Sunday, February 21, 2010

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The fall of the Maya

scientists have always been puzzled as to why the highly developed culture of the Maya went down. A new study suggests that just the star, which occupied a central place in their religion, they brought the end: the sun.

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The people who had invented the first in the world, the number "zero" were the Maya. In their complicated calculations of the stars and their implementation in a calendar it was apparently necessary. Also "spoken breaks", so for example, were "three quarter" familiar in their mathematics. The culture of the Maya is the most highly developed in the Americas. We have already dealt in some programs with their performance. Read and see more about the subject.

Monday, February 15, 2010

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Beyond the Bermuda Triangle

ships and planes disappear in the nothingness that crash over the ocean and are never found: the notorious Bermuda Triangle in the Atlantic has long been legend. But on the other side of the globe there is an area that regularly encounter in the science and common sense to its limits: Manoumi - the devil's sea in the Pacific Ocean off the southern tip of Japan. The documentary explores the most mysterious cases in the Devil's Sea.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

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all phony? - The supernatural to the test

scientists have a million dollars in prize money announced for anyone who provides evidence of supernatural events. Because of science and humanity, there would be a huge step forward if finally managed to show for telepathy, dowsing technique or psychokinesis. The Society for the Scientific Investigation of Para Sciences (GWUP) leads regularly for testing.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

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Hemp is a plant with many faces

Hemp is a plant with many faces. This is an Arte Document 2007 on the hemp plant, on the latest scientific achievements and the anti-hemp propaganda of the U.S..

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

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The third eye

What seems to be much more, can measure as experiments. And at the very moment when we connected to the inner face to the world of the unseen dip when the access to a deeper perception of the exciting perspective of the "third eye" opens. In history there is always equate with omniscience, enlightenment and wisdom. For depth psychologists, it is the organ of light and awareness. Hindus and Buddhists call it the sixth chakra, the "magic eye", the "Seat of the Soul", combined with the laws of the cosmos. Who is able to open it, they say, can put themselves into a trance and make conscious and unconscious merge. Scientists look at that invisible eye, an energy center at the height of the pituitary gland between the eyebrows. As evidence of his existence in the evolutionary history left by the pineal gland ...

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NDR all bandits - Europe's heads of government among themselves

It is about the mood among European leaders was. Denmark Prime Minister Fogh Rasmussen had exceeded the limits were clear, the Brussels EU Commission, the Danish opposition and Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder agreed.

three months, the director of the Danish Prime Minister Rasmussen during negotiations on the EU enlargement summit accompanied in December 2002. The Danish prime minister was at times an invisible microphone on his lapel, his colleagues knew of the no. The film shows what goes on behind the scenes when the leaders of the EU believe unobserved and negotiate on milk quotas, EU candidate countries and billions-totals.

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K1 high-tech prison facilities for felons

high-security prisons for hardened criminals in the U.S. must meet a clearly defined security standard, which is short "Supermax" is named. So will the American judiciary to ensure that prisoners have no way to escape. The establishment of special prisons for criminals focus extends into the 50s of the 20th Century back. Since then, the operators were always keen to develop the safety technology.

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mercenaries in Iraq - a private army in Iraq

The strongest Support of the Americans in Iraq is not an army of allies, but the army of private security companies. Therefore these days has taken a message like a bomb: the Iraqi government wants the most important and most militant security firm, Blackwater withdraw the license. The wrath of the government has contracted Blackwater, as some of their agents to kill Iraqi civilians shot and eleven of them. Now investigating the company in the U.S. for illegal arms exports. But without the support of Blackwater and other security companies, the logistics of the Iraq war for Americans is not to preserve more upright. It is a 100 billion dollar business: more and more tasks to private war Companies outsourced. In Iraq alone is estimated - operate 181 private military and security companies, 50000-100000 bodyguards, mercenaries, and service providers of all kind romp between Baghdad and Basra. They operate outside of Iraqi law, appear as Robocops and often stay to no rules. The documentation of the private army of Patrick Forestier is guarded insights into the dangerous life of highly-paid foreign fighters, the oil transportation, embassy employees and businessmen in Iraq and Afghanistan. 800 security men have paid their job so far with his life. The Austrian Bert Nussbaumer, who was working for the US-based Crescent Security is to this day as a hostage in Afghanistan Ver ¬ ¬ the flywheel. The leaders of the U.S. firm Blackwater and the British security company Armor Group provide for the documentation in their headquarters in North Carolina and London, provide information on its global operations with wars and crises, and show her huge training camp. There remains the question of who controls this shadow army.

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telepathy and thought transference

Is telepathy the military weapon of the future? Secret of the Soviet Union and the United States has for years researched because phenomena such as telepathy and extrasensory perception to military used to make. The documentary focuses on mysterious phenomena such as ghosts and telepathy, for which there is apparently no scientific explanation.

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teenagers violent offenders in Germany

The images are impressive and they touch innermost fears: There is attacked an elderly man in the Munich subway by two youths from behind, they tear him to the ground, beat him up, they enter with their shoes against his head like a football against, they insult them as "shit-German."

The reason: The retired School principal had asked them not to smoke in the subway. Anyone who has seen this scene captured by video cameras on TV will, in a first movement only one thing: That these two men atone for their actions. A second impulse is often: Can we offender, a Turk grew up here and a Greek, not get rid of?

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America's crusades - Afghanistan minefield

"Osama bin Laden is out there. And he is just as dangerous today as it was five years ago, "growls the Special Agent of the FBI, we will call Kevin. The specialist for terror alerts in a hostile OE is the Bravo Team U.S. Army, with which we are in the mountains of Afghanistan's central province of Zabul on the road.

"Our" unit is part of a trap. Alpha team behind the next mountain range bombed a training camp of the Taliban. Bravo now scours the surrounding villages and is looking fighters of the Taliban, hoping there on the refuge.

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U.S. soldiers in the fight against the Taliban

warlords, drug lords, Taliban, impassable mountains and deserts - in Afghanistan struggles to the international community, led by the United States with tens of thousands of troops, reconstruction workers and billions of dollars, to move the country toward democracy. But the soldiers are fighting more and more around their personal lives.