Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Calgon Mmmm Marshmallow

mercenaries in Iraq - a private army in Iraq

The strongest Support of the Americans in Iraq is not an army of allies, but the army of private security companies. Therefore these days has taken a message like a bomb: the Iraqi government wants the most important and most militant security firm, Blackwater withdraw the license. The wrath of the government has contracted Blackwater, as some of their agents to kill Iraqi civilians shot and eleven of them. Now investigating the company in the U.S. for illegal arms exports. But without the support of Blackwater and other security companies, the logistics of the Iraq war for Americans is not to preserve more upright. It is a 100 billion dollar business: more and more tasks to private war Companies outsourced. In Iraq alone is estimated - operate 181 private military and security companies, 50000-100000 bodyguards, mercenaries, and service providers of all kind romp between Baghdad and Basra. They operate outside of Iraqi law, appear as Robocops and often stay to no rules. The documentation of the private army of Patrick Forestier is guarded insights into the dangerous life of highly-paid foreign fighters, the oil transportation, embassy employees and businessmen in Iraq and Afghanistan. 800 security men have paid their job so far with his life. The Austrian Bert Nussbaumer, who was working for the US-based Crescent Security is to this day as a hostage in Afghanistan Ver ¬ ¬ the flywheel. The leaders of the U.S. firm Blackwater and the British security company Armor Group provide for the documentation in their headquarters in North Carolina and London, provide information on its global operations with wars and crises, and show her huge training camp. There remains the question of who controls this shadow army.


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