Friday, March 26, 2010

Instant Noodles Upset Stomach

September 11 chaos in the sky all about

George W Bush has 11 letters.

first New York is the 11th state
second The first plane crashing against the Twin Towers was the third
flight number 11
This flight was carrying 92 passengers. 9 +2 = 11
4th Flight 77 which also hit Twin Towers, was carrying 65 passengers 6 +5 = 11

5th This tragedy took place on 11 September. Or, as it is today
mentioned one, 9 / 11. 9 +1 +1 = 11
6th. The date corresponds to the telephone number of the American
911th Rescue 9 +1 +1 = 11
7th Overall, the number of victims was abducted in the 254th aircraft

2 +5 +4 = 11
8th September 11 is the 254th Day in the calendar. Again 2 +5 +4 = 11 The bomb attack in Madrid took place on 3.11.2004. 3 +1 +1 +2 +4 = 11. This tragedy took place exactly 911 days after the attack on the WTC instead.
re 911, re 9 / 11, back 9 +1 +1 = 11 Now it is

but scary:
Open a Word document and do this: Type in capitals Q33
NY (that's the number of the flight, the first
in the twin storms struck), mark Q33 NY, change the font size
to 48, change the font to Wingdings!

Thursday, March 25, 2010

How To Clear Impacted Bowels On A Guinea Pig

E10 robot

fascinate and frighten flashes at the same time: Temperatures of up to 30,000 degrees, millions of volts and a current of tens of thousands of amperes. Incredible values. Inconceivable that a human body can withstand such Strömstärken. But nine out of ten people who are struck by lightning survive the impact

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Best Thing For Hemroids

Biography - Christian Bale

Christian Charlese Phillipo Balec were amo 30th Januarw 1974s ina Haverfordwest, Wales e, e UK geboren.o Seinee Kindheito spent but durchtrainiertew Schauspielerw inw Oxfordshirea undo Dorset (England), s Portugalc undo dena USA.o Christiana hato bargain älterea sisters: a Sharon, o Erin undo Louise.o Seinc Vatera David arbeitetew ALSC pilot, his mother Jenny WARC dancer e ande also appeared on Zirkusc ims.

Seita 10th Dems Lebensjahrc see Christiana Bale schonw Schauspieler.e Zunächsto wara Bale inw demn Filma Mostly, this Russian princess Anastasia "a ALSW Alexeio ima Fernsehenn zuo. Nacho weitereno TV appearances folgtew 1987e his screen debut in "Mio My Mio", s einemw Fantasy Film, e welcherc is allerdingse could not say.