Monday, November 24, 2008

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The ninth weeks

Hey, it's not much new

a week. The lessons and the School on Wheels Project have now become a habit. In the computer hours, the students could use this time for the first time their knowledge to practical, in which they have written a sentence in the word processing program Microsoft Word. Problems were primarily with the "other keys", such as the caps lock key. I think through this first practical use of the computer they can view the various functions of special keys better note. Unfortunately, it is not possible, the children just to have time to try some things. Nor is it possible to release all children throughout the process of turning on, carry on starting a program to turn off the computer. This is what one is not enough time and secondly, not enough computers available. In December, will probably get 18 computers, so I hope that the number of computers in the computer room will be increased.
On Tuesday Mauro came with his girlfriend and his sister, who spent their holidays here, to Buea. We were at the School on Wheels Project on Wednesday and Thursday finally back in full strength, so we each could only work with the children of a class, which is much more pleasant than 20 children from different classes. Damn it, however, was a Wednesday in relation to the key. Only the key of Mauro's room is gone and untraceable at School on Wheels project, we only get the key for the small room. But even after the exchange of this key fit the lock, still only for the small space, so we got there with the classes 1 to 3 were working, while children in grades 4-6 entered the large room through the window openings. Large security brings the lock anyway, because there are enough large window frame without windows or grating there, so anyone can "walk" with no further into the room or climb better. At the end of the School on Wheels project, we were no longer possible to open the lock from 1.5 hours to finish with the same key. Somehow, the key that day bewitched. Fortunately I was able to return to my room without opening my accommodation problems and Mauro's door could be opened to me an appropriate tool with not too many difficulties. On Thursday, the School has
on Wheels Project worthy of the name. As occurred in the room where we usually work with the children has a meeting, we had the place to escape from it. Some banks, we were able to use out of the room, but this ranged from nowhere, so I with the second class, as well as my mentor Justine with the 5th was working class in the school bus.
In the evening we spoke with our boss Mr. Orock if we can go with Mauro to Douala, to celebrate his birthday. He actually wanted to go with us this week to Mamfe, where there is a second school of UAC under construction. Because he wanted to go until Sunday, it would be no problem for us was to come along. But since Mauro travels the week with his sister in Cameroon, we postponed the trip to Mamfe and I am now looking forward to an eventful weekend in Douala.


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