Saturday, January 8, 2011

Airwalk Rollerblades Review

A new year

small Christmas
How quickly time flies yet. Before you know it, they brought Christmas holiday on the plateau, New Year and the first week in the new year behind. It was a very varied time. The Christmas holidays were unfortunately marked by discord in the family, triggered mainly by linguistic misunderstandings with my host mother. This has fortunately set up and we see ourselves better than ever. Nice that such problems quite conducive for inter-human his relationships. If I did not know that Christmas is the day (25.12.) Size would not be lifted from other days. We (I mean the adults, always emphasizing is that Christmas is the celebration of the children) have eaten dinner together, I have handed my presents and then we are a bit of a walk through the streets (people everywhere, party, music) and have in the bar next door drinking a beer. It has had but certainly a lot to do with my personal feeling that me, hard 'as not particularly successful and was published before Christmas all.

on the plateau
The following days on the plateau, however, were just great. The whole day doing nothing, enjoy the coolness and get away from the old year. It was bitter to fill up necessary force, I was really exhausted and my nerves just before the tear. As the endless discussions with Julia on the plateau have done really well. I know she understands me, because, like a 'white' thinking, and now lives in Togo for two months and knows the circumstances. The feeling of becoming-understood I had only very rarely talking to a Togolese. The ways of life are simply too different. We might sometimes think that you are coming from different planets. I also understand much of what is done here intended / not often I can only shake his head and try to accept it, even if it is always difficult and demands a lot of tolerance. I will miss Julia very much, on 25 January is their stay Togo unfortunately over. I have found in it a great colleague and friend.
On the plateau we have among other things, the monastery (Abbaye de l'Ascension) visits in Danyi-Dzogbegan. It was like a fantasy journey to peace, tranquility and peace to live there. Ripped out from everyday life, I have absorbed the beauty of life in me. What a good rain shower when the monks . Sing I will definitely return there.

At 31 we moved back to Kpalimé, a very dusty business. The Hamatan has become really strong. The sun comes from sheer sand in the air by barely. Like a dense fog, the sand sets across the country. My white T-shirt was more red than white on my glasses, a thick layer of dust and otherwise it looks beautiful tanned. Until you have washed it!

party atmosphere in the church
After dinner, I am with my mom, my aunt and her brothers and sisters in the church. From eight to half past one! It was sung, danced, prayed preached. I had no clue how it runs and I assume that you are at home or at midnight in a bar. When viewing at the eleventh hour all knelt on the floor to pray, I was really surprised. Everyone goes for itself in the new year, together with God. At midnight, bells ring, hallelujah, we sang it again and prayed. Only when the year is already a quarter of an hour old, embraced it, and expresses wishes. A bit overwhelmed me has said it honestly at the moment already. Nevertheless, it was a wonderful experience, the exuberance of Africans to do with. And the great colorful robes! If I then on our dreary black, gray, or brew at home think clothes ... The streets were deserted, nothing going on in the bars. My host dad has spent the entire evening watching TV, what has made me really sad. Again something I do not understand.

Since Monday of everyday life has returned to work in the lab continues. Of the original three employees there, only one other (one of his internship ended, the other is for a month on vacation). So I have taken over the area where blood collection and am more or less solely responsible. That's one part great fun, on the other hand, sometimes it is also difficult, especially if the patient understands little or no French. Nevertheless, a welcome challenge.


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