Monday, November 24, 2008

Ucla Supplemental Application Email

photos of the trip to Douala

Here are a few photos I've taken on the journey from Douala to Buea.

the roadside on the outskirts of Douala Bonabéri

The containers commonly found on the roadside, in which everything possible is being sold.

A small shelter, which they also often encountered on the road. There are also various things, often fresh fruit are sold.

billboard on the side of the road for one of the beers available here

the roadside in muting genes. In small huts of different things are sold. Often there are small corner shops, in which the washing up the chocolate and cocoa powder a lot of everyday items get.

Santa Barbara Brazillian Wax

My weekend in Douala


Just after lunch on Friday we made our way to Douala. On the main street of Buea, we (Mauro, Mauro's sister, Advice, Lea and I) directly found a car which drove us for 2000 CFA (3,05 €) to Douala. Since we were six people, it was in the car on the back seat very tight. So the police can not directly see that formally seated in the car one too many, we should put the four of us on the back seat, which was extremely tight and any movement impossible. Nevertheless, we came to a police check (my first), in the first time I took a copy of my ID. Problems have occurred only because of the allegedly overloaded car, even though for Cameroon seems rather a person with little in the car was sitting. But after a short time after a bill has probably changed the owner, could go on. With Bonabéri reach the suburb of Douala, the road surface becomes worse. In the paved road there are large potholes and in some cases instead of tar is still dry and dusty sand with stones available. The further you get to Douala, the denser the traffic. The roadsides are lined with large factories, warehouses and trucks parked or scrap tires and automotive applications. Among other things, promotes a stationary truck on the roadside of Rewe for fresh consumption and on the street a van drives by the Rugby Club Leipzig. If these cars are beyond repair, they are "exploited" and the skeletons of rusting in the landscape before him, which always results in images such as this, which I took on the road from Douala to Buea:

In Douala the next we can spend in the apartment of Advice sister. After a brief stop in the apartment where we make fresh. Let's go to a bar where you sit directly above the sea and can enjoy his beer. Then we drive back into town where we eat at a crowded place to fish settle. And everywhere you walk around the peddlers sell their handkerchiefs, cigarettes, chewing gum, clothing, art, shoes and more. After a delicious fish, it goes back again to the apartment, where we once again dip slightly. Weather in Douala is really hard to bear (very hot, humid and sticky) and you're already sweaty again right after the shower. Against 23:30 clock we head towards the Maxim Club. Here we are almost the first and the dance floor still empty. However, there are pleasant temperatures, as the air conditioner performs well. Over time, also fills the club and we drink whiskey and cola. Just as Night Club in Limbe in the dance floor was surrounded with mirrors all around. Until about 3:30 clock we have a few friends from Mauro celebrated there before we went to another nightclub. Especially when it comes out of the first clubs to a power failure and for a short time (before the generator is turned on), it is dark and quiet. In another nightclub, we then spend more time clock to 6 am. Until then, the club has already cleared accordingly. It is striking again that amazing in the two night clubs many "whites" are. After a short night of Saturday hanging out one day longer to recover and. Around noon, there is a good breakfast and the afternoon we take Adivce to the Happy Sport and Leisure, a leisure center where there is a pool for bathing and swimming. The weather is just right for this, even if the water would like to have something cool can be. Also, the pool was so full that a swimming was almost impossible. In the evening we still get a nice delicious dinner, for then lie down relatively early. Late Sunday morning we set off down the way back to Buea. Arriving at the launch site of the cars we were asked by all sides toward our goal. For 2000 CFA per person we could find a car that drives us to Buea. Now it's wait until the car is filled with 6 passengers. Around it swarmed on the field there of people as hawkers or from their stalls from bread, handkerchiefs, cookies, and more sales. Closely pressed together, it went back to fourth in the back to Buea, where we arrived around noon. There, I've visited
after five days without internet again a cyber cafe. Because the had closed Cyber \u200b\u200bUAC, I went to another where I could enjoy for 250 CFA (0,38 €) per hour, a comparatively fast Internet connection. On Monday, will now operate the new connection in cyberspace by UAC. I hope this is just as fast. In the afternoon I've never met with Marcel and we ate something and I did something with it German learned. Thus, the exciting and impressive weekend was already over and tomorrow starts the work day again. Many were

What Stores Sell Aigner Handbags

The ninth weeks

Hey, it's not much new

a week. The lessons and the School on Wheels Project have now become a habit. In the computer hours, the students could use this time for the first time their knowledge to practical, in which they have written a sentence in the word processing program Microsoft Word. Problems were primarily with the "other keys", such as the caps lock key. I think through this first practical use of the computer they can view the various functions of special keys better note. Unfortunately, it is not possible, the children just to have time to try some things. Nor is it possible to release all children throughout the process of turning on, carry on starting a program to turn off the computer. This is what one is not enough time and secondly, not enough computers available. In December, will probably get 18 computers, so I hope that the number of computers in the computer room will be increased.
On Tuesday Mauro came with his girlfriend and his sister, who spent their holidays here, to Buea. We were at the School on Wheels Project on Wednesday and Thursday finally back in full strength, so we each could only work with the children of a class, which is much more pleasant than 20 children from different classes. Damn it, however, was a Wednesday in relation to the key. Only the key of Mauro's room is gone and untraceable at School on Wheels project, we only get the key for the small room. But even after the exchange of this key fit the lock, still only for the small space, so we got there with the classes 1 to 3 were working, while children in grades 4-6 entered the large room through the window openings. Large security brings the lock anyway, because there are enough large window frame without windows or grating there, so anyone can "walk" with no further into the room or climb better. At the end of the School on Wheels project, we were no longer possible to open the lock from 1.5 hours to finish with the same key. Somehow, the key that day bewitched. Fortunately I was able to return to my room without opening my accommodation problems and Mauro's door could be opened to me an appropriate tool with not too many difficulties. On Thursday, the School has
on Wheels Project worthy of the name. As occurred in the room where we usually work with the children has a meeting, we had the place to escape from it. Some banks, we were able to use out of the room, but this ranged from nowhere, so I with the second class, as well as my mentor Justine with the 5th was working class in the school bus.
In the evening we spoke with our boss Mr. Orock if we can go with Mauro to Douala, to celebrate his birthday. He actually wanted to go with us this week to Mamfe, where there is a second school of UAC under construction. Because he wanted to go until Sunday, it would be no problem for us was to come along. But since Mauro travels the week with his sister in Cameroon, we postponed the trip to Mamfe and I am now looking forward to an eventful weekend in Douala.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Skates Sharpeners For Sale

My weekend

Hi you, go

On Saturday we (as almost always), together with Marcel with taxis and bush taxis to the beach at Limbe. As we drive this time not directly but only take a bush taxi from Buea to Limbe and from there a taxi to Etisah Beach, this time we will pay only 1,100 CFA, in contrast to the 2,000 CFA last week. Unfortunately, the sun most of the time hiding under the clouds and wind, it is sometimes quite cool, so I just go into water. Otherwise I play Frisbee and Marcel shows us some new card games. In the evening we go to Peter the Hot Spot Restaurant, where there is the first time Burger, so I Supplements it right and order a double cheeseburger, which I feel like it is hard to digest. Surprisingly work at home, the shower, so you can still wash off the salt from the skin.
did on Sunday I found the alarm clock at 7:30, so I can walk before breakfast jog. When the alarm goes off, I would have liked to go back to sleep a little, but I can bring myself to jog for about 40 minutes to go. After breakfast I spent the morning in the house. In the afternoon we will meet again with Marcel, where we fried together in his kitchen up to 2m ² Plantains (cooking bananas) with omelettes. After a delicious meal, we play a little cards and make us before nightfall on the way to our accommodation. There, I still have my French homework for French class the next day.
This is then the weekend already over and tomorrow starts the next work week, which is then probably the busiest, because the School on Wheels Project now takes place four times a week.
Many Greetings