Saturday, January 15, 2011

Is Vit. K Good Or Bad For You

events in January 2011

Carl-A. Fechner
on Saturday, 01/29/2011

at 19.30 clock in the clubhouse of
SC Union 03,

followed by discussion

occasion 1Yr zone :
on Sunday, 30/01/2011
from 14.00 clock at Luna Park

music from the Tüdelband:
food, information,
Vattenfall Battle

Carbonated Water Aids Digestion

Cairns, Kuranda & Red Centre

I sit here now back in Perth and you must tell the same times from the end of my journey. I just have to smile just because I zereist every thought of the last 10 hours:) It has just stopped as chaotic as it has begun - not the irgedetwas is totally gone wrong or something, it's all just come back different than expected and what I concluded Geachte's got a lot funnier. I'll come back later to the whole story, until then I just say: "I feel like an Asian tourist."

residence floor
After my family is once again flown back to the cold Germany, I have the last 5 days in Cairns, more precisely in the "Northern Greenhouse backpacker resort spent. For me this was again a little luxury: air conditioning, a refrigerator and a full bathroom and a comfortable bed, which I do not this time had to share more. Michi, you you need but do not worry, because your loud snoring has taken over a South Korean who has slept right through me -.- That was then probably the only negative to this resort, because otherwise the atmosphere was relatively calm and comfortable there , actually just right for a very exciting and stress free journey.

Freshwater Station
After I've made it so the first two days of lazy comfort, threw me but then again boring and so I simply hand a tour to Kuranda, a small town in the "Atherton Tablelands" booked. After I had had a listen a little, I've decided for the outward journey by train and the journey back to take the cable car. Signed me up in the morning of the third day picked up a shuttle bus from the resort and the "Fresh Water station" brought in from the train which started its journey over 40 bridges and 15 tunnels towards Kuranda. The rail track which was made on the journey to Kuranda at the end of the 19th century to transport timber built in from the rain forest to settlements along the coast. The entire trip took 1 1 / 2 hours including the stop at the Barron Falls, which on this day, many because of the rain, rather were enormous.

Barron Falls
Kuranda Station
Summer Trends 2011
bikini and swimwear made of kangaroo leather

my day in Kuranda I'm me then with a one-hour hike through the rainforest and along the Barron River, and the visits to the heritage-market "and the" original Rain Forest Market shipped ".
It went back to the valley as already mentioned with the 7.5 km long cable car, which partially floated a few feet above the roof of the rainforest of time. At two stations I am, however, then got out and I've still yet to go different vantage points from which one had a partial view as far out into the Great Barrier Reef.

I would like to have one too, the originals were not always so expensive: (

Barron River from the gondola from
the past Two days ago I've been making any major trips more boring to me, it was still in Cairns, because somehow there is always something going on. At night as during the day, the streets are always full. What Cairns for me but really special is that there is a public Lagoon - a kind of free swimming pool which is open from morning to night at 6 clock by 10 clock and is guarded at this time of Life Guards. It is intended to replace a little of the existing beach in Cairns not what they thus succeeded relatively well.

addition Lagoon in Cairns there are still all souvenir shops and shopping and a beautiful waterfront and a great marina, even in the casino I glanced. So I then spent my last days in Cairns before it went this morning by 4 clock out of bed, towards the Red Centre. For the last destination was the Ayers Rock or Uluru on the plan.

went to Perth then so again in time to the West where a 5-hour stop at Ayers Rock Airport waiting for me. The landing at Ayers Rock then has already begun my personal race against time. With the expectation that the airport is about 5km from Ayers Rock in the distance and the half-hour bus commute back and forth, I landed at the airport. When I was then told, however, that this is but 30km from the airport and etnfernt by any bus is approached directly, I feel like once the chin to the floor! Was the charge for the stopover in vain? Should I wait here for five hours at the airport? No, not! Now I'm so close to the goal, now I will also quite gone!
Ayers Rock / Uluru

Fortunately, drove a bus, with a handful of hotel guests in the town, which is called "Ayers Rock Resort" and consists almost exclusively of hotels. Once there, the bus driver has drained me of one of these hotels, which I then informed quickly when the so-called "Uluru-Express" a shuttle bus' next drive to Ayers Rock. As I expected, daily commutes penalized each one back and forth, but only in the 1 1/2-hour intervals. Ultimately, I had then just take the bus to go there and be right back back, because with every visit I would have missed not only the bus back but my plane back to Perth. Apart from the bus, I had to buy even a national park ticket. Having arrived at Uluru so I'm just quickly got off the bus could take some pictures and then I had to enter again this was my encounter with the large red stone.)

probably the most fascinating is at Uluru,
that he looks totally different from different sides.

I now believe should be clarified why I now feel like an Asian tourist: D To be honest, it feels like shit! I would much rather have spent several hours there, most of all I would once wandered around and then left again. However, I must say in my defense that I have probably made the best of this situation, because the lady of the Qantas check-in had already threatened me with the fact that the plane will fly away without me if I do not 'm back in time.
Of course I am sure before the whole trip, I again be at the airport back can be, otherwise I would have the whole thing did not do it - as much responsibility I have it too:) As an almost last, I am then while on board gone now, yes, but what no longer interested, because I am back well in Perth. With this chaotic trip went so my journey ends.
After Alice Springs to Ayers Rock, or at least?
the days until January 21, the launch of our Mid-Year-camps, I'll just stay with Michelle. Will still help her the last things to prepare, on the 21 over 20 volunteers from all over the world come together.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Get Well Messages For Males

opening Hamburg Green Capital 2011: Volunteers bring the missing ...

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Catchy Eating Healthy Slogan

It was a great time!

After the great days we spent at Mission Beach, it went on the last leg to Port Douglas. Cairns originally was planned as a final destination, but we still had enough time to make a detour to the further north, which has paid off through out!

As we left after only an hour's drive north of Cairns in behind us, it went on a beautiful coastal road to Port Douglas. Preferably we would have stopped on the way there sometimes simply brilliant views of the coast road to the beach to throw. Fortunately, it was on the street right next to some parking lanes and points of view which had brilliant prospects.

After we arrived in Port Douglas and have already found already the campsite for the next two nights, it first went to the tourist information center, because after my father had still not seen a wild alligator and the Great Barrier Reef was also still outside the front door.

Since we are relatively early arrival in Port Douglas, we were on the same day shoveling on the Lady Douglas "in the mangroves around for a crocodile look. But on the 1 ½-hour trip we encountered not only 3 wild crocodiles, but also a huge Weiss-eagles, which had a wingspan of almost 2 meters.

After the crew on board, lured him to fish, he served came to the muddy bank and has grabbed the impressive fish. Such an adventurous experience had to be equivalent to the evening concluded with a beer in a pub, which tasted accompanied by live music twice as good. After a

other tropical night, which has us all in the campervan at night was forced to sweat it the next morning to the "Aristocat office" where we have booked but finally after a long discussion of our diving trip to the Great Barrier Reef. Because of this, however, until the next day took place, nor could a further day to be felt with a hot experience - we went to the "Cape Tribulation".

from the viewpoint of the Daintree River in the middle

Although geographically the Cape Tribulation only 60km away from Port Douglas, has It still cost us almost two hours to the Daintree River by ferry to cross and we fight through the winding coastal road, which after a long and downs but finally it was also an end.

main reason this trip was actually "only" the views of the beautiful coastline, which is nowhere to be found in Australia such as Cape Tribulation is the only point on which the dominated by rain forest mountain range which is parallel to the coast is really time to meets the coast. "Where the Rainforest Meets the Reef" - it is said in many commercials for this region.

swimming pool
"Only" it said on the day for the following reason: When we asked at the tourist information about the possible activities that we were only in passing, and also the last of the freshwater Creek above, in which you can just swim. Why could the wife not to mention that this is a must and one should go there in any case over? In retrospect you have to be so happy that she has ever said, in contrast to all of our travel guides, and recommend to mention all the shit out of something Horny!

my brother and I
Crystal clear water - I was standing in the water and could see my feet when I would stand outside barefoot on stones. The water was so clear that even trout were swimming in it - as one probably can. white trout require very clean water to live. The swimming pool fed by a stream which was came from the mountain and still maintain a comfortable temperature of about 20C °. Surrounded by rain forest - right and left of subtropical plants, trees and vines.
also check it out yourself:) Yes, you envy us for what may: D

What should such a day actually beat it? There was still the trip to the Great Barrier Reef?

The next morning we went out so early out of bed and down to the port in Port Douglas, for even at 9 clock took off our ship. On the way to the Outer Reef which is 60 km from the coast and thus reach as fast as anywhere else in Australia is still a bit of paperwork had to be done regarding the diving. After the one hour drive, we were then finally arrived at our first of the three spots. Since I am the last time dipped 7 years ago on the Red Sea in Egypt, it took me until I briefly under the water Equipment have become familiar, then I could enjoy the reef, however, in its fullest. Of course, such an experience had to be recorded somehow, so I decided to borrow short hand still ne underwater camera, with which I succeeded but hopefully one or another snapshot.

To give you an informative feedback about diving, I have to rely on the reviews of my father's back which has some 500 dives almost mutated into a fish and has already looked at several places in the world with the eye under the water:)
The Great Barrier Reef is probably one of the few reefs in the world on which the corals are preserved so well. However, there are still sees a few other places in the world in which one more. He concluded, which I can agree with him in the last section, based on my experience diving in the Red Sea. Perhaps it was simply to our guide - why do I still need twice with 90 bar in the tank from the water?
The diving itself has nevertheless have made a lot of fun, among which probably contributed to the 60m-wide view and the pleasant weather to do so. After our second dive which briefly on the first followed after that there was a delicious lunch on the boat. For the third and final spot of the day we're all jumped into the water for snorkeling, which was almost as good as the diving. Back on the mainland, we have selected a waterfront bar, on which we have initiated with beer and wine on the great day. The day ended late in the evening, however, in Cairns, as we had been there the next day make our beloved Jucy.
Our green-purple racer, which we now have more than fond of gets to me the title of "Reliable". Without problems, he has led us to a total of 4700km of Australia, which really were not always easy. Even with its extremely showy color he could from the cameras of the toll roads Camouflage - 7 roads, but $ 0:) Everything was there, even the built-in kitchen's has been lacking in anything - except a large cooking pot for daddy's gigantic portions: D
the last evening in Australia we still have them with a tasty Asian food and a deeper look into the end glass. Meanwhile, I am alone again in Cairns and can look back on a wonderful holiday, which to me is not quite over. It feels good to have a family at home in Germany, the whole Way and the associated stress has taken it upon themselves to come visit me in Australia. I hereby wish you a lot again say thank you. I begin to realize until now what actually happened in the last 3 weeks. Thank you for the wonderful time and the power that you have given me this!

we Due to the Beach of Cape Tribulation

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Airwalk Rollerblades Review

A new year

small Christmas
How quickly time flies yet. Before you know it, they brought Christmas holiday on the plateau, New Year and the first week in the new year behind. It was a very varied time. The Christmas holidays were unfortunately marked by discord in the family, triggered mainly by linguistic misunderstandings with my host mother. This has fortunately set up and we see ourselves better than ever. Nice that such problems quite conducive for inter-human his relationships. If I did not know that Christmas is the day (25.12.) Size would not be lifted from other days. We (I mean the adults, always emphasizing is that Christmas is the celebration of the children) have eaten dinner together, I have handed my presents and then we are a bit of a walk through the streets (people everywhere, party, music) and have in the bar next door drinking a beer. It has had but certainly a lot to do with my personal feeling that me, hard 'as not particularly successful and was published before Christmas all.

on the plateau
The following days on the plateau, however, were just great. The whole day doing nothing, enjoy the coolness and get away from the old year. It was bitter to fill up necessary force, I was really exhausted and my nerves just before the tear. As the endless discussions with Julia on the plateau have done really well. I know she understands me, because, like a 'white' thinking, and now lives in Togo for two months and knows the circumstances. The feeling of becoming-understood I had only very rarely talking to a Togolese. The ways of life are simply too different. We might sometimes think that you are coming from different planets. I also understand much of what is done here intended / not often I can only shake his head and try to accept it, even if it is always difficult and demands a lot of tolerance. I will miss Julia very much, on 25 January is their stay Togo unfortunately over. I have found in it a great colleague and friend.
On the plateau we have among other things, the monastery (Abbaye de l'Ascension) visits in Danyi-Dzogbegan. It was like a fantasy journey to peace, tranquility and peace to live there. Ripped out from everyday life, I have absorbed the beauty of life in me. What a good rain shower when the monks . Sing I will definitely return there.

At 31 we moved back to Kpalimé, a very dusty business. The Hamatan has become really strong. The sun comes from sheer sand in the air by barely. Like a dense fog, the sand sets across the country. My white T-shirt was more red than white on my glasses, a thick layer of dust and otherwise it looks beautiful tanned. Until you have washed it!

party atmosphere in the church
After dinner, I am with my mom, my aunt and her brothers and sisters in the church. From eight to half past one! It was sung, danced, prayed preached. I had no clue how it runs and I assume that you are at home or at midnight in a bar. When viewing at the eleventh hour all knelt on the floor to pray, I was really surprised. Everyone goes for itself in the new year, together with God. At midnight, bells ring, hallelujah, we sang it again and prayed. Only when the year is already a quarter of an hour old, embraced it, and expresses wishes. A bit overwhelmed me has said it honestly at the moment already. Nevertheless, it was a wonderful experience, the exuberance of Africans to do with. And the great colorful robes! If I then on our dreary black, gray, or brew at home think clothes ... The streets were deserted, nothing going on in the bars. My host dad has spent the entire evening watching TV, what has made me really sad. Again something I do not understand.

Since Monday of everyday life has returned to work in the lab continues. Of the original three employees there, only one other (one of his internship ended, the other is for a month on vacation). So I have taken over the area where blood collection and am more or less solely responsible. That's one part great fun, on the other hand, sometimes it is also difficult, especially if the patient understands little or no French. Nevertheless, a welcome challenge.

Friday, January 7, 2011

Valvoline Nascar Jeff Hamilton Jacket

to the beach;)

Hillsborough National Park
the frequent inquiries in the last few days, even if we swim or are already set, I would first reassure the first time all worries:) All the training wheels are stored, and the life ring and the boat is put away again.

Kangaroos in Hillsborough National Park

It's funny, but since we Rockhampton left behind was, far and wide like no flooded streets or more in sight. Daily sunshine with occasional small showers which is normal but for the season. We are literally the rain fled and went into the sun. At last we have the desired temperatures, which usually go in the direction of the 35C °, clear blue skies, beautiful beaches for swimming and starry views at night.
pity that we have such a storm could not have from the start - the weather is different just in the 3 different climate zones of the country. Meanwhile, we see it again positive, because if you want to experience a part of a country, then, this includes the different weather.

snapshot while riding
sugarcane plantation in the foreground and the mountains in the background

Not only the weather has changed for us in the new year but also result in the daily goals of our tour, which meander almost now exclusively the east coast and are nothing more into the mountainous hinterland. Along the coast runs almost parallel along a mountain chain in Germany, which haunts us throughout on the left side of the car window. From the village are dependent on the mountains relatively close to the coast or up to 70km inland. Logically, then the coast is a different width and flat until suddenly the mountain range, the altitude, as if from nowhere, rising to over 1000m leaves. As already mentioned, there were on our trips to the mountains, watching numerous rain forests and waterfalls, but also browse on the highland plateaus many cows and horses, which reminded me of the native Alp:) Enough of the rain forest, waterfalls, diverse birds, the gigantic trees , lianas and strain, especially the mountain roads which are not only the stomach but also the car again and again to its limit, we will now spend the remaining days near the coast and hopefully the opportunity to get to the 8th Wonder of the world into hiding - the Great Barrier Reef.

town beach in Townsville
net against the toxic / deadly jellyfish

In the new year's went so from Rockhampton north towards Sarina where we spent our first night in the new year. Even the next day we approached with great strides our destination Cairns, but not to arrive too late for fear, but because of the beaches and sights along this coast are not present. Of course there is what you see everywhere, but does my father receive only his crocodile, which hopefully in the near Port Douglas, 60 km north of Cairns waiting for him - since he has read the Guide of the crocodile tours, which was formally his only destination:)

Sunrise at Mission Beach
at Airlie Beach, a beautiful coastal city, where there was finally a little bit more ahead, we have then spent the next night. My brother and I would like to make it the party still remained here, however, it was my father and Beate not the place ready to gain as much and as it went the next day to Mission Beach where we first two nights spent in one place. Not only the wonderful beach kept us on the next trip, but the day trip to the nearby "Dunk Iceland.

Mission Beach

the first of the two beautiful days
we have at the beach spent under a burning sun, which has all of us now have missed a nice red sunburn. On the morning of the second day we took a water taxi to Dunk Iceland ", which is located about 10km from the coast.

While my father and beat the day at one of the wonderful Beaches have spent, my brother and I explored a little island. In a two-hour hike, we went through a tropical rain forest on the 271m high Mount Kootaloo, which offered us a view of islands lying around, to the vast inland. Of course I want us not pretend to be fascinated by hikers, for the remaining hours on the island we spent two on a beautiful beach.

view from Mount Kootaloo
Dunk Iceland
Michi and I, however
Dunk Iceland

we had a bath on this day only a limited extent, since November to March the coast of Queensland 'from the poisonous "Box Jelly Fish Jellyfish are haunted and you should therefore be swimming without a "full-body condom" avoid.

to pass the time Michael has still tries on a coconut. Although ultimately the good milk and the meat came to light, I wonder who is broken in the opening up more:)

Dunks Iceland
Packed to be sometimes stayed in one of the many Australian islands with the experience, we went again by 14 clock back to the mainland where we find the remaining hours in part on the beach, some of the pool at the campsite have spent. The crowning glory of this day was very tasty barbecue, which served up my father. From hamburgers, steak over the hot dogs and salad, everything was there - fill his mission to me after the bush was, therefore, hereby already done: D

Our next destination is Port Douglas are now from where I intended also one other interesting report you can report.
Until the day;)

Saturday, January 1, 2011

How To Synister Gates Hairstyle

Happy New Year

A little hung over, I register the same time early in the new year with you, for the second update of my little travel diary. First of all I wish my readers, of course, first of all a happy new year and good luck and perseverance in the enforcement of your intentions.
Before I tell you about the trip, I must first be something else going on ...
I knew of course that you plan a complete trip can not, you can only put a few destinations that you would like to see or visit, and the was about it, because in the end everything always turn out differently than expected. So it was this time. Even though I've set up a little rainy weather, with such floods have still not taken even the Australians. The east coast is under water: D The rivers from the domestic market, the whole mass of water to the coast, which was not prepared for such a situation. The worst floods in 60 years, people have been evacuated from their homes by helicopters, parts of the city from the outside world cut off, roads and bridges are flooded and we are in the middle of things instead of this:)
As you can see just again how powerful nature is.

After we the Hunter Valley behind us have left, we went through numerous gene vineyards in the direction of Port Macquarie coast. On a winding country road, we have the tortuous mountain down. Finally arrived at the coast, we found by pure chance, a free campsite, which was not only free but also a beautiful beach location had - had the first bath in the sea not long in coming.

sunrise on the beach free: D

day trips planned for the next day, but we had the coast temporarily leave and head home to the heartland where we have looked at the "Ebor Falls.

Ebor Falls
Dorrigo National Park
was subsequently it back towards the coast where we are on the way there, a detour have made in the Dorrigo National Park. There was the so-called Skywalk, a built into the hillside viewing platform, which promises on the Wimpfeln Urwaldrießen a magnificent view. However, we are not on this day the view was come for the mist that lay in the air just limited visibility to about 100m.
Our next trip took us to Ballina where we started our next day trip. Also this time we landed back at a free campsite, which cost us a parte for a stay of $ 50 to $ 70 a second time. Meanwhile, we've slept 3 times, the remaining nights we spent at campgrounds. It should not listen to that one can park his motorhome where you will, quite the opposite. As soon as one ENVISAGES his motorhome in a prohibited place and get caught, penalties are payable in the amount of up to $ 500 dollars.

Cape Byron
went from Ballina then to the easternmost mainland oints Australia - Cape Byron. "Captain Cook named the headland, crowned by a lighthouse built in 1901, after its discoverer, Mr John Byron. went

Lamigton National Park Tree Top Walk
from the rocky coast, then about 80 km inland to the Lamington National Park. In suspension bridges, which partly run in the treetops of the rainforest, we have visited there a short nature trail. All the way up we went with a ladder, which offered to two viewing platforms of 21 and 32m above the ground a killer view. My brother had to necessarily have a souvenir to remember from the rain forest, in which it is this acting sometimes a blood Eckel on his foot:) However, he added that only noticed after 2 hours, where he has drawn full already with blood and simply has dropped.

On our next trip to the north, past numerous banana and sugar cane plantations, we have inserted due to poor weather forced a stop in Moololaba, for here was in all leaders of the three travel yet so great "Underwater World" Park advised that not only was a pure time, but with $ 32 admission per person a total waste of money. Naja was fortunately this "attraction" is not on my personal itinerary:)

Again a little further north, was our next stop will be near Bundaberg, the town which Australia wide for the so-called "Bundaberg Rum" is famous. A visit to the Distelerie followed by liquor sample was here part of the daily program, which however was not enforceable, because Bundaberg was half under water.

So we had to say, from the last 3 days in which we crossed the flood area that make the most of the days. Now and again we were blocked roads which made it impossible to proceed, or the rainy weather did its close location to the beach seem pointless.
now has in the past 2 days, the sun fought through more and more and we hope that the weather will remain on the up and up. Even though I'm here always written by rainy weather, the few hours in which the sun is already the cloud cover has fought, still enough to make my family a strong sunburn to miss.
After we finally crossed the flooded Rockhampton on the Fitzroy River, we could then New Years Eve and New Year's Eve last carefree stay in the town Yeppon, a few miles north of Rockhampton, Australia in a friendly community. If we are already in the Bundaberg Rum was not available, then offered "Bob the builder" my brother and me plenty of.
Because only persons with a specific license in Australia buy fireworks, the slip into the new year this time was relatively quiet. Only the cities organize for its residents, tourists, etc. large fireworks, which are guided by special companies.

and again a waterfall:)

with the intention of you still continue in 2011 so as to keep up to date, I hereby take my leave of you first. I hope you're well into the new year slipped in and followed my blog continues with enthusiasm.

wild kangaroos in their favorite pastime:)