Monday, January 5, 2009

Is Hydrocodone Being Highly Regulated?

My Christmas and New Year's Eve

Hey You,

I wish you all a Happy New Year and hope you are all well-slipped.
Contrary to our original schedule, we (the weltwärts volunteers DEDs) but now all the time in Kribi and there have celebrated Christmas and New Year. In particular Christmas Eve, but I have not felt really Christmassy. All the things like the cold weather that made shorter days, the Christmas lights and the Christmas markets in me already no Vorweihnachtsstimmung pay and Christmas Eve I did then, which over the years has become habitual (almost identical) sequence. On Christmas Eve sit on the beach and sing Christmas songs for me was a bit weird. Really understand that Christmas, I could not.

have Later in the evening we then ate at a rock on the beach along with several other volunteers, a nice meal with fish, shrimp.

In Cameroon, the Christmas and New Year is generally celebrated with great and rich food. The Canadian volunteers of the celebrated Christmas here in Buea in the family of Mr. Orock has said that the Christmas celebration of food, food and more food was. For this feast save many families throughout the year. In part, some families join together to buy a whole cow to and from this prepare a Christmas dinner.
But back to our Christmas party in Kribi. On 1 Christmas Day, who was also the birthday of Catherine of volunteers from Bafoussam, we have again a buffet of fish, Krevettten, meat and various side dishes eaten on the beach. The rest of the day we spent, like many other days also, on the beach and the sea. I also walk on the beach a short distance to nearby Lobe waterfalls, which are not as big and impressive as the Ekom Falls, but give it a beautiful picture.

around these waterfalls is affected very touristy and there are several small shops with paintings and other art.
Otherwise, we spend most days on the beach and the sea. From time to time we drove into town to Kribi. We have stayed relatively cheap in the Catholic mission, about 7 km outside of Kribi, so we always had to take taxis to the city. There is a large market that was very full on Christmas Eve. Otherwise, there are some minor Kribi "supermarkets" and a very modern and equipped with air conditioning Boulangerie. In Kribi I could eat pizza again for the first time. For about 7 € I then get a very good Italian Pizza Margherita, which I would not have complained in Germany. After three months in which I ate mostly very oily Cameroonian courts, the pizza was a welcome change. Since
Kribi is affected very touristy and you will find many hotels and restaurants where you can get and European dishes. Overall, I've seen in Kribi so many "whites", as I have ever seen in any other place in Cameroon.
After I praise the water of the river already looked after descending the falls, we have a boat tour on Saturday made to the praise of inland river. In two Canoes we were traveling about 2 hours on the River. It is also possible to drive to the various Pigmäendörfern. But we wanted to do without it because it's more of a tourist spectacle, as an awareness of the culture and lifestyle. Instead, we prefer to enjoy the magnificent landscape with the sounds of the jungle.

On the last day of the year we have used the kitchen in our accommodation, to cook our own New Year's Eve dinner. As a starter, we had Bruscetta, as a main dish with vegetables and spaghetti sauce and a side table to pineapple and papaya. This food was so delicious that I did not stop with the food was. The time until midnight, we have was then spent on the beach, where a fire was made and later danced. Around midnight, we could then even a few rockets from the nearby hotels see the sky. The New Year's night, we then spent a night club in Limbe, Kribi. Since we have the night club where we had Christmas, too expensive, we went to another club. In Kribi celebrated the people left out and with plenty of beer on the streets and it was difficult to come by car forward. I was in the nightclub after the first step backwards again almost walked out because it was so extremely hot and stuffy. Instead of an air conditioning system of the lower ticket price was only enough for some fans, so I am almost there as much as sweating on the bus in Douala. After a relatively short night, we were able to relax during the day at the beach and in the late afternoon we indulged in Kribi again a pizza. The last day in Kribi, we have once again spent at the beach where we ate dinner and one last time fish and prawns. During the day I bought my Christmas present yet in the form of two images. In the evening we have the luxury of a dessert at a restaurant Ilomba indulged in the hotel. There, I indulged in for 2800 CFA (4.3 €), a banana split. In the village, where the Catholic mission, we wanted to drink a beer. However, had the bar closed and the other bar was the beer from. New Year's Eve and New Year have been used up all the stocks and on 2 January was probably not in a position to provide for replenishment. had survived Finally we drank some wine, the New Year's Eve and New Year. In an approximately 6-hour drive we arrived in Limbe on Saturday, where we spent the last evening before it went back on Sunday to use spaces. For me, it was also yet to complete my report to the DED. After almost two weeks, "Internet withdrawal" I took the option of free and reasonably fast Internet in the Cyber UAC for a few hours.
Today is Monday, it continues to work just as slow, as it stopped before the holidays. The computer classes, and the School on Wheels Project will only start again tomorrow, Tuesday, so today we had only our French and otherwise free time. I hope this is not the next day that way. In three weeks we have seen our volunteers at the intermediate seminar and again and maybe this takes place also in Kribi.
Many Greetings


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