm just quickly got off the bus could take some pictures and then I had to enter again this was my encounter with the large red stone.)

probably the most fascinating is at Uluru,
that he looks totally different from different sides.

I now believe should be clarified why I now feel like an Asian tourist: D To be honest, it feels like shit! I would much rather have spent several hours there, most of all I would once wandered around and then left again. However, I must say in my defense that I have probably made the best of this situation, because the lady of the Qantas check-in had already threatened me with the fact that the plane will fly away without me if I do not 'm back in time.
Of course I am sure before the whole trip, I again be at the airport back can be, otherwise I would have the whole thing did not do it - as much responsibility I have it too:) As an almost last, I am then while on board gone now, yes, but what no longer interested, because I am back well in Perth. With this chaotic trip went so my journey ends.
After Alice Springs to Ayers Rock, or at least?
the days until January 21, the launch of our Mid-Year-camps, I'll just stay with Michelle. Will still help her the last things to prepare, on the 21 over 20 volunteers from all over the world come together.


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