Wednesday, March 2, 2011

He's Wearing A Pink Tux

of everyday life takes its course ...

After I had last Friday you published my interim report as a little filler, there is finally hope the interesting part, the news of my everyday life now occurring in Geraldton.
Unfortunately, the last entry again so long ago that I had to watch it until this entry again in order to know where I'm actually stand still and continue where I have to. In German: The good intention you went as fast as possible to provide reading material back again into thin air. The reason is quite simple: Although I am currently employed and all things pretty much have the ears, I enjoy my life right now Australian much what it is for me more serious, makes me and sat down to write these entries. However, I also know that I'm in a certain "writing mood" has to be, all here to make as interesting as possible.
Before I was last Monday to move at all, me and Sandra Thomas have further ado to the "House-sitting" clamped. While they had to do in Perth private, so I have been taking care of the dog and two cats.

My weekend program that was not yet filled, however, because on Saturday we went to the service of my future work Football clubs, as it was expected a team from Perth before we wanted to present themselves as best as possible. Of course, by me, after two training sessions, not expecting there to appear, but given the fact that they want me to meet with the membership fee, I took it for granted seen a little hand to create and help clean up. Apart from the clean-up, there the gates were still the collar, got that fresh metal hooks and thus the network will no longer be taped must:) did conclude it then the Australian version of a stadium sausage, which in this case "Sausage-Sizzle" calls. Here it turns a kind of Thuringia, which laid on a piece of toast to loose, from steamed onions covered and infused with barbecue sauce. Conclusion: Thumbs up for the German Stadium sausage:)
Sausage Sizzle
After I met with the Australian Football made a little familiar, it went on Monday afternoon to my future host family which I have already been met on the sailing ship. I am in good hands! Apart from a nice house with a great ocean view I have two dogs, a guinea pig and 7 hens expected, which makes the family even more interesting. Because I've landed here with a very nice, athletic and enterprising family - my time in Geraldton, we therefore promising. This went on Wednesday after school straight to the pool. While Connie was at swimming lessons have Lisa and I moved our cars. You're going to wonder why it is all about the swimming pool when a sea directly outside the front door has? I've also thought:)
then went back on it then a sunset trip on a sailing ship, which, as I pointed out, pretty much regular. Such a short hand Wednesdays simply an invitation via SMS will be sent to some friends out who can ask not to appear twice:) If, after all, a wonderful way to spend your evening.
Lisa explained to the kids,
as the "Solar Cooker" does

The next morning, the alarm clock brought me back into everyday life back, which despite the school curriculum is not completely uninteresting. As I mentioned before, I am very happy to have landed on a rather unusual school, because I get to know this apart from the academic school system or another. For example, was the past week more under the aspect of "environment" than they already do have in this school. On the "Meat-free Friday" and the "waste-free Wednesday" on Thursday still followed by the construction of a "Solar Cookers" and the teaching of proper recycling, which can be found here in Australia rather rare. So Monday should the children try meat-free lunch boxes to bring, and Wednesdays you care to use as much recyclable material as possible, apart from the lunch box actually runs through the whole day.
Construction of Solar Cookers for me was as environmentally-conscious engineers very interesting. Even if the materials were kept relatively simple, could be vermittlet the kids how effective solar power can be actually when you try to use them. were allowed to shoot with an empty pizza box, aluminum and plastic foil, black paper, tape and a piece of the kids from the Lighthouse Room test their technical skills. Since in many parts of Australia's reliance on the sun, the cooker could be the next day and then tried before what many turn out to enthusiasm.
was the weekend, after a long dry spell, once again the focus is on football, because on Saturday I had a little training deficit despite my first game for over 7 months. Surprisingly, I was announced on Thursday after the training that I managed to jump directly to the first team, what I'm obviously very happy. But before the late lunch was at 35C ° on the lawn, I had to buy previously ne white trousers and red neck. So I got my first 90-minutes for the "Reds" was delivered more or less successful. These are my demands on myself, which can be rather modest, the current conclusion and not the opinion of the team mates who were very satisfied. Sports journalist is still not on my forehead:)

2. Team
After game there was still a plate of pasta for all players and of course some Bierle. That evening, it remained for many not only for a few beers, because for some of the team, including me, we went to a birthday party. From there on in the Breakers club, which is usually more of a pub and then last stop was the Vibe, one of two nightclubs in Geraldton, of which I am, where my memories will last back and got passed in the early morning hours.
we now skip the hung-over Sunday and we will continue with the Monday:) Yes, on Monday I have tested the gym, of which I get a gift from Renee, visitors have a card. On this day, I am but rather approached the dumbbells and weights and cardiovascular equipment the less, as my legs from the game and the overloading of the past weeks were very difficult still.
the rest of the previous week, I find my time at school or spent on planning my vacations. Although I do a little traveling in the north, but can travel with $ 100 pocket money a month to finance relatively poor, so I make the trip thus rather depends on whether I am in the weeks to get a cash job or just what my family makes.
Since we are then again at the end of my Weekly Review arrived. On the next you can look but you really, because apart from the School-Camp, which takes place tomorrow, I take my family on a trip with exciting. From Friday to Monday with the fact we are sailing on the open sea and sail out to the so-Abrolhos Islands, which lie about 70 km from the coast. Your so you can look forward to an exciting report and interesting pictures!
The readership of my town I wish conclude with a fun carnival!
Although not want to listen to hers, but that I would now like:) Greetings Dani

Butalbital/apap/caff Tb Tev

OP-A taste

On Tuesday I had
the opportunity to attend a hysterectomy (removal of the uterus). Kwami, mentoring of volunteers in Agou, had invited me to his job at the hospital in Bethesda Agou-Nyogbo (main setting of the book "Fufu is not a food of the gods" by Dieter Jacobi). He works as an anesthetist. The invitation I am only too happy followed, as it has always interested me, is operated as here.

By and large, it is like here. There are a patient, an anesthesiologist with a helper, a helper or two surgeons and a knight. The devices are less modern and plentiful, but it has everything work.

operating room
The difference is that patients who are running in the operating room, it does not necessarily clean everything from windows and doors are made of wood, there is less disposable products, particularly as medical and surgical gowns - Shawls terms. Most patients who undergo surgery on the lower body get a Peridualanästhesie, an anesthetic into the spine, that is, they are awake throughout the surgery. In our patient is told as the uterus, which was full of fibroids removed. It took almost three hours. I know not sure I would have coped with that. Even a difference. Patients are not treated with kid gloves here so as with us. Since it is often quite ugly. "Stand up but not like that!", "This could be much worse." The patient must pay yourself any drug, too. If he can not afford pain medication, you have to make way it is. Teeth and bite.
Throughout his may sound in such a way as if many patients screaming and whining in hospital. Is not so! You care for everyone. The trouble is that many come quite late, if they have really badly. They often tried first with herbs, Tea, medicine men. This may in some cases certainly help, but sometimes you can just give the medicine only relief.
Let's go back to the patient. If she wants to bury her uterus, she may take home. Another difference.

Rami (volunteer),
Yannick (nurse anesthetist) and I total
me, the day in the operating room fallen very good, it was really interesting and the whole team was really nice and open. If I get permission, I will every Tuesday (Tuesday and Thursday are operating days) go to the hospital. The variety is good and you can still learn a lot. At the same time I can spend the rest of the day in Nyogbo village, where there usually a few degrees cooler (or rather not so hot), and especially you can recover from dust and noise in Kpalimé.

Otherwise, time passes rapidly, from Saturday to Sunday, I celebrate my 25th Birthday. There is a big party, the preparations are in full swing. I feel that my host mom is under a lot of power. It must be perfect everything!